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Why can't Jedi Fly?
Posted: 2003-12-12 06:05pm
by Spartan
I know this sound stupid but.... If they can support masses far larger than their own why can't they propel them self along; after all the Nightsisters could.
Posted: 2003-12-12 06:19pm
by YT300000
Well, Jedi should be able to levitate (push off from the floor).
Posted: 2003-12-12 06:44pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Jedi can levitate and perform Force-assisted leaps. Perhaps flight is awkward to impliment all the time.
Posted: 2003-12-12 06:47pm
by Stravo
Although you have to wonder with Obi Wan's plunge in AOTC why he just didn't stop himself from falling?
In his defense he obviously used the Force to slow his descent enough so he wasn't reduced to a red paste when he struck the speeder.
Posted: 2003-12-12 06:51pm
by Darth Wong
Yoda was hovering on his little cushion in AOTC, so unless the cushion was a carefully disguised repulsorlift platform, he was levitating it and himself. It might also be argued that their superhuman strength is actually a function of telekinetics, so that they are able to jump 40 feet up in a single bound by levitation as much as leg strength.
Posted: 2003-12-12 06:58pm
by Howedar
It seems far more likely to me that that was a repulsorlift platform than something he was sitting on, then levitating. Why would you waste your time with such a thing?
Posted: 2003-12-12 07:11pm
by phongn
I always thought of it as a repulsorlift cushion that Yoda pushed forward.
Posted: 2003-12-12 07:27pm
by Demiurge
IIRC, Dooku hovered a bit in the Clone Wars cartoon.
About the cusion... Are we talking about that small chair he was hovering around on? It had some unknown objects attached to the bottom. I assumed those were repulsorlift devices.
Posted: 2003-12-12 08:19pm
by Super-Gagme
There is a Force Flight in SWD20 and it hasn't really been countered in Canon right? It isn't really like DBZ flight but just levitate although it can go quite high the better you get.
Posted: 2003-12-12 08:33pm
by StarshipTitanic
Luke did it after his fighter was destroyed in The Courtship of Princess Leia.
EDIT: The Hapan prince wonders if that's how his family got the name "Skywalker."
Posted: 2003-12-12 11:16pm
by Death from the Sea
Darth Wong wrote:*SNIP* It might also be argued that their superhuman strength is actually a function of telekinetics, so that they are able to jump 40 feet up in a single bound by levitation as much as leg strength.
that was my general understanding of it. that Jedi do not have superhuman strength, but use the force to multiply their abilities such as jumping long or high distances. After all it would appear tha Yoda used the force to improve his physical abilities in AotC during his duel with Dooku.
After all Luke did not exhibit superhuman abilities until after being trained in the use of the force.
Posted: 2003-12-12 11:18pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Duh, of course Jedi use the Force to increase their strength...

Posted: 2003-12-13 02:03am
by Connor MacLeod
Obi-Wan could accelerate at hundred+ gees as per TPM, and can send multi-ton battle droids flying with a casual wave of his hand. Moreover Yoda can levitate massivley heavy objects with little or no effort, so they shoudl be able to fly. There could be reasons limiting this:
1.) situational - if one is falling, it might be difficult to always "use" the Force, as tapping into it requires a certain degree of submission of will and this can be subject to disruption or distraction (in the case of Geonosis, he was being banged around quite a bit)
2.) endurance/concentration limitations - this could be tiring/difficult to do over long periods. Just because one can levitat a fighter for example,
3.) Belief - even though "Size Matters not" according to Yoda, we do know that disbelief or doubt can influence abilities. IT may be difficult for most Jedi to actually "Believe" they can defy gravity and fly.
4.) The Jedi quite often do not utilize their powers when practical or convenient - "last resort" neccessity seems to dictate more often than not - their rules/creed seem to stress minimal usage of the Force unless absolutely neccessary. This may extend to flight as well.
Posted: 2003-12-13 02:16am
by Crown
I tell you what though, if Jedi
could fly, it would have made the ending of RotJ a lot more interesting ...
"I'm back!" ~ Palpatine

Posted: 2003-12-13 02:16am
by consequences
5. As badly as Lucas has been doing lately, he doesn't want to plumb the depths of crap by seeming to imitate Dragonball Z(Curse you Wachowski Brothers!

