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Ban User099 poll

Posted: 2002-07-16 07:13pm
by Howedar
Trolling, total inability to listen and comprehend, lack of common sense.

Posted: 2002-07-16 07:21pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Annoying little fuck, knows that he does it, purposely does it, and is proud of it.

Re: Ban User099 poll

Posted: 2002-07-16 07:22pm
by Eleas
"Trolling, total inability to listen and comprehend, lack of common sense."

Keep him, I say. If anyone were to be banned, it should be assholes who combine arrogance, ignorance and inability to understand when they're beaten. Like DarkStar.

Posted: 2002-07-16 07:46pm
by Mr Bean
Hmm people I'd like banned
No one
User99 is an idiot true

Darkstar is also and idiot and does not know when to give up

Shadow's not an idiot but he has no idea when he's beaten(Ref-Mighty Morphing Bio Ships)

I'll vote no on this one

Posted: 2002-07-16 07:53pm
by SirNitram
Powerful the Ban is. A true Moderator uses it only for defense against the worst of Trolls, or to eliminate a spammer. Never to silence a simple man. Beware the idiot side, for it will try to twist your powers.

Posted: 2002-07-16 08:06pm
by LordChaos

(no, even as moderator, I'm not going to read each and every single post...)

Posted: 2002-07-16 08:12pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I wouldn't say he's much of a troll, especially compared to Sith God. He's just misinformed and a rabid Trekkie. But it's Rabid Trekkies that keep these forums alive. I say let him spout out dumb, unsupported statements.

Posted: 2002-07-16 10:18pm
by Stravo
I have to agree with the no ban. If we banned everyone that disagreed with the SW side then what debates would we have? I am quite entertained by reading the back and forths.


Posted: 2002-07-16 10:41pm
by Master of Ossus
Loser099 should definitely be banned. He is an idiot who continues to attack us with the same arguments over and over again. When he loses, he modifies the situation slightly, refuses to even acknowledge our arguments and evidence, and then starts yet another idiotic thread. He has also taken to insulting us frequently, and starting a series of increasingly stupid attempts to "even the playing field" through ridiculous methods without even realising that the problem the Federation would have in a war is not the size or the tactics used by both sides, but the fact that the best SF technology is ridiculously outclassed by even very old SW ships.

In short:

I find his lack of brains disturbing.

Posted: 2002-07-16 10:44pm
by Master of Ossus
As for examples of his incompetence, read any of the threads he started. I especially like the "Equal Forces" one, and the "STARTLING NEW EVIDENCE," but "Other ST Races vs the Empire" says it all, pretty well, too.

Posted: 2002-07-16 10:57pm
by Cal Wright
Basically this. I've read his posts, and while he's a complete idiot, I don't think we should just ban him. Make him feel like a dip wad yes, ban him no. The only thing, he needs to keep his Pro ST posts on the St vs SW side. Mainly cuz, this is the pure SW side, and if I wanted to be tainted by ST filth, I'd turn on my local UPN or TNN.

Posted: 2002-07-16 11:00pm
by Howedar
Do not construe this thread as my attempt to get him banned. I was wondering the opinions of others on this matter. To me his ignorance and trolling seemed purposeful and malevolant, but (get this) I've been known to make mistakes.

Posted: 2002-07-16 11:30pm
by Kuja
Hmmm.......I don't like the guy/girl too much, but opinions seem pretty divided about him. I think that if someone's getting banned, favor should be pretty much one-sided.

He could become our enemy, but he's just a boy. If he could be turned...he could become a disposable ally.............

Posted: 2002-07-16 11:46pm
by LordChaos
If he's an idiot, then feel free to treat him as such.

but he should NOT be banned just because he's acting like an idiot, or because we disagree with him. Banning should be reserved only for those few who are actively hostile, violate forum rules, or are nothing bup spamming trolls.

Posted: 2002-07-16 11:49pm
by David
Master of Ossus wrote:As for examples of his incompetence, read any of the threads he started. I especially like the "Equal Forces" one, and the "STARTLING NEW EVIDENCE," but "Other ST Races vs the Empire" says it all, pretty well, too.

You don't think people will go back and read or re-read those whole threads do you? Please post specific examples.

Posted: 2002-07-17 02:52am
by Typhonis 1
Keep him .He may be a troll but he is a troll we know

Posted: 2002-07-17 07:30am
by Mr Bean
He may be a troll but he is a troll we know
Err don't we know all Trolls?
By definition a Troll makes loud dumb statments, says things to stire up contraverys and whatnot

Never met a Steath Troll :D

Posted: 2002-07-17 07:42am
by Kazuaki Shimazaki
While I won't vote to spoil everyone's decision, I'll say that as far as Trekkies go, he isn't really that bad. If we started banning everyone like him, I think we won't have anyone left but pro-SW people.

In 18 or so months on ASVS I've seen many people. I slowly came to realize that high-quality pro-ST people seem to be extremely rare things. In fact, I think that is something worth celberating - all those high-quality pro-ST people can be persuaded, and they were, so they either disappeared or switched sides.


Posted: 2002-07-17 07:46am
by Kazuaki Shimazaki
The last was a bit of hyperbole, but not by much. Come to think of it, I will have edited or deleted it if I had a choice - it needed rewording to be more PC, but I suddenly realized that the deletion and edition buttons had been disabled.

Posted: 2002-07-17 09:14am
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
No ban.

Posted: 2002-07-17 10:26am
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
I changed my mind after his new thread. BAN HIM

Posted: 2002-07-17 11:12am
by Stravo
I retract my statement earlier of not banning. His latest thread is not entertaining any more - its just blatant trollism and it is ANNOYING.

Posted: 2002-07-17 12:32pm
by Darth Wong
Well, I don't see a clear mandate to ban him, so I'll leave him for now (unless his trollish behaviour continues to escalate, especially his audacious attempt to troll in the "Science vs Logic" forum).

Personally, I feel that his awe-inspiring stupidity alone is not enough reason to ban him. He is becoming increasingly trollish, but he hasn't quite yet reached "abusive" yet.

Besides, he's so moronic that he's actually kind of funny, in an unintentional, "bringing shame to the entire city of Montreal" sort of way (his strident rant that 200 gigatons would destroy an entire planet was downright hilarious).

no ban

Posted: 2002-07-17 01:43pm
by Bob The Great
Stupid people inevitably make themselves look like dumbasses. Sometimes you just have to get out of the way and let them.

And, I think that banning power should be used very cautiously.

Posted: 2002-07-17 02:50pm
by 2000AD
aaahhhhh... confused.

I really want him banned but some of the arguments on this thread are persuasive.

On the pro-ban side he is a complete and utter dunce, with hardly any origional ideas and his origional ones are laughable, it takes a thread specifically designed to take out one of his sh*t ideas to get that idea away (reference my two torps against an ISD thread) and when you do get that idea a worse one comes up, and finally he's so stupid he didn't even read the f*cking website before posting his sh*t and this would have helped because most of his early arguments were countered on the site.

*pause for breath*

On the anti-ban side his arguments and stupidity are as funny as Wong's hate mail page.

hmmmm... f*ck it. BAN!! BAN THE BITCH!!!!!! BAAAAANNNNNNNN!!!!!