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Set your calanders for Nov 4th.
Posted: 2004-01-03 01:02am
by Laird
[Macho man randy savage.]Oooohhhh yeah![/Macho man randy savage.]
Posted: 2004-01-03 01:05am
by Darth Raptor
Took 'em long enough!

Posted: 2004-01-03 01:09am
by neoolong
Yes. Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas is finally coming out.
Posted: 2004-01-03 02:34am
by JME2
(sigh of relief)
At long last. I mean, after all, this is probably the most anticipated DVD release of all time, am I right?
Posted: 2004-01-03 02:36am
by Macross
Im skeptical.
Ill believe it when I see it.
Posted: 2004-01-03 02:36am
by darthdavid
Posted: 2004-01-03 03:47am
by Cal Wright
I thought they were going to wait until the prequels were said and done. Does this mean we won't have an Über Edition Star Wars? I'm not complaining. I'll have Return of the Jedi so worn out, that the laser will have burnt a ring through the disc, and I'll be able to panel and draw out the entire movie in comic form. Woo. Hmm. Nov 4. Let's see, my girlfriend got me the Indiana Jones DVD set this year...
Posted: 2004-01-03 05:33am
by Peregrin Toker
A question: Are there one film pr. disc, or are all the films on the same disc?
Posted: 2004-01-03 05:52am
by Robert Treder
Peregrin Toker wrote:A question: Are there one film pr. disc, or are all the films on the same disc?
Uh, they'll be released seperately. And probably two discs per film, as with the OT.
Posted: 2004-01-03 05:55am
by Vympel
It'd be nice if they went the Alien Quadrilogy way and put the original, theatrical releases with the SE, now that there's precedent for it. I'm so fucking sick of Greedo firing first, makes me sick to my stomach.
Posted: 2004-01-03 09:41am
by Demiurge
neoolong wrote:Yes. Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas is finally coming out.
I was gonna say that!
Posted: 2004-01-03 04:26pm
by Techno_Union
Hopefull the second discs offer some great footage of filming and the trailers. i really cannot wait.
Posted: 2004-01-03 06:07pm
by Kurgan
LucasFilm: No Star Wars on DVD anytime soon.
LF: No Star Wars DVD's until the prequels are all released.
LF: Okay, so Episode I will come out
LF: Here's AOTC in the same year it came out in theaters!
LF: You're getting the Original Trilogy next year... maybe. But no original editions.
Fans: Super Special Archival Collector's Expanded Editions!
LF: .....
LF: November biatches!!!
The other question is... will we get a boxed set with an extra's disc like Indy?
What kind of extras can we expect? This will THE MOST anticipated DVD release of all time! It better have EVERYTHING!
Hold on to your butts...
Posted: 2004-01-03 08:14pm
by Darth Yoshi
There better be an original version release. I'm not watching Greedo shoot first.
Posted: 2004-01-03 09:33pm
by Gil Hamilton
I hear in this version Greedo not only shoots first but chases Han Solo around the Cantina, firing wildly but not hitting.

Posted: 2004-01-03 10:06pm
by phongn
Hrm. Well, if someone had a DVD-9 burner and access to the LD, they could make a composite with the best of each feature whilst still keeping the quality.
Posted: 2004-01-03 10:24pm
by Vympel
phongn wrote:Hrm. Well, if someone had a DVD-9 burner and access to the LD, they could make a composite with the best of each feature whilst still keeping the quality.
But it's just not the same ....

Posted: 2004-01-03 10:44pm
by Stofsk
If this is true, then I'll be happy having the SW saga on disc. If it's false, then I don't really care - it's not like I'm jumping up and down for the "special" editions, anyway.
Posted: 2004-01-03 11:01pm
by Kurgan
Bootleg dvd's of the "original star wars trilogy in widescreen" (non-SE) are being sold on ebay as we speak....
C'mon Lucas, there's clearly a market for these things, so get in on the action already!
Posted: 2004-01-06 09:35pm
by Vympel
Lucas Confirms DVD Changes to Classics
Tue, Jan 06, 04 02:08:12 AM EST
Rob sends us this interesting note:
A little something I noticed today while browsing in Barnes & Noble today might be of some interest to other Star Wars fans. It's not much, but in Robert J. Emery's The Directors: Take 4, there is a chapter dedicated to George Lucas and his work. In it, George Lucas discusses his revisions to the Classic Trilogy that we are all familiar with in the Special Editions. However, at the end of that section, Lucas mentions that when the Classic Trilogy is released on DVD he will finally be able to release the films in the way he had originally intended.
He doesn't come out and say it directly, but I think it is fairly safe to assume that he intends to make additional changes to the Classic Trilogy. Either way, there are some good things in this book would recommend the series to any interested in filmmaking.
Sure sounds like it to us as well.
Posted: 2004-01-06 09:38pm
by Illuminatus Primus is run by morons. He's repetatively CALLED the SEs the "way he originally intended," so that's almost certainly what he means.
Under a month ago, he answered to a pointed and direct question that it is the SEs that are on DVD, not some Ultimate Edition wankjob.
Quite frankly anything turned out by those cuntheads should be taken with a few solar masses of sodium chloride.
I'll believe it when I see it.
Posted: 2004-01-06 09:41pm
by Stravo
If these discs are not overflowing with extras I will be DISGUSTED. IN my mind, the EE of the LOTR and Alien Quadrilogy set the fucking bar for what DVD special releases should be. GL better not butt fuck his fans.
Posted: 2004-01-06 09:44pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Stravo wrote:If these discs are not overflowing with extras I will be DISGUSTED. IN my mind, the EE of the LOTR and Alien Quadrilogy set the fucking bar for what DVD special releases should be. GL better not butt fuck his fans.
That's odd Strav, he's already lubed me up by not including the Theatrical Edition with the Special Edition.
Posted: 2004-01-06 09:46pm
by Stravo
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Stravo wrote:If these discs are not overflowing with extras I will be DISGUSTED. IN my mind, the EE of the LOTR and Alien Quadrilogy set the fucking bar for what DVD special releases should be. GL better not butt fuck his fans.
That's odd Strav, he's already lubed me up by not including the Theatrical Edition with the Special Edition.
I'm used to that kind of anal rapage from this guy and his "artiitic vision"

Posted: 2004-01-06 09:51pm
by Darth Wong
This is why I refer to the SEs as "historical revisionism", folks. It's not the fact that he made new versions of his films, but the fact that he claims this was his "vision" from the beginning (*coughbullshitcough*) and the fact that he is trying his damndest to pretend the original versions never existed at all.