Posted: 2003-12-13 06:59am
by Crazedwraith
Connor MacLeod wrote:. Moreover Yoda can levitate massivley heavy objects with little or no effort, so they shoudl be able to fly. .
When?? In AOTC he's certinaly straning with thoose rocks and machinery.
And when dooku dropped the machinery on anakin & obi-wan. In ESB hjes out of breath by doing something as simple as lifting a X-Wing out of a swamp.
Posted: 2003-12-13 07:01am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Dooku could have been pushing the objects he threw at Yoda, you know.
Posted: 2003-12-13 07:03am
by Crazedwraith
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Dooku could have been pushing the objects he threw at Yoda, you know.
Either way its not an example of yoda casually throwing heavy objects around the room is it?
Posted: 2003-12-13 07:10am
by Spanky The Dolphin
No, but him raising the X-wing is.
Posted: 2003-12-13 07:35am
by Crazedwraith
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:No, but him raising the X-wing is.
Which is why of course he was heavily panting? Exhused after he lifted the X-Wing out? The key words i'm objecting to is "Little or no effort"
Posted: 2003-12-13 08:33am
by Stofsk
Crazedwraith wrote:Spanky The Dolphin wrote:No, but him raising the X-wing is.
Which is why of course he was heavily panting? Exhused after he lifted the X-Wing out? The key words i'm objecting to is "Little or no effort"
Uh, when the fuck was he panting? There
was a strain, but he sure as shit wasn't
Posted: 2003-12-13 08:43am
by Crazedwraith
Stofsk wrote:Crazedwraith wrote:Spanky The Dolphin wrote:No, but him raising the X-wing is.
Which is why of course he was heavily panting? Exhused after he lifted the X-Wing out? The key words i'm objecting to is "Little or no effort"
Uh, when the fuck was he panting? There
was a strain, but he sure as shit wasn't
Well its a long time since i've seen Esb but he seems ok when hes doing the actually lifting but after when luke goes " i'd don't beleive it!" Yoda wasn't Yoda breathing heavilily? he goes " why fail".
Meh, maybe not. Like a say its been a years since i actually saw that bit.
My tape of its busted completely.
Posted: 2003-12-13 08:52am
by Stofsk
Crazedwraith wrote:Stofsk wrote:Uh, when the fuck was he panting? There was a strain, but he sure as shit wasn't panting.
Well its a long time since i've seen Esb but he seems ok when hes doing the actually lifting but after when luke goes " i'd don't beleive it!" Yoda wasn't Yoda breathing heavilily? he goes " why fail."
Yoda says it: "
That is why you fail." It's unbroken with panting. During the actual lifting of the X-wing Yoda has his eyes closed and is almost motionless (meaning he's not breathing funny nor is he experiencing a strain in his movement). It is only
after the X-wing is landed that Yoda looks tired, but he's still not panting.
Posted: 2003-12-13 11:20am
by Ghost Rider
Crazedwraith wrote:Stofsk wrote:Crazedwraith wrote:
Which is why of course he was heavily panting? Exhused after he lifted the X-Wing out? The key words i'm objecting to is "Little or no effort"
Uh, when the fuck was he panting? There
was a strain, but he sure as shit wasn't
Well its a long time since i've seen Esb but he seems ok when hes doing the actually lifting but after when luke goes " i'd don't beleive it!" Yoda wasn't Yoda breathing heavilily? he goes " why fail".
Meh, maybe not. Like a say its been a years since i actually saw that bit.
My tape of its busted completely.
He lets out a sigh...that's pretty much it. I can give the idea that may have been because of exertion but I attribute more to seeing a promising student fail at a task then that.
Posted: 2003-12-13 12:28pm
by Solauren
More then likely, flying with the Light side of the Force is more difficult then flying with the Darkside.
After all, the Light Side requires calm and relaxation. Flying would be too damn cool to keep calm and relaxed.
Dark Side, thrives on fear, anger, aggression, like the rush of 'puny insects, tremble before my flying powers!'