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Which Master would you want to teach the ways of the Force?
Posted: 2003-12-16 07:33pm
by Spartan
Of all the jedi masters in canon and EU, who would you want to instruct you? Why?
Posted: 2003-12-16 08:21pm
by Fat Carlos
I said Mace because he is not only a tremendous Jedi, but he seems like he gets down to business while also having a life, and that's cool.
< Bacta
Posted: 2003-12-16 09:15pm
by Howedar
Yoda. He knows his shit.
Posted: 2003-12-16 10:04pm
by EmperorSolo51
What, No Luke?
Posted: 2003-12-16 10:09pm
by YT300000
Other. The guy in my av (hey, the poll says Master, not Jedi Master).
Posted: 2003-12-16 10:17pm
by Mlenk
Of the choices above, I'd pick Yoda. But otherwise I'd go with TUF era Luke.
Posted: 2003-12-16 10:36pm
by Solauren
Dark Side: Lord Vader.
Light Side: tie between Kyle Katarn and Corran Horn
(or a female master that likes to play with her students
Posted: 2003-12-16 10:39pm
by Crown
Damn man, you split the Obi-Wan vote!
Posted: 2003-12-16 10:44pm
by Tsyroc
I picked Qui-Gon. Mainly because he seems skilled while being more understanding and less uptight many of the others.
Mace might be cool but I think he'd be more difficult to train under than most just because he's so bad-assed, and because he's on the council.
Posted: 2003-12-16 10:47pm
by Durandal
I'd sure like that blue Twi'lek girl to teach me the ways of the Force. You've got to figure that, given the fact that Lucas derived some of the Jedi way from Buddhism, there have got to be Tantric Jedi out there.
Posted: 2003-12-16 11:20pm
by CmdrWilkens
I'm going with Qui-gon. He was both wise (Obi-Wan seemed certain he was all set to be a council member only he kept flouting the rules) and yet adventurous. he combined great knowledge with personality and a humanity that only OT Kenobi seems to have matched since then. Yoda certainly was the greater repository of knowledge and amongst the most insightful but he would be a harsh master to learn under and Qui-gon seems more understanding of the human aspect of life.
Posted: 2003-12-16 11:28pm
by neoolong
Durandal wrote:I'd sure like that blue Twi'lek girl to teach me the ways of the Force. You've got to figure that, given the fact that Lucas derived some of the Jedi way from Buddhism, there have got to be Tantric Jedi out there.
And she does seem to wear very little clothing.
That's got to mean something.
Posted: 2003-12-16 11:48pm
by Connor MacLeod
Corran Horn. The guy is impossible to kill
Posted: 2003-12-17 12:21am
by Stofsk
Durandal wrote:I'd sure like that blue Twi'lek girl to teach me the ways of the Force.
Who is she anyway? One of the guy's here has an avatar of a blue Twi'lek girl with a blue lightsabre, and I assume she's the same who you're referring to. But I know nothing about her.
Durandal wrote:You've got to figure that, given the fact that Lucas derived some of the Jedi way from Buddhism, there have got to be Tantric Jedi out there.
He did? I thought it was more similiar to Taoism. Meh.
Posted: 2003-12-17 12:44am
by DPDarkPrimus
I'd sign up with Windu.
...and a side training with the Twi'lek tantric Jedi, of course.
Posted: 2003-12-17 01:07am
by Durandal
Stofsk wrote:Durandal wrote:I'd sure like that blue Twi'lek girl to teach me the ways of the Force.
Who is she anyway? One of the guy's here has an avatar of a blue Twi'lek girl with a blue lightsabre, and I assume she's the same who you're referring to. But I know nothing about her.
Who cares?
He did? I thought it was more similiar to Taoism. Meh.
Maybe. I don't let facts and logic intrude on my sexual fantasies, however, so the point is moot.
Posted: 2003-12-17 01:21am
by Stofsk
Posted: 2003-12-17 02:29am
by Dorsk 81
Pre Hand of Thrawn that is, so I could makes sure she doesn't end up with that pasty faced farmboy, but a young padawan instead!
Failing that I'd go for Kyp. I have my reasons...
Posted: 2003-12-17 02:35am
by Dorsk 81
FYI, the Twi'lek is called Aayla and it's CrimsionRaine whos got her as an AV.
Posted: 2003-12-17 06:01am
by Vympel
Palpatine of course.
Posted: 2003-12-17 07:43am
by Chardok
I picked PT Obi Wan, Heres why:
1) He had a movie made where he was one of the main characters.
2) He was the cause of the creation of Darth Vader (YEah, I know he Wasn't REALLY, but it WAS his pupil)
3) I like his nonchalant attitude. He teaches by allowing a screw up then gently chiding you, I respond the best to that style. (Course, he doesn't tolerate subsequent screwups, but....)
4) He's a survivor. Only him and his pupil survived the Purge. That says something.
5) Three words: Chicks. Dig. Beards.
Posted: 2003-12-17 08:38am
by Crazy Goji
I go with OT Obi Wan. And in the spirit of doing lists. . .
1. He survived the Purge (as Chardok stated)
2. He willingly had himself killed so he could better help his student.
3. He chopped some guy's arm off in a bar. That's got to account for something.
4. He hung around as a ghost until then Thrawn Trilogy, five years after Endor and about ten after Yavin,
5. Chicks dig old guys with beards.
6. His Krayt Dragon roar kicks ass.
Posted: 2003-12-17 09:48am
by Companion Cube
I''d want Yoda, who could teach me how to fly around like the spastic little death-monkey he is.
Posted: 2003-12-17 09:55am
by Darth Fanboy
his Majesty, Emperor Palpatine. I would be one of the two, and be allowed to use my strength to further my own ideas rather than that of a bunch of brown robed arrogant hermits. Then i'd get to use Mind Tricks and force chokes at will. And i'd get to say:
"There is no pain where strength lies"
Posted: 2003-12-17 12:15pm
by Dooey Jo
I'd want PT Obi-Wan. In some ways, he's like one of my ninjutsu instructors, and in other ways he's like me. And he's also said to be a good swordsman. Yoda could probably teach the most about the ways of the Force, but Obi-Wan would likely focus mainly on the most important aspects and swordfighting.
And what kind of training would this be? Full Jedi training or Yoda's crash-course(tm) ala ESB?
Oh, funny title, BTW. One would think masters allready know the ways of the Force