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Jawa juice

Posted: 2003-12-07 11:12pm
by harbringer
In Dex's cantina in AOTC Obi one has Jawa juice. How many Jawa's are sqeezed to make this ;) and would it do instead of egg nog?.

Posted: 2003-12-07 11:22pm
by Joe
This is clearly spam, but I'll try to salvage it.

Tatooine is a relatively obscure desert planet, yet Jawas are apparently well enough known to where a popular Coruscanti beverage can be named after them. Is it possible that they are more widespread than just Tatooine?

Posted: 2003-12-07 11:30pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
I thought it was java juice or something like that... :?

EDIT: Just checked the scene with subs on. It's indeed "jawa juice."

Since Obi-wan is a friend of Dex's, it could be possible that his "usual" might be in the diner's system, and that jawa juice could be a semi-obscure drink (maybe even that Obi-wan told Dex how to make it)...

Posted: 2003-12-07 11:35pm
by Super-Gagme
Isn't it Juri Juice?

Posted: 2003-12-07 11:35pm
by harbringer
oohh it was half serious I just wondered what the hell Jawa juice could be..... and as Jawas are good at salvage etc. I expect the like ugnaughts they are wherever they are needed.

Posted: 2003-12-07 11:37pm
by harbringer
juri juice... still :) I want to know what it is lol. I think details can be intereasting somethimes ... and since someone may know...

Posted: 2003-12-08 12:55am
by Stofsk
Durran Korr wrote:Tatooine is a relatively obscure desert planet, yet Jawas are apparently well enough known to where a popular Coruscanti beverage can be named after them. Is it possible that they are more widespread than just Tatooine?
Well, it seems more than possible. I never thought they were indigenous to Tatooine. What does the official/canon literature say about their origins? Are they prolific? Relatively obscure (Just because Dex had Jawa-juice on his menu doesn't mean other diners/bars etc would have it - though it is strongly in favour of rather than against)? Do they have a home planet?

Reread the Thrawn trilogy, and in it Talon Karde mistakes a cloaked Noghri for a Jawa, suggesting that they're not exactly uncommon or unique to Tatooine.

Posted: 2003-12-08 01:02am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Stofsk wrote:Well, it seems more than possible. I never thought they were indigenous to Tatooine. What does the official/canon literature say about their origins?
Official level materials state that Jawas and Tuskin Raiders are native to Tatooine.
Reread the Thrawn trilogy, and in it Talon Karde mistakes a cloaked Noghri for a Jawa, suggesting that they're not exactly uncommon or unique to Tatooine.
Or that since Karde is a freighter captain/smuggler in the fringe and that Tatooine was a port in the Outer Rim, he might have known of or have been to Tatooine before. Or maybe he's read about the planet at some point in time and saw pictures of them (reading books can tell you a lot about stuff, even obscure things, without you ever having to see them in person).

Remember that knowledge of Tatooine grew during the later years of the Empire and during the New Republic, due to Luke.

Posted: 2003-12-08 01:05am
by Darth Garden Gnome
Jawas certaintly aren't a rare sight in the GFFA:

In the novel The New Rebellion Kueller uses Jawas to repair a trio of Victory-Class Star Destroyers. Besides questioning the ability of Jawas to repair such massive starships using the equipment availible to them on Tatooine (Jawa owned starship docks?), it proves that even a person who is raised on a secluded backwater world like Almania (who spent a brief stint of time on Yavin 4) knows not only of Jawas but also their inherent ability for repairing things--big and small, apparently.

Posted: 2003-12-08 01:16am
by Stofsk
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:
Stofsk wrote:Well, it seems more than possible. I never thought they were indigenous to Tatooine. What does the official/canon literature say about their origins?
Official level materials state that Jawas and Tuskin Raiders are native to Tatooine.
I stand corrected. I just thought the Jawa were interstellar treasure hunters. Or something. :lol:
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:
Stofsk wrote:]Reread the Thrawn trilogy, and in it Talon Karde mistakes a cloaked Noghri for a Jawa, suggesting that they're not exactly uncommon or unique to Tatooine.
Or that since Karde is a freighter captain/smuggler in the fringe and that Tatooine was a port in the Outer Rim, he might have known of or have been to Tatooine before. Or maybe he's read about the planet at some point in time and saw pictures of them (reading books can tell you a lot about stuff, even obscure things, without you ever having to see them in person).

