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Very odd request for those with die cast minis/ship toys

Posted: 2004-01-05 12:47pm
by Ender
In my efforts to get a better idea of all the things star wars for analysis, I have come up with a new way to get a difficult detail. One of the things that is a pain in the ass is estimating an accurate volume for ships because they are all kinds of different shapes. At best you can get a rough guess, and that only if you are lucky enough to get all 3 dimensions.

However, after reading up on how they estimate the mass of dinosaurs, I have an idea: Displacement volume.

So if anyone would be willing to take those die casts taht they sold in those book packs (I remember one from the JAT, Truce at Bakura, and Heir to the Empire), measure them and measure displacement in water, I would be grateful

Posted: 2004-01-05 09:06pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Holy shit. That's brilliant. Come up with a three-dimensions and volume ratio, and scale it up to real size.

Posted: 2004-01-06 02:04am
by Robert Treder
You're a regular Archimedes, ain't you?

I have some toys; lemme see if I can dig 'em out.