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All About the Eclipse Star Destroyer
Posted: 2004-01-04 10:50pm
by Techno_Union
My friend and I got into a debate as to where the Eclipse was created. Where was it created and the second one too please? Would the Eclipse be able to ram sn SSD and sill live to talk about it. Which is bigger, SSD or ESD? I love this ship and I just want to know more then what they say in the Essential Guides. This link leads to my site where you can find some cool SW pics and cool pic of the ESD.
Posted: 2004-01-05 12:53am
by Stormbringer
Where was it created and the second one too please?
Deep Core Yards. Possibly a Kaut design.
Would the Eclipse be able to ram sn SSD and sill live to talk about it.
Probably not. An
Executor is close enough in terms of mass and sheilding that a collision is likely to damage both ships. Depending on how they impact they might survive it or they might not.
Which is bigger, SSD or ESD?
Executor is slightly longer but it masses less than the
Posted: 2004-01-05 01:06am
by Anarchist Bunny
For info:
I don't know about the ramming, IIRC an Eclipse was destroyed by it being rammed into the Galatic Gun.
Posted: 2004-01-05 01:18am
by Howedar
Stormbringer wrote:A Executor is slightly longer but it masses less than the Eclipse.
To clarify:
Eclipse certainly masses at least twice as much as an
Executor, and probably more like 3-4 times as much.
Posted: 2004-01-05 01:35am
by Kuja
Techno_Union wrote:My friend and I got into a debate as to where the Eclipse was created. Where was it created and the second one too please?
Both were created by Kuat Drive Yards at Kuat, though the first one had to escape from a Republic assault and was completed at Byss.
Would the Eclipse be able to ram sn SSD and sill live to talk about it.
If we're talking nose-to-nose and at high speed, both ships would most likely recieve extreme damage and would probably both be disabled.
Which is bigger, SSD or ESD?
All the material I've read points to the ESSD being twice as big as an SSD. And if the Executor was 17.8 kilometers long, the Eclipse would likely be close to 34-35 klicks.
Posted: 2004-01-05 01:42am
by Crayz9000
Kuja wrote:All the material I've read points to the ESSD being twice as big as an SSD. And if the Executor was 17.8 kilometers long, the Eclipse would likely be close to 34-35 klicks.
Twice the
mass. Not the length.
Posted: 2004-01-05 02:15am
by Techno_Union
When the Rebel attacked Kuat, what happened? I know the Eclipse got out but how much damage did the Rebels do?
Posted: 2004-01-05 02:35am
by Kuja
Crayz9000 wrote:Twice the mass. Not the length.
Posted: 2004-01-05 02:42pm
by Quadlok
Twice the mass. Not the length.
Yeah, one more misconception that can be chalked up to WEG. Why no one, not WEG, not the authors of the Encyclopedia or EGV&V, thought to scale the Executor, is beyond me. So any quote saying that the Eclipse's 17.5 km length makes it twice as long as the Executor is making use of erronious information that came out of a misunderstanding of what an ILM modelmaker said 20 some odd years ago.
On another note, the Axial Superlaser on the Eclipse is stated to have two thirds the firepower of the Death Star's gun, even though it is said to only have the power to crack a planets crust, which would require many orders of magnitude less power then what the Death Star did to Alderaan.
[Edited due to premature posting]
Posted: 2004-01-05 02:48pm
by Quadlok
Twice the mass. Not the length.
Yeah, one more misconception that can be chalked up to WEG. Why no one, not WEG, not the authors of the Encyclopedia or EGV&V, thought to scale the Executor, is beyond me. So any quote saying that the Eclipse's 17.5 km length makes it twice as long as the Executor is making use of erronious information that came out of a misunderstanding of what an ILM modelmaker said 20 some odd years ago.
On another note, the
Posted: 2004-01-05 03:44pm
by Spartan
On another note, the Axial Superlaser on the Eclipse is stated to have two thirds the firepower of the Death Star's gun, even though it is said to only have the power to crack a planets crust, which would require many orders of magnitude less power then what the Death Star did to Alderaan.
See the Dark Empire Sourcebook p.88. The Axial SL has 2/3 the power of the DS1 SL. It also states that the Axial SL can only crack the crust of a planet
after penetrating the planets sheilds. The DE source book is the first official source to quantify the power of the Eclipse's SL; the latter entries in EGV&W is the result of typically shitty EU research.
Posted: 2004-01-05 04:22pm
by Jim Raynor
Spartan wrote:On another note, the Axial Superlaser on the Eclipse is stated to have two thirds the firepower of the Death Star's gun, even though it is said to only have the power to crack a planets crust, which would require many orders of magnitude less power then what the Death Star did to Alderaan.
See the Dark Empire Sourcebook p.88. The Axial SL has 2/3 the power of the DS1 SL. It also states that the Axial SL can only crack the crust of a planet
after penetrating the planets sheilds. The DE source book is the first official source to quantify the power of the Eclipse's SL; the latter entries in EGV&W is the result of typically shitty EU research.
