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How messed up the New EGtV&V is?

Posted: 2003-12-26 08:54am
by Rightous Fist Of Heaven
Got the New Essential Guide to Vechiles & Vessels as a christmas present and when i finished going thru it relatively quickly i was simply shocked at the inaccuracy of it.

For first thing the maximum speed figures are simply idiotic. Clearly the writer didnt take a hint of why Saxton put only max. accel figures to his book but he just had to add those ridicolous numbers. 1000 G's of accel but max speed of 960 kph, what the fuck was the guy smoking? He also does not seem to understand newtonian physics.

Then the Yuuzhan Vong vessels. Clearly the fellow hadnt taken the time to even bother reading thru one or two of the NJO books because when i noticed his explanation of the Coralskipper propulsion system i was on the verge of banging my head to a wall. His explanation of the propulsion completely ignores the purpose of dovin basals while at the same time makes it seem to the reader like the skip's could only move forward when firing! Apparently he doesnt understand that dovin basals act as propulsion for every Vong ship.

Then the page for that one Vong warship. My god the guy claims that it is the greatest warship in use of the Vong, analogous to the Star Destroyers while at the same time he basically ignores the existance of the grand cruisers etcetera. He also claims that the cruiser which he talks about has hundreds of dovin basals, i have a bad memory but the last time i checked the Vong warships had a dozen or so dovin basals at best but they were large ones.

Also one of the many more things that bugged me was the visualization of the YV ships. I recall that Yorik Coral was completely dark and every Vong ship was built out of it. Why on earth are the Vong ships so multiple coloured then on the book? Also what the fuck was the crystal Vong ship at the back of the book? Did the illustrator pop the visualization of that one straight outta his ass?

More comments on the book?

Posted: 2003-12-26 10:56am
by Illuminatus Primus
Piece of garbage with pretty pictures.

The data it did have was copy & paste jobs. Nothing new, and a lot of inaccurate, or outright wrong shit.

Posted: 2003-12-26 11:05am
by Ender
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Piece of garbage with pretty pictures.

The data it did have was copy & paste jobs. Nothing new, and a lot of inaccurate, or outright wrong shit.
I beg to disagree.

The pictures look like crap.

Posted: 2003-12-26 11:09am
by Illuminatus Primus
Ender wrote:
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Piece of garbage with pretty pictures.

The data it did have was copy & paste jobs. Nothing new, and a lot of inaccurate, or outright wrong shit.
I beg to disagree.

The pictures look like crap.

Posted: 2003-12-26 11:52am
by Kuja
You may read my rant on the NEGTVV here.

Posted: 2003-12-26 06:28pm
by Rightous Fist Of Heaven
Oh well the pictures are so,so good and the text is actually somewhat entertaining read where there arent holes the size of a Death Star in it.
But otherwise the text is just a plain insult towards any SW fan who has ever read a single NJO book or likes the franchise overall. The author doesnt fucking care to put facts in it and study to reach those facts but rather he pumps the text full of bullshit and assumes that the reader is stupid enough not to notice that bullshit.

Also Kuja, am i correct to assume you dislike the Yuuzhan Vong? :mrgreen: Personally i found nothing horribly wrong with them and i've been enjoying NJO mostly. But this kind of fuck-ups that the NEGTV&V presents i really dislike.

Re: How messed up the New EGtV&V is?

Posted: 2003-12-28 10:41am
by nightmare
Rightous Fist Of Heaven wrote:For first thing the maximum speed figures are simply idiotic. Clearly the writer didnt take a hint of why Saxton put only max. accel figures to his book but he just had to add those ridicolous numbers. 1000 G's of accel but max speed of 960 kph, what the fuck was the guy smoking? He also does not seem to understand newtonian physics.
Kph usually refers to atmospheric speed which probably means repulsors, and repulsor-driven vehicles are invariably subsonic in top speed. Personally, I interpret this as that repulsordrives can't go supersonic without using a seperate engine system to do it. What vessel is this?

Posted: 2003-12-29 01:53am
by Master of Ossus
The book's text is a piece of crap. It also includes numerous inaccuracies regarding the shielding, propulsive, materials strength, and weapons capabilities of numerous starships. While it MAY be useful as a reference work, the original EGVV is superior, and nothing can replace primary research through the novels.

The most outrageous affront was doubtless the book's claim that three A-wings single-handedly whacked the Executor.

Posted: 2003-12-29 12:45pm
by Techno_Union
I bought htis book the first day it came out and I was dissapointed bigtime. First it has no Death Star, World Devastators, Victory Star Destroyers, and ect. It gives a huge picture where they should have kept the old style tech briefing like the original guide. And it again changed the length of the Executor to now 12.8km instead of the 8km. And most of the pics are screwed up. And worst of all they put in crappy ships that should not be there and they leave out the cool ship and put them in the back with a little summary. And while the battle briefings in the back are nice, they should have put more ships in, the battles are for the other guides. I really hope they do not screw up anymore they do.

