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Admiral Daala - Good? Bad? Indifferent?
Posted: 2002-07-15 05:17pm
by RadiO
I find Daala to be an enigma. Is she a basically sound military commander with the most consistently poor luck ever known, or a muddling incompetent without the brains or ability to knock herself out, let alone the enemy? A stern, predjudiced but basically honourable Imperial officer of the Old School, or a psychotic mad dog out to kill and main regardless of ethics or logistics? Or does she just annoy you intensely?
Posted: 2002-07-15 05:29pm
by 2000AD
She would be a mlitary genius IFher tactics weren't out dated. She'd been in seclusion from the entire galaxy for about 11 years (ANH to KJA's Jedi Academy trilogy). She didn't know that all her cutting edge tactics had been made into complete hash. This is clearly shown in the trilogy and could be seen as unlucky, but it salso highlights her inability to adapt and create new tactics.
Posted: 2002-07-15 05:36pm
by Darth Yoshi
She's depicted in both the trilogy and in Darksaber to care for the well-being of her troops, and for the Empire. That's why she killed off the warlords(I'd always wondered who killed them

). And she was smart enough to withdraw when beaten.
Posted: 2002-07-15 05:44pm
by His Divine Shadow
Killing the warlords was the best thing she ever did.
Still she was a rather "flat" character, as in the antitesis of a deep character thats been thouroughly thought out, atleast what I read of novels with Daala in them, KJA's writing was at fault there though.
Posted: 2002-07-15 05:51pm
by Mr Bean
Yep KHJ and Charater Devolpment go togther like,,, Shampo and baking Soda! :\
Hey if that did not get my point across nothing will
She could have been a half-way decent charater if not fallen victum to the Ozzie Condition(Poor dumb Evil Commander/Bit player)
Posted: 2002-07-15 05:55pm
by David
She would have kicked NR butt if circumstances hadn't screwed her over, that and she was to obcessed with the Jedi.
Posted: 2002-07-15 06:31pm
by StarshipTitanic
Refer to my avatar.
Oh yeah, and Thrawn would somehow survive.

Posted: 2002-07-15 06:33pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Boring, standard evil imperial, poor attempt at thrawn
Posted: 2002-07-15 06:35pm
by Darth Yoshi
Ozzie? Where's that from? Chrono Trigger?
Posted: 2002-07-15 06:56pm
by Wicked Pilot
Daala was another pathetic attempt of a Thrawn clone by an author who's work is of less quality than most fanfiction on the net. This site included.
Posted: 2002-07-15 08:26pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
USAF Ace wrote:Daala was another pathetic attempt of a Thrawn clone by an author who's work is of less quality than most fanfiction on the net. This site included.
Making a KJA novel.
1.Super Weapons. They were in the movies!
2. Imperial "tactical genuis" yep, original
3. Make Imperial EVIL cause they are
4. Make Imperial superforces and superweapons
5. Make Imperials lose somehow cause they always do.
Posted: 2002-07-15 09:10pm
by Needa
I think he mean Ozzel.
Daala isn't all that bad. But she miss a lot of good occasions to be a "good" commander. I think she was better as a diplomat (killing all the imperial lords) and to motivate the remaining Navy. Too bad, she suffered from KJA's curse.
Posted: 2002-07-15 09:59pm
by Mr Bean
Yes I'm seeing that too she was another get the Army into Shape then... ummm errrr. Get it into more Shape?
Like the First Commander of the Army of the Potamic during the America Civil War, Hook was it? I forget but the first two commanders took a finely trained and well equiped Army, and just kinda did nothing with it
Then they gave it to Grant and he kicked arse and took names but to be honset Lees troops where looking forward to the days ration of freshly caught rat by that point.
Posted: 2002-07-16 11:09am
by Smiling Bandit
McClellan. McCLellan made the Army of the Potomac.
And you overestimate the effects on Lee's army. Moreover, Grant and his good friend Sherman essentially caused those bad conditions in the first place.
Posted: 2002-07-16 11:42am
by Mr Bean
Thank you Bandit and I'll give you that, But a finer Southern General I don't think you can find than Lee
Re: Admiral Daala - Good? Bad? Indifferent?
Posted: 2002-07-16 11:51am
by Eleas
"I find Daala to be an enigma. Is she a basically sound military commander with the most consistently poor luck ever known, or a muddling incompetent without the brains or ability to knock herself out, let alone the enemy? A stern, predjudiced but basically honourable Imperial officer of the Old School, or a psychotic mad dog out to kill and main regardless of ethics or logistics? Or does she just annoy you intensely?"