The DS1's superlaser
also had to penetrate a planetary shield, and was still able to shatter Alderaan. That 2/3 statement is just plain wrong.
Posted: 2004-01-05 04:30pm
by Connor MacLeod
Spartan wrote:On another note, the Axial Superlaser on the Eclipse is stated to have two thirds the firepower of the Death Star's gun, even though it is said to only have the power to crack a planets crust, which would require many orders of magnitude less power then what the Death Star did to Alderaan.
See the Dark Empire Sourcebook p.88. The Axial SL has 2/3 the power of the DS1 SL. It also states that the Axial SL can only crack the crust of a planet
after penetrating the planets sheilds. The DE source book is the first official source to quantify the power of the Eclipse's SL; the latter entries in EGV&W is the result of typically shitty EU research.
It would still be planet-scattering firepower even if 2/3 the firepower of the DS's superlaser. (It would also still be able to punch through planetary shielding - Alderaan's held off the Death Star for only a small fraction of a second...
Posted: 2004-01-05 04:32pm
by CmdrWilkens
Jim Raynor wrote:Spartan wrote:On another note, the Axial Superlaser on the Eclipse is stated to have two thirds the firepower of the Death Star's gun, even though it is said to only have the power to crack a planets crust, which would require many orders of magnitude less power then what the Death Star did to Alderaan.
See the Dark Empire Sourcebook p.88. The Axial SL has 2/3 the power of the DS1 SL. It also states that the Axial SL can only crack the crust of a planet
after penetrating the planets sheilds. The DE source book is the first official source to quantify the power of the Eclipse's SL; the latter entries in EGV&W is the result of typically shitty EU research.
The DS1's superlaser
also had to penetrate a planetary shield, and was still able to shatter Alderaan. That 2/3 statement is just plain wrong.
Unless you're talking about orders of magnitude in which case we could supposse it is 2/3rds of the orders of magntiude less powerful (in other words if the DS1 SL was 1e33J then the ESSD one would be 1e22J)
Posted: 2004-01-05 04:53pm
by Quadlok
Could someone delete that second post of mine (and this one)?
Posted: 2004-01-05 05:16pm
by Tribun
Hell....even the DS Prototype is more powerfull that the Eclipse.
Posted: 2004-01-05 05:56pm
by Ender
There is also a reference to it "searing an entire continent in an instant". So find the surface area of asia and figure out hwo much energy to just BDZ that part.
Posted: 2004-01-05 05:59pm
by The Cleric
And since "instant" is relative, you can scale the specific definition to 2/3rd's power output of the DSI.
Posted: 2004-01-05 06:13pm
by Tribun
And think about that:
If the Eclipse superlaser is truely 2/3 the power of the DS1, whey the heck have they even built the DS? They could have simply built the Eclipse without the DS, since it would do the job as well.
Therefore the 2/3 figure is bullshit and wrong.
Posted: 2004-01-05 08:39pm
by Techno_Union
When the Eclipse fires its superlaser and it hits a planet(no shields on planet), what are going to be the affects? Will it be a huge crack, entire contenent destroyed, or all life is destroyed but the planet is still there? Also in the story Conquest on this site, it says the Eclipse fired its superlaser and destroyed the Moon(large pieces of the Moon were still there), would this be possible?
Posted: 2004-01-05 08:47pm
by Darth Raptor
The only instance of an Eclipse using its superlaser (that I can think of) is when it destroyed the "Pinnacle Moon". If I'm not mistaken, that was the moon of a gas giant, and would have been almost as large as an Earth-size planet. The blast cracked the surface and destabilized the core, rendering the moon unihabitable. The Moon is much smaller and the blast would have been sufficient to disintegrate it. Again, that superlaser can't be 2/3rds as powerful as the Death Star's. If the Death Star can vaporize an unshielded Earth-size planet, 2/3rds of that would have had a similar effect on the Moon. In Conquest it was blasted into large shards. Part of the Empire's plan to get the Federation to surrender Earth was the threat posed by the Moon's leftovers.
Posted: 2004-01-05 08:50pm
by Illuminatus Primus
The Eclipse did not destroy Da Soocha V. The Galaxy Gun did with one of her intelligent hyperspace projectiles.
Conquest is irrelevent and cannot be used as evidence. Its fanfiction.
Posted: 2004-01-05 08:52pm
by Darth Raptor
Illuminatus Primus wrote:The Eclipse did not destroy Da Soocha V. The Galaxy Gun did with one of her intelligent hyperspace projectiles.

My mistake, I had no idea. When was an
Eclipse superlaser used then? Ship to ship combat? Was it ever used on a planetoid?
Posted: 2004-01-05 09:07pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Its never been observed used, ever.
Posted: 2004-01-05 10:22pm
by Techno_Union
Conquest is irrelevent and cannot be used as evidence. Its fanfiction.
I was not trying to use it as evidence, I was simply asking if the Eclipse would be able to do that.