Remember that knowledge of Tatooine grew during the later years of the Empire and during the New Republic, due to Luke.
Point conceded. Still, there's nothing to suggest that Jawa don't get around the galaxy. Or is there? Have Jawa been seen outside of Tatooine? :?

Posted: 2003-12-08 01:19am
by Spanky The Dolphin
It's not impossible that some Jawas have been transplanted off Tatooine over the millennia, so there probably are at least a few dozen million scattered out around the Galaxy.

Posted: 2003-12-08 01:51am
by neoolong
Even if jawas aren't that well known across the universe at the time of AOTC, this is still Dex we're talking about. He's been to obscure places before, as shown by the reason why Obi-Wan went to him in the first place. He's a source for obscure knowledge.

In his younger days Dex could have been to Tatooine and had the drink, and the name could be that it is originally a Jawa drink. And now he's just selling it on Coruscant.

Re: Jawa juice

Posted: 2003-12-08 03:10am
by Rubberanvil
harbringer wrote:How many Jawa's are sqeezed to make this ;)
Jawa Juice could just be fermented Jawa spooge(sp). :angelic:

Re: Jawa juice

Posted: 2003-12-08 03:14am
by neoolong
Rubberanvil wrote:
harbringer wrote:How many Jawa's are sqeezed to make this ;)
Jawa Juice could just be fermented Jawa spooge(sp). :angelic:
History has shown that people are willing to ingest just about anything.

Re: Jawa juice

Posted: 2003-12-08 12:27pm
by LadyTevar
neoolong wrote:
Rubberanvil wrote:
harbringer wrote:How many Jawa's are sqeezed to make this ;)
Jawa Juice could just be fermented Jawa spooge(sp). :angelic:
History has shown that people are willing to ingest just about anything.
Fermented mare's milk, anyone?

Posted: 2003-12-08 12:48pm
by Smiling Bandit
I stand corrected. I just thought the Jawa were interstellar treasure hunters. Or something.
You may well be correct. Its not like they haven't had long enough to to spread. They are clearly meant to be scavengers, and its entirely possible they are genetically-inclined scavengers as well (though God only knows how those genes would work). It'd be in their nature to spread out, so small groups could probably be found all over the galaxy, wherever large amounts of trash can be found.

Re: Jawa juice

Posted: 2003-12-09 01:18am
by GrandMasterTerwynn
harbringer wrote:In Dex's cantina in AOTC Obi one has Jawa juice. How many Jawa's are sqeezed to make this ;) and would it do instead of egg nog?.
Mmmmm, salty, fatty spam.

Posted: 2003-12-09 08:32am
by Gandalf
I figure the most likely solution is that perhaps some travellers stoped by Tatooine, liked Jawa Juice, got the recipe and spread it around.

Posted: 2003-12-09 10:28am
by harbringer
Ok :) so we don't know how widespread Jawa's are... (since we all know a good mechanic is hard to find people might have just taken them places too. Do you you think they know anything about a '71 ford fairmont?) it could be anything that became a drink.. lol might even be bantha sweat lmao. Maybe I should mail lucasarts or something...

Re: Jawa juice

Posted: 2003-12-09 05:40pm
by Darth Gojira
LadyTevar wrote: Fermented mare's milk, anyone?
Maremilk lite: the drink of champions! :P

Posted: 2003-12-09 06:49pm
by nightmare
Holy hell, something from WEG became canon.

Posted: 2003-12-10 03:50pm
by Lord Pounder
Given that Tatooine was known as a place for smugglers to hang out due to the Hutt's being in control, my guess is that Jawa Juice was a native Tatooine drink that became popular as smuggling became very common due to the Trade Federation/Comerce Guild strangle hold interstellar shipping.

Posted: 2003-12-10 04:29pm
by Lagmonster
Not that it matters a hell of a lot, but Knights of the Old Republic plot suggests that Jawas are Tatooine natives, but that the sand people were there far earlier.