Shipyards of the SW Galaxy

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Shipyards of the SW Galaxy

Post by Techno_Union »

Kuat Drive Yards:
In the time of Dark Empire, was KDY under the Empire's control? If someone can provide me with a timeline of KDY and who was in control of them throughout the EU, that would be great.

A weird question but, how much credits would KDY make in a year, month, week? With all of the ships they build it would most definitely be a very large amount.

Also, Rothana Engineering is a subsidiary of KDY, does this mean that KDY owns them? And, even though the Eclipse was created at Kuat, would it mean that Kuat would still be able to produce on?

How big was Fondor shipyards? Does it mean that since they can build a SSD that they can produce large ships and maybe ISDs?

Fondor, who was in control of it during the EU?

Byss Shipyards:
I was at SW Technical Commentaries and I tried to find out what things were built at Byss' shipyards but I could not find anything, could someone make a list of some of the super weapons and ship built there?

It is my understanding that the Eclipse was finished there, so does this mean that Byss Shipyards could build or at least house an ESD in their yards? And where would you consider the Eclipse built?

Would Byss Shipyards be comparable to KDY?

Rendili StarDrive:
Who was in control of Rendili StarDrive in the EU? Were they still providing for the Empire?

In the pre-Empire era, who would make more money, KDY or Rendili StarDrive?

How big were these shipyards? How much were they involved in the EU and the pre-EU?

Mon Calamari Shipyards:
IF destroyed, how much would this cripple the Rebellion/New Republic? How big are the shipyards compared to Rendili StarDrive or KDY?

Any info on these shipyards would be greatly appreciated.
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Post by Illuminatus Primus »

Sluis Van
Bilbringi (KDY subsidiary?)
Yaga Minor (KDY subsidiary?)
Gyndine (KDY subsidiary?)
Fondor (KDY subsidiary?)
Rothana (KDY subsidiary)
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Post by Mr Bean »

All I can tell you is about Kuat, Kuat at its height was literly a system dedicated to ship-yard construction the four(possibly five conflicting sources or one was broke up for materials) planets of Kuat are dedicated to either construction or support of construction

To protect secruity they have thier own resort world(One of the four(five) planets in the system) were they cater to their workers every need, It contains orbiting construction facilites around every planet (Incudling the resort world) Plus deep-space temporary constructions(Like for SSD's) and parts are produced locacly the only thing draged into the system are raw materials

Its one heck of an operation at its height

As for money? Who knows but it was a heck of an operation

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Post by Lord Pounder »

The Shipyards of the Yevetha where apparently quite extensive. I guess it was an Imperial owned ship yard under the Black Sword Fleets command. A ship yard large enough to turn out multiple ISD's and 3 SSD's.
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Post by Trogdor »

I think Rendili might've been independant shipyards, never under the Empire's control. My old computer game, Rebellion, had an EU encycolpedia (I know, I spelled that really wrong), and I think it said the X-wings were built there.

I could be wrong. I'll go check.

EDIT: Wow, was I wrong. All it said was that the X-wings were designed by the Incom Corporation (Whatever that is).
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Incom was a speeder/starfighter design bureau. They also designed the T-16 skyhopper that Luke had on Tatooine and the T-47 airspeeders the Rebellion used at Hoth. Incom was nationalized by the Empire shortly before Yavin as punishment because they were suspected of helping the Rebellion.

I don't know if they were helping the Alliance before the nationalization or not, but Incom got wind of the Imperial plans beforehand and got a Rebel commando team to help some technicians and the design staff escape with the plans for the X-wing and their two prototypes. They destroyed all other records of the craft.
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Post by Vympel »

Bilbringi was a major shipyard, according to SW: Rebellion.
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Re: Shipyards of the SW Galaxy

Post by nightmare »

