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If Leia was trained as a Jedi

Posted: 2003-12-25 03:49am
by Sarevok
If Leia received the same training and experience as Luke and fought in a lightsaber duel with him who would win ?

I think it would be a long fight since they have equal skills with the force. Eventualy one will win but victory would probobly be determined by luck.

Re: If Leia was trained as a Jedi

Posted: 2003-12-25 05:10am
by Stofsk
evilcat4000 wrote:If Leia received the same training and experience as Luke and fought in a lightsaber duel with him who would win ?

I think it would be a long fight since they have equal skills with the force. Eventualy one will win but victory would probobly be determined by luck.
You read SW Infinities: ANH didn't you? :wink: :P

A question which is sorta on-topic: does anyone know when the Leia-Luke relation angle was added? Because in ROTJ it seems as though it was tacked on at the last minute (why did Leia become adopted by the Organa family when she could have been trained as a Jedi like Luke? Why didn't Vader detect Leia's affinity with the force when he was busy torturing her? Then again, he didn't seem to realise his son was in front of him in the trench, which leads me to ask when did Vader find out about Luke being his son?).

Re: If Leia was trained as a Jedi

Posted: 2003-12-25 11:12am
by Sharp-kun
Stofsk wrote:which leads me to ask when did Vader find out about Luke being his son?).
Presumably sometime after Yavin. The Rebels would be announcing how thei great hero, Luke Slywalker had destroyed the DS. Vader would hear this and think "Skywalker? Hmm, rings a bell...", putting that together with the fact that the Force was strong in him, as he sensed in the trench, its an obvious answer.

Posted: 2003-12-25 01:58pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Vader felt the Force in the pilot, and a few weeks or months later he captured a Rebel and tortured him and got one name: Luke Skywalker.

From that moment on, Vader knew he'd found his son.

Re: If Leia was trained as a Jedi

Posted: 2003-12-26 01:23am
by Slartibartfast
Stofsk wrote:Why didn't Vader detect Leia's affinity with the force when he was busy torturing her?
I think it's because she was not using the Force. She probably didn't ever use the Force in her entire life, and Luke probably didn't either until that very day he got into the Falcon for the first time (and waving a lightsaber at a floating ball) and later in the trench run.

Even if you're "force-lucky" or whatever it is that you are when you're untrained but still "tap" into the Force subconsciously, you don't give out strong Force signals.

Re: If Leia was trained as a Jedi

Posted: 2003-12-26 09:42am
by PainRack
Stofsk wrote:
evilcat4000 wrote:If Leia received the same training and experience as Luke and fought in a lightsaber duel with him who would win ?

I think it would be a long fight since they have equal skills with the force. Eventualy one will win but victory would probobly be determined by luck.
You read SW Infinities: ANH didn't you? :wink: :P

A question which is sorta on-topic: does anyone know when the Leia-Luke relation angle was added? Because in ROTJ it seems as though it was tacked on at the last minute (why did Leia become adopted by the Organa family when she could have been trained as a Jedi like Luke? Why didn't Vader detect Leia's affinity with the force when he was busy torturing her? Then again, he didn't seem to realise his son was in front of him in the trench, which leads me to ask when did Vader find out about Luke being his son?).
The Luke-Leia relationship was added sometime during the production of The Empire Strike Back.

Prior to that, in ANH, Luke was 18 years old, Leia was 20.

Re: If Leia was trained as a Jedi

Posted: 2003-12-26 12:06pm
by Lord Pounder
Stofsk wrote:Why didn't Vader detect Leia's affinity with the force when he was busy torturing her?
IIRC Vader came out of the torture saying something like "Her resistance to the mind probe is very high" something which i'd always considered to be Leia tapping subconsiously into the Force. Maybe Vader did detect it but paid it no heed because she was about to be executed.

Posted: 2003-12-26 02:24pm
by Solauren
Umm, luke and leia have had a quick duel (non-lethal) and Leia disarmed Luke quite nicely

Posted: 2003-12-26 03:21pm
by Defiant
If Leia was trained as a Jedi, then having cinnamon rolls on the side of your head would be part of the official Jedi uniform. :)

Seriously, the match would probably be a draw.

Posted: 2003-12-29 01:55am
by Shroom Man 777
Luke would win because though they would be equal in force-ness, Luke would have higher normal strength and maybe that would count for something.

Posted: 2003-12-29 04:39am
by Sarevok
Shroom Man 777 wrote:Luke would win because though they would be equal in force-ness, Luke would have higher normal strength and maybe that would count for something.
Did not Yoda said something about size matters not when it comes to the Force ? That would mean even though Luke may be normaly slightly stronger than Leia it would be irrelavant.

Posted: 2003-12-29 05:01am
by Tsyroc
evilcat4000 wrote: Did not Yoda said something about size matters not when it comes to the Force ? That would mean even though Luke may be normaly slightly stronger than Leia it would be irrelavant.
Given the talents that each of them had it seemed more likely that Luke has more natural aptitude towards using the Force for physical things, at least piloting and targeting. Leia, having grown up as she did, might be better at the mental (sheilding thoughts, clairvoyance etc...) than Luke.

Posted: 2003-12-29 05:47am
by Sarevok
Interesting observation. So Luke is better as a warrior while Leia is more suited for politics. That certainly fits with the Star Wars movies.