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What do you think happened to the Sith Infiltrator?
Posted: 2003-12-30 03:18am
by JME2
The New Essential Guide to the spacecraft of that GFFA states that Jedi, during the mop-up on Naboo, found and examined Darth Maul's ship, the Scimitar (No, no relation to the Reman warbird). Kuat Drive Yards rallied to examine the vessel, but the craft mysteriously vanished before KDY could do so.
The NEG speculates that Darth Sidious may have retrieved the ship. Or that it could have been Rath Sienar and SES. Ore maybe even the Jedi...
Who do you think took the ship? Was it one of these groups or someone different? Where is it now?
Let the Fanboy debate begin!
Posted: 2003-12-30 04:35am
by Robert Treder
I don't really think it matters much. If KDY did find it, they'd only end up using it to help Darth Sidious, eventually. Ditto for anyboyd else.
If I were to speculate, however, I'd say Palpatine probably got the Republic team recovering the Infiltrator to stash it somewhere out of sight, where Raith Seinar could salvage it.
Posted: 2003-12-30 07:08am
by Lord Pounder
In all likelyness it went back to Sidious in return for the promise of massive military contracts. KDY where a Pro-Imperial company IIRC.
Posted: 2003-12-30 01:13pm
by Wicked Pilot
Maybe it was parked in the DCS that was destroyed.
Posted: 2003-12-30 01:59pm
by YT300000
I think that Sienar salvaged it, and stuck it in his hall of stuff (read Rogue Planet if you don't understand). He designed the thing, so he already had the plans. He improved the design, and used it for his future Twin Ion Engine fighters.
Posted: 2003-12-30 02:31pm
by Sharp-kun
I would say Sidious salvaged it, and it went to Mount Tantiss.
Posted: 2003-12-30 10:19pm
by Lord Poe
I think after Darth Maul regenerated, he took off in his ship to fully heal...
Posted: 2003-12-31 01:23pm
by YT300000
Lord Poe wrote:I think after Darth Maul regenerated, he took off in his ship to fully heal...
... and ran into a strange sperm-shaped ship in another galaxy...