That was a lot of questions. Let's see if I can answer some of them..
Techno_Union wrote:Kuat Drive Yards:
In the time of Dark Empire, was KDY under the Empire's control? If someone can provide me with a timeline of KDY and who was in control of them throughout the EU, that would be great.
Undoubtly yes. The NR took control of Kuat later. should have the timeline.
Techno_Union wrote: A weird question but, how much credits would KDY make in a year, month, week? With all of the ships they build it would most definitely be a very large amount.
Who knows? But if we assume they had 10% profit on every ISD, it makes 9.7 trillion credits, not counting all other ships.
Techno_Union wrote:Also, Rothana Engineering is a subsidiary of KDY, does this mean that KDY owns them?
Techno_Union wrote:And, even though the Eclipse was created at Kuat, would it mean that Kuat would still be able to produce on?
Techno_Union wrote:Fondor:How big was Fondor shipyards?
Who knows? Saxton has a picture from the building of the Executor.
Techno_Union wrote:Does it mean that since they can build a SSD that they can produce large ships and maybe ISDs?
Well duh.
Techno_Union wrote:Fondor, who was in control of it during the EU?
Empire, then NR.
Techno_Union wrote:Byss Shipyards:
I was at SW Technical Commentaries and I tried to find out what things were built at Byss' shipyards but I could not find anything, could someone make a list of some of the super weapons and ship built there?
Galaxy Gun. World Devastators 1-8. Shadow Droids. Eclipse, Eclipse II. Probably some of the ships in the iron ring.
Techno_Union wrote:It is my understanding that the Eclipse was finished there, so does this mean that Byss Shipyards could build or at least house an ESD in their yards? And where would you consider the Eclipse built?
Until it blew up. The Eclipse is listed as being built at Byss.
Techno_Union wrote:Would Byss Shipyards be comparable to KDY?
Hell no. It never accomplished as much as KDY. We know that the Sovereigns couldn't have been built there. If they had the capacity at Byss, they would most likely have built it there.
Techno_Union wrote:Rendili StarDrive:
Who was in control of Rendili StarDrive in the EU? Were they still providing for the Empire?
As far as I can tell, they were always independant, and continued to build for the Empire. But they probaby sold to others as well after the fall of the Empire.
Techno_Union wrote: In the pre-Empire era, who would make more money, KDY or Rendili StarDrive?
Hmm. Rendili had a meager existance until they built the Dreadnaught and the Victory, and those come by the dozen. We don't hear much from Kuat until the New Order, although they existed as long as the Republic. Undetermined.
Techno_Union wrote: Bilbringi: How big were these shipyards? How much were they involved in the EU and the pre-EU?
Pretty insignificant compared to the big ones, but crucial after the Fall. Thrawn's biggest problem was getting ships and resources. It was a major plot device in Thrawn's campaign. Before that it was just an imperial depot, one out of millions.
Techno_Union wrote:Mon Calamari Shipyards:
IF destroyed, how much would this cripple the Rebellion/New Republic? How big are the shipyards compared to Rendili StarDrive or KDY?
They were nearly destroyed by the attack of the Reborn Emperor. It took the Mon Calamari a couple decades or so to recover, while the NR had to make do with the "New Class" ships and their silly carrier philosophy. The yards were never big compared to the major ones - the reason why the Mon Cal invented backup shield generators was because they tried to make each ship last as long as possible in battle, since they had limited capacity to build them. Mon Cal cruisers are also described as being difficult to build and requiring a lot of maintenance, since they are unique. Presumably, the MC90 was the first step towards standardization, then they got hit.
Techno_Union wrote:Any info on these shipyards would be greatly appreciated.
I should hope so..
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Re: Shipyards of the SW Galaxy

Post by nightmare »

That was a lot of questions. Let's see if I can answer some of them..
Techno_Union wrote:Kuat Drive Yards: In the time of Dark Empire, was KDY under the Empire's control? If someone can provide me with a timeline of KDY and who was in control of them throughout the EU, that would be great.
Undoubtly yes. The NR took control of Kuat later. should have the timeline.
Techno_Union wrote: A weird question but, how much credits would KDY make in a year, month, week? With all of the ships they build it would most definitely be a very large amount.
Who knows? But if we assume they had 10% profit on every ISD, it makes 9.7 trillion credits, not counting all other ships.
Techno_Union wrote:Also, Rothana Engineering is a subsidiary of KDY, does this mean that KDY owns them?
Techno_Union wrote:And, even though the Eclipse was created at Kuat, would it mean that Kuat would still be able to produce on?
Yes. They were undoubtly behind the construction.
Techno_Union wrote:Fondor:How big was Fondor shipyards?
Who knows? Saxton has a picture from the building of the Executor.
Techno_Union wrote:Does it mean that since they can build a SSD that they can produce large ships and maybe ISDs?
Well duh.
Techno_Union wrote:Fondor, who was in control of it during the EU?
Empire, then NR.
Techno_Union wrote:Byss Shipyards:
I was at SW Technical Commentaries and I tried to find out what things were built at Byss' shipyards but I could not find anything, could someone make a list of some of the super weapons and ship built there?
Galaxy Gun. World Devastators 1-8. Shadow Droids. Eclipse, Eclipse II. Probably some of the ships in the iron ring.
Techno_Union wrote:It is my understanding that the Eclipse was finished there, so does this mean that Byss Shipyards could build or at least house an ESD in their yards? And where would you consider the Eclipse built?
Until it blew up. The Eclipse is listed as being built at Byss. Don't ask me for the source though. It would take ages to find.
Techno_Union wrote:Would Byss Shipyards be comparable to KDY?
Hell no. It never accomplished as much as KDY. We know that the Sovereigns couldn't have been built there. If they had the capacity at Byss, they would most likely have built it there.
Techno_Union wrote:Rendili StarDrive:
Who was in control of Rendili StarDrive in the EU? Were they still providing for the Empire?
As far as I can tell, they were always independant, and continued to build for the Empire. But they probaby sold to others as well after the fall of the Empire.
Techno_Union wrote: In the pre-Empire era, who would make more money, KDY or Rendili StarDrive?
Hmm. Rendili had a meager existance until they built the Dreadnaught and the Victory, and those come by the dozen. We don't hear much from Kuat until the New Order, although they existed as long as the Republic. Undetermined.
Techno_Union wrote: Bilbringi: How big were these shipyards? How much were they involved in the EU and the pre-EU?
Pretty insignificant compared to the big ones, but crucial after the Fall. Thrawn's biggest problem was getting ships and resources. It was a major plot device in Thrawn's campaign. Before that it was just an imperial depot, one out of millions.
Techno_Union wrote:Mon Calamari Shipyards:
IF destroyed, how much would this cripple the Rebellion/New Republic? How big are the shipyards compared to Rendili StarDrive or KDY?
They were nearly destroyed by the attack of the Reborn Emperor. It took the Mon Calamari a couple decades or so to recover, while the NR had to make do with the "New Class" ships and their silly carrier philosophy. The yards were never big compared to the major ones - the reason why the Mon Cal invented backup shield generators was because they tried to make each ship last as long as possible in battle, since they had limited capacity to build them. Mon Cal cruisers are also described as being difficult to build and requiring a lot of maintenance, since they are unique. Presumably, the MC90 was the first step towards standardization, then they got hit.
Techno_Union wrote:Any info on these shipyards would be greatly appreciated.
I should hope so..
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Post by FTeik »

