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Star Wars and Saving Private Ryan..
Posted: 2004-02-02 05:28pm
by Trytostaydead
Now, wouldn't that be fucking sweet? If they made Star Wars Episode III in the manner that Saving Private Ryan was done? At least the action scenes.. make them gritty, full of lound roaring, ripping and splattering sound effects. The crying on the battlefield. Blast bolts sizzling through the air. The stomping of mechanized infantry. A clone trooper looking for his cauterized arm. Jedi's chopping heads off.
Posted: 2004-02-02 05:40pm
by Rogue 9
There would go the PG rating for sure.
Posted: 2004-02-02 05:42pm
by Stofsk
Rogue 9 wrote:There would go the PG rating for sure.
The PG rating is already in danger, from what I understand. Episode 3 will be "dark." What that means is anyone's guess.

Posted: 2004-02-02 06:02pm
by The Kernel
Stofsk wrote:Rogue 9 wrote:There would go the PG rating for sure.
The PG rating is already in danger, from what I understand. Episode 3 will be "dark." What that means is anyone's guess.

I imagine that Episode III will get a PG-13, but it doesn't really matter. Parents pretty much know what to expect from a Star Wars film, so they won't pay the rating much heed. As if they could stop their six year olds from going to see it anyways.
Posted: 2004-02-02 06:04pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
That's kind of style over substance, isn't it?
Posted: 2004-02-02 06:15pm
by Trytostaydead
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:That's kind of style over substance, isn't it?
..and the way Episodes I and II went.. wouldn't that be a huge improvement?

Posted: 2004-02-02 06:18pm
by zombie84
they're filming alternate versions of some of the darker scenes reportedly, so that Lucas has some variation in just how dark and explicit to make it.
Personally i've always wondered how the hell he's going to keep his vow to make it PG; it wouldnt matter if there wasnt a single drop of blood or onscreen death, the storyline and subject matter itself is dark enough to merrit a PG-13; with all the praise of "letting his imagination free" and allowing "unlimited artistic freedom", he's still a slave to the rating system.
Posted: 2004-02-03 04:13am
by Equinox2003
I think that would be quite exiting, to have Ep. 3 made like SPR.
Sure it may get a different rating than the other films, but if the action
makes the film better, I am for it.
With the action taken care of, I would like the drama scenes to be a
bit better than those of Ep. 2. Annakin flirting with Amadala, yes I know
it had to be done, but one can hope that the drama in the next film
will be better.
Re: Star Wars and Saving Private Ryan..
Posted: 2004-02-03 03:57pm
by Howedar
Trytostaydead wrote:Now, wouldn't that be fucking sweet? If they made Star Wars Episode III in the manner that Saving Private Ryan was done? At least the action scenes.. make them gritty, full of lound roaring, ripping and splattering sound effects. The crying on the battlefield. Blast bolts sizzling through the air. The stomping of mechanized infantry. A clone trooper looking for his cauterized arm. Jedi's chopping heads off.
That would suck.
Posted: 2004-02-03 04:48pm
by Oberleutnant
Guys, this is Star Wars, not "Band of Clonetroopers". Desaturated colours, handheld camera work, mutilated soldiers, gritty realism . . . they have no place in a film like this.
Posted: 2004-02-03 04:49pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Besides, these are still primarily family films.
So let's put the penises back in your pants, ne?
Posted: 2004-02-03 06:06pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Besides, these are still primarily family films.
So let's put the penises back in your pants, ne?
Stop being an asshole.
Posted: 2004-02-03 07:39pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Posted: 2004-02-03 07:44pm
by zombie84
hey the title of the series is star WARS after all!

Posted: 2004-02-03 07:56pm
by General Zod
zombie84 wrote:hey the title of the series is star WARS after all!

star wars yes. saving private anakin, no.

Posted: 2004-02-03 08:00pm
by Crazy Goji
I'm going with the "But that's not Star Wars" crowd. While it would be cool to see all of that gore and stuff, it isn't really Star Wars. Star Wars battles are usually fairly sterile. When was the last time you've seen a stormtrooper bleeding profusely or a Rebel soldier missing his head. You haven't. The closest thing to gore we've seen in the films is the bleeding arm on the Cantina floor (even though we now know lightsabres cauterize wounds). Sure, I wouldn't mind seeing a few Troops being tossed around, but I don't want to see blood and guts.
Now, what I do want to see is fast dogfights, starships pounding away on each other, and big explosions. That's Star Wars.
Posted: 2004-02-03 10:44pm
by Robert Treder
While I would love to see some gritty Star Wars movies, it's not going to happen. The "EIII might be PG-13" thing is just a rumor, and an insanely unlikely one at that. If the MPAA slaps PG-13 on it, Lucas will cut out the offending material.
That said, it would totally kick ass if they delved into some non-PG Star Wars films. I want to see a "Band of Brothers"-style series for the various factions, a hardcore Coruscant Police drama, some gritty underworld film noir, etc. etc. etc. Dream a little dream...
Posted: 2004-02-04 01:20am
by Agent Fisher
If you want Band of Brothers style Star Wars
check out my fic Soldiers Bond in fan fiction forum. The second chapter will be up in a day or so.[/url]