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How would you improve a Mon Calamari Star Cruiser?
Posted: 2002-10-07 10:57am
by phongn
In the spirit of "How to improve an ISD," I bring you "How to improve an MCC."
Posted: 2002-10-07 11:06am
by Knife
A WHOOOOOOLE LOT MORE GUNS! Plus some armored doors for those hangars.
Posted: 2002-10-07 11:26am
by Master of Ossus
I would alter the ship's basic design to improve firing angles around the ship, allow for better concentration of fire, and increase fields of fire for the heavy weapons.
Posted: 2002-10-07 12:19pm
by Lex
why not just make it bigger...that would make it easy to improve SF capacity, weapons, ect... and what counts for ISD and MCC: why does nobody build the SHield Generatores inside the ship?
Posted: 2002-10-07 12:37pm
by Failed Glory
Begin by painting it pink. Or rainbow. And the name of the ship. Or maybe flames by the engine's outlet. And a Jolly Roger for effect. Ya, that's a badass ship, mofo.
Remove troop capacity and add fighters to make up for the lack of firepower in comparison with Imperial ships of the line.
Reorganize the "crossover" and redundant technology that is great for maintaining systems while in combat, but makes it a bitch to build and repair. Insert extra armour and weapons in that space made available to make up for loss in reliability (destroy them before they damage you).
Return the "pleasure" back to these converted cruise liners. Like bowling alleys, theaters, and a skating rink.
Posted: 2002-10-07 12:37pm
by spongyblue
heated leather seats.....and satellite radio
Posted: 2002-10-07 01:46pm
by Failed Glory
Those fancy seats weren't even heated? What a fucking rip. All they needed was an IV and a bedpan for continuous living.
Posted: 2002-10-07 04:33pm
by Kuja
since all moncals are slightly different, this'll be a bit tougher than cange an ISD, but I'd go with dropping the troops and adding shields and fighters.
Posted: 2002-10-07 06:02pm
by GrandMasterTerwynn
Lex wrote:why not just make it bigger...that would make it easy to improve SF capacity, weapons, ect... and what counts for ISD and MCC: why does nobody build the SHield Generatores inside the ship?
Ahhhh, common newbie mistake. What some think are shield generation domes are really either sensor or communications domes.
Posted: 2002-10-07 06:32pm
by Guest
Well the rebel philosophy is to build small capital ships rather than huge system dominators.
I'd add stronger shields in the manor of the Mon Remonda,
make the enviromental systems more multi-species friendly,
add more figher bays
more Turbolasers and missile batterys,
get a squardon made up of jedi pilots on every ship, jedi co-ordination
Posted: 2002-10-07 06:34pm
by Soontir C'boath
Plus making it bigger is just going to make the Mon Cal Cruiser called a diff. class.
I would definitly put blast doors at those hanger bays. Especially them being left and right of the ship. Place more weapons.
And the engines to be brought together instead of being spaced out like that.
Posted: 2002-10-07 06:35pm
by Soontir C'boath
Muad'Dib wrote:
get a squardon made up of jedi pilots on every ship, jedi co-ordination
Be realistic like where will that ship get it's own personal Jedi to fly a squadron? lol unless we're talking unrealistic here also rofl.
Posted: 2002-10-07 08:24pm
by Sardaukar
Make it a Star Destroyer LOL!
Posted: 2002-10-07 08:29pm
by HemlockGrey
Siphon off energy from the turbolasers. Ditch most of them, but keep point-defense and light lasers. Increase the shields. Ditch the troops/tractor beams.
Expand the hangers, and increase the operational range of the fighters, and stack them up with heavy weaponry. The cruiser will become a carrier; basic strat will be to deploy at the edge of the system, launch all fighters, send in the other caps, have A-Wings cover the X-wings/B-wings while they make runs to soften up cap ships.
Posted: 2002-10-07 09:09pm
by Raptor 597
Make more bomb bulbs if needed, stronger shields for making close quarter attack a more real reality. Soup up the speed too get range faster, make more turbolaser s deployed in more strategically and tactically placed positions.
Posted: 2002-10-07 09:59pm
by Slartibartfast
I would replace that flickering lightbulb in the engineering section. It is really annoying. And the calamari are always clogging the toilet.
Posted: 2002-10-07 10:07pm
by Pablo Sanchez
Probably a reduction in troop space to make room for more power, to make room for more guns. The MonCals are well armored, but their gun firepower leaves a lot to be desired.
Posted: 2002-10-07 11:10pm
by pellaeons_scion
Improvements to a moncal
Heavier Turbolasers, with better fields of fire forward and aft
Scatterpack concussion missile launchers with EMG tracking capability to deal with pesky TIE's.
Forward mounted heavy Ion cannons ( ie. the planetary ones in ESB), would give the ISD's something to think about
Posted: 2002-10-08 12:57am
by pellaeons_scion
I guess the best way to improve a MonCal, is to give it a specific role and equip it to suit that function. Rather than have it perform averagely in a range of duties, have it be well equipped and functioning for one set purpose.
Just my two creds
Posted: 2002-10-08 03:47pm
by Ender
Heavy Turbolasers
Posted: 2002-10-08 05:07pm
by Howedar
Improved fields of fire for the weapons, and more of them if possible.
Posted: 2002-10-09 10:50am
by Andras
Axial Superlaser, short of that;
a 400m tall wing over the engineering section,
neon lamps running the length of the hull,
Got NOS stickers,
'fart cannon' exhaust nozzles,
a 12 MW amp,
fuzzy dice,
Behold, the Mon Cal Type R!
Posted: 2002-10-09 01:46pm
by Moonshadow
"Axial Superlaser, short of that;
a 400m tall wing over the engineering section,
neon lamps running the length of the hull,
Got NOS stickers,
'fart cannon' exhaust nozzles,
a 12 MW amp,
fuzzy dice,
Behold, the Mon Cal Type R! "
Its a MonCal Rice Rocket!
btw anyone have Photoshop to make a gag pic based on that idea?
Posted: 2002-10-09 08:42pm
by AL
its hard to say how to improve the mon cal cruisers, the offical sw page says that they are powerful ships and then the eu says they were converted liners and saxtons page hints that they may have heavy tl but his data is not conclusive at this time. I would say they can hold their own against an isd, both classes at the time of Endor and newer models may even be superior to isd is some ways. There may be nothing to change.
Posted: 2002-10-10 06:56pm
by Guest
i notice some ppl have metioned heave blast doors in the figher bay, they aleardshave them acording to the X-Wing books, there is a part where Lara Notsilis watiting for her 1st x-wing engagement and it is mentioned that the hangar bay is cold because the bay doors are open