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Star wars toys.

Posted: 2003-12-12 01:02am
by Laird
Whos got em? What do you have?

I got an original luke(White.),X-wing.(Had tonnes of the original runs all thrown out.)

Got some Ep I stuff,Action fleet At-te and Republic gunship and a Clonetrooper captian.

So what about you?

Posted: 2003-12-12 01:16am
by Kintaro
I have quite a few, but none are the originals (I think my uncle has all of the originals). I have an AT-AT, AT-ST, 2 gun ships, all of the TIEs (except that Kay- Bee one), a B-wing (why the hell are they called that?), regular and Anakin's Jedi starfighters, and almost one action figure of every charater.

Posted: 2003-12-12 01:23am
by neoolong
A bunch of the ones from POTJ, POTF2, and Saga. At least one version of all the bounty hunters, the main characters, etc.

Also the latest TRU exclusive landspeeder.

Lego-wise, I have the first two waves of the MINIs, the latest snowspeeder, AT-TE, Republic Gunship, the complete Jabba's Palace, the smaller scene based sets, ie Jedi Encounter, and some others.

I'm saving up for the Lego AT-AT now and planning on getting the new 3 3/4" A-wing with pilot.

Posted: 2003-12-12 01:52am
by Howedar
I have the lego X-wing, Sith Infiltrator, and one or two others. That is all.

Posted: 2003-12-12 04:16am
by Knife
Still have an original Xwing, well ESB era. Got my ANH original MF. Trashed, but still mine. Still have a early eighties ATST too.

Posted: 2003-12-12 05:05am
by KhyronTheBackstabber
I still got my AT-AT, X-Wing, Snow Speeder and other toys from the 80's, I got some of the Action Fleet line, some of the micro machines, light sabers, and that R2-D2 robot that came out last year. I also got a Yoda that you ask a question, and he gives you an answer.

But just the other day I was Christmas shopping, and we decided to go to Goodwill, because you can find some cool stuff sometimes, and it paid off. I headed to the toy area and I found this, for three bucks. :D The little X-wing is there for size comparison.

Posted: 2003-12-12 10:05am
by DPDarkPrimus
I've got a couple dozen or so PotF2 figures, along with an AT-AT and an A-wing.

I've also got about a dozen original SW figures, as well as an originial TIE fighter, X-Wing, Millenium Falcon, and Darth Vader TIE fighter (in horrible condition).

Oh, and the Death Star Playset.

Posted: 2003-12-12 10:27am
by Chardok
I have my old At-AT in storage, as well as my AT ST and a few figures sans weapon (They were donated to my G.I. Joe/COBRA Napalm conflict)

Posted: 2003-12-12 12:05pm
by Master Arachnos
AT-AT, AT-ST, X-wing, Falcon, Speeder Bike and about 50 figures (all at least 20 years old) how sad must I be??


or cool...'from a certain point of view'


Posted: 2003-12-12 12:23pm
by Trytostaydead
I USED to have a LOT of them when I was younger, as well as all the cool GI Joes. But then when we had to move out of the country for a while.. we got rid of them :-\

These days.. the action figures ARE SO F'IN UGLY AND SHODDILY MADE IT MAKES ME MAD! Luke on steroids? Lack of detail. Ugly designs.

Posted: 2003-12-12 01:39pm
by neoolong
What? The scuplts on most of the figures now are pretty good.

The females are still pretty bad though. But overall they are pretty good figures, except for the pose and the sculpt of the figures, ie 300th figure Boba Fett was really good, except it was preposed, so it's play value sucked.

Posted: 2003-12-12 04:11pm
by LadyTevar
All the original ANH, ESB, and RoTJ figures... with Landspeeder, AT-ST, Tauntaun, DeathStar playset, Vader's head Storage Case, and 12in Leia and Fett dolls.

I found the Storage Case.. it's in Mom's basement. Don't know if any figures survived... Lil' Brother used them in experiments with fireworks and practice gernades.

Leia I recall seeing about 8 years ago, naked, with half her hair cut off. I think lil' brother did that, which is why I stopped playing with her. :roll:

Posted: 2003-12-12 06:07pm
by DPDarkPrimus
I haven't had my SW toys out of my closet in a while... after I grew out of playing with toys, I didn't buy them much anymore.

My Death Star playset is still desplayed though, taking up almost an entire half of my bookshelf (#2).