According to the EC Kuat was "liberated" from imperial influence short before TTT.

Fondor seems to be similar to Kuat in size according to the description in James Luceno´s "Agents of Chaos"-Duology.

Rendili is said to be one of the oldest shipbuilding-companies of the galaxy and according to AotC:ICS they have lots of smaller and middle-sized shipyards in the outer rim (enough to be considered a serious competitor to KDY).

IIRC, KDY (together with Lando Calrissian and other shareholders) was partly behind the R.E.C, which was responsible for most of the NewClass-vessels.
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Post by phongn »

Rogue 9 wrote:I don't know if they were helping the Alliance before the nationalization or not, but Incom got wind of the Imperial plans beforehand and got a Rebel commando team to help some technicians and the design staff escape with the plans for the X-wing and their two prototypes. They destroyed all other records of the craft.
IIRC, the defecting design staff later built the E-Wing.
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Post by nightmare »

FTeik wrote:According to the EC Kuat was "liberated" from imperial influence short before TTT.

Fondor seems to be similar to Kuat in size according to the description in James Luceno´s "Agents of Chaos"-Duology.

Rendili is said to be one of the oldest shipbuilding-companies of the galaxy and according to AotC:ICS they have lots of smaller and middle-sized shipyards in the outer rim (enough to be considered a serious competitor to KDY).

IIRC, KDY (together with Lando Calrissian and other shareholders) was partly behind the R.E.C, which was responsible for most of the NewClass-vessels.
That's interesting and explains why Thrawn couldn't get any ships from there, but how do we explain the Eclipse then? Maybe this is a result of TTT coming in at the wrong time in the timeline, before DE?
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Post by FTeik »

No, according to the EC the design-team of the Eclipse managed to escape with the half-completed ship to the deep core when the NR showed up and made clear, that it wasn´t intending to leave soon.
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Post by Illuminatus Primus »

The Sovereigns were constructed at Byss. They were all destroyed when the planet exploded.
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Post by Techno_Union »

Illuminatus Primus wrote:The Sovereigns were constructed at Byss. They were all destroyed when the planet exploded.
Could you please provide refernces to your statement.
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Post by Robert Treder »

Techno_Union wrote:
Illuminatus Primus wrote:The Sovereigns were constructed at Byss. They were all destroyed when the planet exploded.
Could you please provide refernces to your statement.
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Post by nightmare »

Robert Treder wrote:
Techno_Union wrote:
Illuminatus Primus wrote:The Sovereigns were constructed at Byss. They were all destroyed when the planet exploded.
Could you please provide refernces to your statement.
Dark Empire Sourcebook.
I find no such thing in the DESB.
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Post by Illuminatus Primus »

Well consider the Kuat is held by the New Republic, Thrawn, Bilbringi, and Yaga Minor heard nothing about it, and that it isn't known or seen until the DESB.

I believe the Jedi Academy Sourcebook says they were destroyed went Byss went up. Presumably they could've been built elsewhere in the Deep Core, but not knowing of any other extensive yards but at Byss, that seems illogical.
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Post by Techno_Union »

So the Sovereign and Eclipse II were built at Byss while the Eclipse was built at both Byss and Kuat?
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