Re: How messed up the New EGtV&V is?

Posted: 2003-12-30 04:32am
by Rightous Fist Of Heaven
nightmare wrote:
Rightous Fist Of Heaven wrote:For first thing the maximum speed figures are simply idiotic. Clearly the writer didnt take a hint of why Saxton put only max. accel figures to his book but he just had to add those ridicolous numbers. 1000 G's of accel but max speed of 960 kph, what the fuck was the guy smoking? He also does not seem to understand newtonian physics.
Kph usually refers to atmospheric speed which probably means repulsors, and repulsor-driven vehicles are invariably subsonic in top speed. Personally, I interpret this as that repulsordrives can't go supersonic without using a seperate engine system to do it. What vessel is this?
Hmm, noticed it just now. Apparently the max speed figures for starships mean the max speed in athmosphere :lol: Silly me, but the text is a piece of carbage nevertheless.

MoO: Yeah, and not to mention the general fuck-ups like the drive of the Coralskippers etc.

Re: How messed up the New EGtV&V is?

Posted: 2003-12-30 01:53pm
by YT300000
Rightous Fist Of Heaven wrote:Hmm, noticed it just now. Apparently the max speed figures for starships mean the max speed in athmosphere :lol: Silly me, but the text is a piece of carbage nevertheless.
Which is bullshit anyway. You can easily go full throttle in an atmosphere. Sure, it would fuck up anything you were passing over, but you could do it.

Unless this is just counting repulsors, in which case it may have a tiny bit of merit.

Re: How messed up the New EGtV&V is?

Posted: 2004-01-01 05:42am
by Master of Ossus
YT300000 wrote:
Rightous Fist Of Heaven wrote:Hmm, noticed it just now. Apparently the max speed figures for starships mean the max speed in athmosphere :lol: Silly me, but the text is a piece of carbage nevertheless.
Which is bullshit anyway. You can easily go full throttle in an atmosphere. Sure, it would fuck up anything you were passing over, but you could do it.

Unless this is just counting repulsors, in which case it may have a tiny bit of merit.
To be fair, it's POSSIBLE that the ship is so specifically designed for travelling in vacuum that it would actually suffer problems in the atmosphere, but since almost all of these ships and craft are designed to be able to travel through the atmosphere, and sometimes even to engage in combat within the atmosphere, that doesn't make any sense in the vast majority of these cases.

Re: How messed up the New EGtV&V is?

Posted: 2004-01-01 02:02pm
by YT300000
Master of Ossus wrote:
YT300000 wrote:
Rightous Fist Of Heaven wrote:Hmm, noticed it just now. Apparently the max speed figures for starships mean the max speed in athmosphere :lol: Silly me, but the text is a piece of carbage nevertheless.
Which is bullshit anyway. You can easily go full throttle in an atmosphere. Sure, it would fuck up anything you were passing over, but you could do it.

Unless this is just counting repulsors, in which case it may have a tiny bit of merit.
To be fair, it's POSSIBLE that the ship is so specifically designed for travelling in vacuum that it would actually suffer problems in the atmosphere, but since almost all of these ships and craft are designed to be able to travel through the atmosphere, and sometimes even to engage in combat within the atmosphere, that doesn't make any sense in the vast majority of these cases.
Especially when considering that Dooku's ship left Geonosis in under 10 seconds, which proves that they can go at those speeds in atmospheres.

Posted: 2004-01-01 04:42pm
by The Aliens
They just copied and pasted the old EGtV&V, added a few new bits, made up a bunch of rubbish for the new vessels, and sold it. There's very likely going to be another edition come 2006, after Episode 3 finsihes, which is also going to be full of painful inacurracies. Well, this is the reason that those books aren't canon, which the ICS's are.

Posted: 2004-01-01 10:40pm
by Quadlok
I got the impression when reading it that the author was under some serious time constraints, or he was just an idiot too lazy to do the least bit of research. How else could we explain the mislabelled diagrams, misstated figures, dearth of substance; either historical or technical (most of what was there seemed lifted from previous tech books), and terrible choices regarding what diserved an entry.

And how dare they cram all the many star destroyer classes into a single entry, and give us a single image that looked little like any other portrayal of the vessel, all the while failing to even mention half of those classes known to exist, much less giving any information about them.

And why didn't it occur to them that a fleet destroyer (Imperator) would be faster than an amphibious assault ship (Acclamator) in a sublight run.

And what's with all the video game ships, which seemed to be the only ones that got much attention in their entries.

That said, most of the stuff from ATOC seemed pretty good and many of the quotes were funny.

Posted: 2004-01-02 10:30am
by PainRack
Quadlok wrote: And why didn't it occur to them that a fleet destroyer (Imperator) would be faster than an amphibious assault ship (Acclamator) in a sublight run.
That's the wrong approach. One should be saying, if an Impstar can keep up with the MF, why can't it be faster than an Accalamator