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Two questions about "Star by Star"

Posted: 2004-01-21 04:30pm
by TrekWarsie
How many ships did the Yuuzahn Vong use in the conquest of Coruscant? Also, how many ships did the New Republic have in the Coruscant's defense?

Re: Two questions about "Star by Star"

Posted: 2004-01-21 04:34pm
by Crazedwraith
TrekWarsie wrote:How many ships did the Yuuzahn Vong use in the conquest of Coruscant? Also, how many ships did the New Republic have in the Coruscant's defense?
1) fuck loads. Loads a captured refugee ships and a very,very large pure vong fleet. With half a dozen yamosks as well.
2) Quite a few but it pales in comparison to the Vong fleets