Should there be Time-Travel in Star Wars?

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Should there be Time-Travel in Star Wars?

Post by JME2 »

As we know, Star Wars has through its novels, Video games, comics, and more, benefited from major sci-fi themes from intergalactic invasions to Napoleon in space (Thrawn).

But there is one common sci-fi theme that has not yet shown its face in that GFFA:

Time Travel.

Should future aspects of Star Wars feature time-travel or should it do its best to stay as far away as possible from that GFFA?

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Post by Howedar »

No. And so help me God, if you post one more thread in this forum in the next few hours I'm going to gut you like a fish.
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Post by Robert Treder »

First of all, no, SW shouldn't have time travel feature as a plot device. Time Travel is only cool when it's the main show, e.g. Terminator, Back to the Future, et cetera. When it's used just as a plot device in an otherwise normal sci-fi series, it's shitsville (see "Star Trek").

Second of all, Star Wars has had time travel. In one article of HolonetNews, a man was found who entered hyperspace hundreds of years earlier, but due to a mechanical malfunction, exited hyperspace in the prequel era, the same age as when he left.
As Saxton details, time-manipulating technologies are necessary for hyperspace to work as we know it.
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Post by Sarevok »

Never. Time Travel would totaly ruin Star Wars.
I have to tell you something everything I wrote above is a lie.
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Post by Stofsk »

Why should there be time travel stories when, almost universally, time travel stories suck? The EU is bad enough - you actually want to make it worse? There are few time travel stories which don't have me rolling my eyes in frustration - Startrek is the king of offenders, but even Babylon 5 made the mistake of using it and in an arc-related way (good for JMS for limiting it to 3 episodes, but timetravel is still *blargh*).
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Post by The Kernel »

Don't let KJA see this thread. We don't want to give him any ideas.
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Post by Lord Pounder »

In fact could a mod delete this thread? KJA has enough bad ideas without us feeding him ideas.
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Post by Stofsk »

I think KJA is currently too busy desecrating the Dune universe, not to mention writing his own saga, to bother with Star Wars ideas. I think we can relax (assuming you're not a Dune fan).
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Post by HRogge »


Most science fiction episodes with timetravel are horrible... Star Treks timetravel episodes are good examples.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Seriously No.

Unseriously: Only if they do it like bill/ted. time traveling com-link!!
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Post by Lord Pounder »

Stofsk wrote:I think KJA is currently too busy desecrating the Dune universe, not to mention writing his own saga, to bother with Star Wars ideas. I think we can relax (assuming you're not a Dune fan).
I'm a Dune fan, more so than a warsie. His interpretation of the Butlerian Jihad makes me homocidal. I'm currently reading The Machine Crusade. The hack has blatantly ripped off a TNG Episode, namely the episode with Hugh.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Lord Pounder wrote:
Stofsk wrote:I think KJA is currently too busy desecrating the Dune universe, not to mention writing his own saga, to bother with Star Wars ideas. I think we can relax (assuming you're not a Dune fan).
I'm a Dune fan, more so than a warsie. His interpretation of the Butlerian Jihad makes me homocidal. I'm currently reading The Machine Crusade. The hack has blatantly ripped off a TNG Episode, namely the episode with Hugh.
To answer the OP...are you high?

Time Travel usually sucks even when the main series is about it most of the times, let alone as some piss poor plot developer.

As for Pounder's bit...I'm just sticking with Dune and am amazed you can dredge through that shit to read what they've perverted.

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Post by Lord Pounder »

It's like watching furry porn. You know you should look away, you want to look away, everyone tells you to look away but morbid curriosity gets the better of you.
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Post by Stofsk »

As far as Dune is concerned, I have the prequels - and I regret ever buying them in the first place. It amazes me some people can come along, take something which, by all rights, belongs to someone else, then take one long dump all over it. I felt like I had been personally insulted after reading prequel 2, so much so I haven't even read prequel 3 (although it still graces my bookshelf).

To add insult to injury, he comes out with even more prequels. Goddamn it, KJA is up there with B&B and Jack the Ripper; the same moral fibre runs through his veins.

What does this have to do with Star Wars? The same thing time travel has to do with it: nothing. :wink:
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Post by Luzifer's right hand »

HRogge wrote:NO.

Most science fiction episodes with timetravel are horrible... Star Treks timetravel episodes are good examples.
I Agree.

btw, I bought all Perry Rhodan issues from the Tradom cycle on ebay, I do not like the new style(I miss the old "we use every weapon/stratagem necessary to win" Perry).
And they used Time Travel :(, I did not really like the Time Travel issues in the "Meister der Insel" cycle, why did they to repeat this stuff?
The "Meiser der Insel" were cool villains at last, the Monkeys(I was like WTF ) and the Inquisitors were just silly and boring imo.
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Post by JME2 »

Lord Pounder wrote:In fact could a mod delete this thread? KJA has enough bad ideas without us feeding him ideas.
You know, for once I support such an action. It was silly of me to even post this so everyone, forgive me; I'm as opposed to it as anyone else here, but I simply wanted a 2nd opinion.
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Post by Alyeska »

Force related time travel, maybe. Anything else, its not worth the risk.
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Post by YT300000 »

Alyeska wrote:Force related time travel, maybe. Anything else, its not worth the risk.
Sort of like how Palpatine teleported Luke to Byss?
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Post by Robert Walper »

Howedar wrote:No. And so help me God, if you post one more thread in this forum in the next few hours I'm going to gut you like a fish.
*puts you in bear hug* Whoa! Easy there big guy! Let's not rip him a new one just yet...okay? :P :wink:
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Post by The Nomad »

Robert Treder wrote:Second of all, Star Wars has had time travel. In one article of HolonetNews, a man was found who entered hyperspace hundreds of years earlier, but due to a mechanical malfunction, exited hyperspace in the prequel era, the same age as when he left.
As Saxton details, time-manipulating technologies are necessary for hyperspace to work as we know it.
Well, I don't consider it "true" Time Travel, in the "alter the past" style.

The only kind of time travel I kinda appreciate is the "closed timeloop" ( I'm not sure it's the appropriate expression ), in which the consequences of your future actions in the past already exist in the present ( :shock: ). I don't think it's sound from a sheer "logical" POV ( paradox ? ) but it can potentially give birth to breathcatching plots ( tried to write one, failed miserably :? ).
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Post by Robert Treder »

The Nomad wrote:
Robert Treder wrote:Second of all, Star Wars has had time travel. In one article of HolonetNews, a man was found who entered hyperspace hundreds of years earlier, but due to a mechanical malfunction, exited hyperspace in the prequel era, the same age as when he left.
As Saxton details, time-manipulating technologies are necessary for hyperspace to work as we know it.
Well, I don't consider it "true" Time Travel, in the "alter the past" style.
Yeah, that's because the "alter the past" style sucks ass as a plot device unless it's what the whole saga is based around, as in BttF or the Terminator.
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Post by The Aliens »

There are still plenty of story ideas for SW that haven't been done, and Time Travel (or the Borg, but we won't go into that) is generally the last resort of desperate writers.
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

Time travel? Ugh. That's the worst idea I've ever heard. Why would Star Wars need time travel when there's 25,000+ years of storytelling to go through?
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Post by Montcalm »

No freaking way,time travel is the choice of the unimaginative ass,in a sci-fi franchise. :roll:
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Post by Lord Pounder »

Montcalm wrote:No freaking way,time travel is the choice of the unimaginative ass,in a sci-fi franchise. :roll:
So we can all assume that KJA will incorporate this in his next SW novel.
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