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Episode 3 Asgard easter egg (slight opening scene spoiler)

Posted: 2004-01-13 05:55pm
by Shinova
The company doing the VFX for the opening battle scene is the same one that made the Beliskner in Stargate SG1.

Therefore, I hear, if you look closely in the opening pan shot, you can see the Asgard ship far off in the distance, then in the closing pan shot of the battle you see the same Asgard ship speed off and disappear into hyperspace.

Nice easter egg, I'd say. :mrgreen:

Posted: 2004-01-14 01:29am
by Shinova
No comment? :P

Posted: 2004-01-14 01:38am
by Rogue 9
Not entirely sure what the Beliskner is, since I've never seen Stargate, so I won't recognize the Easter egg for what it is. :P That's why I didn't comment. But it is mildly interesting.

Posted: 2004-01-14 04:11am
by Vympel
Screenshot please (of the ship).

Posted: 2004-01-14 05:22am
by Shinova
So hard to find shots of them. Here's two I could find:



Basically it looks like a grey hammerhead with those two vertical fin things.

Anyway, if you want look for it when episode 3 hits theaters. :wink:

Posted: 2004-01-14 05:53am
by Sarevok
Umm the screeshots dont work.

Posted: 2004-01-14 07:36am
by NecronLord
Just out of curiosity, what's the source for this. And I'll keep my eyes peeled for it. And you seemed to infer that there'd be a large opening space battle to Ep III. This I like. Also, which hyperspace would it dissapear into?

Posted: 2004-01-14 08:36am
by Wild Karrde
two questions.

1.Doesn't ILM do all the VFX for SW? If so why is another company doing VFX? (not that I care as long as it's good.) :wink:

2.Yes or no, will a wide variety of capships be used for the battle? (Please don't go into detail, I'm trying real hard to stay spoiler free and not to take a peak into the EP.III spoiler thread.) :oops: :P

Posted: 2004-01-14 10:04am
by Burak Gazan
1. Yes -- ILM does, and as far as the info from Hyperspace indicate, IS doing the SFX exclusively; security is big on any SW film, why would they risk leaks with another company?? :wink:

2. Not wanting to bust your spoiler free zone :) but the shots as described sound like one of the CIS's ships in the opening battle where a major scene is set.

Not having seen SG-1, I have no idea, but I think it's highly unlikely this ship is a ship from there :) Also has been referred to as the "great white shark" :D

Posted: 2004-01-14 10:28am
by Vympel
NecronLord wrote:Just out of curiosity, what's the source for this. And I'll keep my eyes peeled for it. And you seemed to infer that there'd be a large opening space battle to Ep III. This I like. Also, which hyperspace would it dissapear into?
That Ep 3 begins with a big space battle has been established by McCallum himself, IIRC. If not him, then someone else important. Either way, it's ON- we've known it for months.

Posted: 2004-01-14 10:38am
by Wild Karrde
Burak Gazan wrote:*Snippity snip snip*
Thanks. 8)

Just one more thing though, "CIS"? do yo mean ICS?

Posted: 2004-01-14 10:46am
by Burak Gazan
CIS == Confederacy of Independant Systems ; the Separatists :wink:

Posted: 2004-01-14 11:15am
by Wild Karrde
Burak Gazan wrote:CIS == Confederacy of Independant Systems ; the Separatists :wink:
D'oh! :oops:

[rant]Oh well I'm just hoping that we get to see brand new, diversified capships for the Republic side so it doesn't end up looking like they only have Acclamators making up their entire Starfleet. (damn EU) :evil: [/rant]

Posted: 2004-01-14 12:54pm
by NecronLord
Vympel wrote: That Ep 3 begins with a big space battle has been established by McCallum himself, IIRC. If not him, then someone else important. Either way, it's ON- we've known it for months.
This would be the first vaguely spoiler thread I've read.

Posted: 2004-01-14 01:27pm
by Rogue 9
The screenshots don't work, and the site they come from is apparently down. Try again?

Posted: 2004-01-14 02:10pm
by Murazor
It must be an Asgard scout vessel preparing the field for the Great Invasion. :twisted: Just wait until the NR gets rid of the Yuuzhan Vong and you will see the power of the Hammer of Thor HAHAHAHA.

Posted: 2004-01-14 02:10pm
by Burak Gazan
** If the shots are of the ship / sketch I think they are, they may have been pulled -- Hyperspace content legalities maybe :wink:

Posted: 2004-01-14 02:29pm
by nightmare
They work fine for me. If I had watched more SG, I might have a comment to add.

Posted: 2004-01-14 04:31pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
A few pictures about the Beliskner can be found from our very own members here

Posted: 2004-01-14 05:18pm
by Lonestar
I still don't see the screenshots. Obviously, Shinova is snowballing us.

Posted: 2004-01-14 05:21pm
by Shinova
Lonestar wrote:I still don't see the screenshots. Obviously, Shinova is snowballing us.
I see the shots perfectly. Or you could just use the link GAT gave.

Posted: 2004-01-14 05:25pm
by Lonestar
I stick to my stubborn remark!

Posted: 2004-01-16 09:27am
by Peregrin Toker
Murazor wrote:It must be an Asgard scout vessel preparing the field for the Great Invasion. :twisted: Just wait until the NR gets rid of the Yuuzhan Vong and you will see the power of the Hammer of Thor HAHAHAHA.
(clip plays)

LAMA SU: You cannot do that! There's only room for one SGA species in this sci-fi 'verse!

Posted: 2004-01-16 04:53pm
by Shinova
I would now like to say that it's very likely nothing but a rumor, but we'll see for sure in 2005. :wink:

EDIT: If it is true, we could all do a flurry of Asgard vs. Empire/Republic/etc debates. :P