The way she waxed the captured ship in Dark Apprentice was just stupid. Daala apparently prefers drama to working military solutions.
Posted: 2002-07-16 02:51pm
by Master of Ossus
To me, Daala appears to have been an excellent disciplinarian/motivator, but a poor field commander. I think she was kind of like General McClellan from the Civil War--someone who is excellent at preparing their forces, but poor at actually using them. Thus, the Maw was a good assignment for her, despite the fact that she could never rule an Empire.
Posted: 2002-07-16 02:53pm
by Mr Bean
Despite the fact that she could never rule an Empire
Hmm acutal I have a question about this
Would not a great orginzier, Motivator be a better peace time leader than a great military Taticition?
IE if you could have Thrawn as either Leader of the Empire AND Head of the Navy Or you could keep him as head of the Navy and have Daala in as Leader which would you prefer?
Just a question to think about..
Posted: 2002-07-16 04:56pm
by Eleas
"To me, Daala appears to have been an excellent disciplinarian/motivator, but a poor field commander. I think she was kind of like General McClellan from the Civil War--someone who is excellent at preparing their forces, but poor at actually using them. Thus, the Maw was a good assignment for her, despite the fact that she could never rule an Empire."
Sounds about right, really.
Posted: 2002-07-19 09:55am
by Publius
Fleet Admiral Daala was grotesquely incompetent as a line officer -- thus explaining why she had no commission in the Imperial Navy, and why her career was dead until she became mistress to a grand moff. According to the New Essential Guide to Characters, she only received a de facto commission with the Grand Moff Tarkin's forces in Oversector Outer, which commission was not recognised by the Navy -- and that, only after she was sleeping with him.
It is worth noting that, as a fleet commander, Colonel Cronus, an Army officer and formerly Superior General Delvardus's second-in-command, actually had a better record of success than Admiral Daala.
That she was consistently a threat to the security of the New Republic is indicative more of the military and naval incompetence of the New Republic than of the military and naval prowess of the woman herself. As has been said, she was excellent as a staff officer (particularly in morale and resources requirements), but as a line officer, she should never have been permitted aboard the bridge of a warship.
She's rather the Jar Jar Binks of the Galactic Empire -- only in addition to the latter's amazing ineptitude and stupidity, her luck is the polar opposite of General Binks's.
Posted: 2002-07-19 10:39am
by NecronLord
She Definately shouldn't be an admiral, Commander Daala would be more to her abilities, Or Maybe Luitenant. She lost an SSD to a tie bomber
Posted: 2002-07-19 03:49pm
by Mr Bean
I always said Daala just like General McClellan as Ossus said
She great on guard duity, She has some intresting tatics(Ramming Corscant with an ISD was an intersting Gambit if not likely to succesed) Can build you an Army and Supply it,
I acutal think she should have been a Moff, I mean she has a few good miltary ideas, The problem being Tarkin stole them all and never mentioned he taught them all to Ackbar(Woops) but despite that she had a great Assult Planed, things where working out problem was the Enemy guessed her intentions and the other ISD was not awake enough to avoid the ship
Realy she's not all that bad, for sure if I ever wanted to build another Death-Star, Daala would be the first name on my list, She's GOOD at that sort of thing
Posted: 2002-07-19 06:43pm
by Darth Yoshi
NecronLord wrote:She Definately shouldn't be an admiral, Commander Daala would be more to her abilities, Or Maybe Luitenant. She lost an SSD to a tie bomber
You forget the JEDI LUCK/SKILL FACTOR(TM) which helped Callista.
Posted: 2002-07-19 06:44pm
by Darth Yoshi
Youngling?! I was supposed to be Padawan!!!
Posted: 2002-07-19 09:10pm
by David
Mr Bean wrote:I always said Daala just like General McClellan as Ossus said
She great on guard duity, She has some intresting tatics(Ramming Corscant with an ISD was an intersting Gambit if not likely to succesed) Can build you an Army and Supply it,
I acutal think she should have been a Moff, I mean she has a few good miltary ideas, The problem being Tarkin stole them all and never mentioned he taught them all to Ackbar(Woops) but despite that she had a great Assult Planed, things where working out problem was the Enemy guessed her intentions and the other ISD was not awake enough to avoid the ship
Realy she's not all that bad, for sure if I ever wanted to build another Death-Star, Daala would be the first name on my list, She's GOOD at that sort of thing
I agree, she was a great organizer and planner. But I still think circumstances screwed her every time.