Cal Wright wrote:
No they didn't. They ran around like chickens with thier heads cut off.
And clearly you didn't read it then. Command broke down between Bel'Ilbs fleet group and the NR high command. However this does not equate to them not putting up a massive fight. Bel'Ilbs and Wedge were constently engaged with the Vong over the days they advanced on Courscant, Wedge performing a running attack on their rear, Bel'Ilbs sitting at the front and blasting through and into the refugee to get to the Vong. Hell when they finaly reached Courscant after the running battle, Bel'Ilbs simply stoped his ships dead in their path and used them as static battlestations, blasting at everyone as the Vong formation moved past and through him, all but killing his fleet in the effort to stop their momentum. Then the Vong had to blast their way through the orbital weapons stations and minefields, suffer the surface to space turbolaser barrages as they advanced onto the planets surface.
The New Republic did not run around without co-ordination or not put up a terrific fight, they made the Vong pay for every inch of space they took towards Courscant. Go and bloody read the book this time.
Isn't that the part where they actually for once, did a surprise attack? Once the element of surprise was over, the NR went back to the normal position of 'bitch'?
What? No thats the *TOTAL VONG LOSSES* in the attack. 60% of their fleet was destroyed by the New Republic defence and the New Republic was BADLY outnumbered in this battle. The NR was overwhelmed through shear numbers, Vong waves just flung again and again at the defenders until they smashed through. This tactic came back to haunt them later in the NJO, from Destinies Way onward, when it was shown the Vong now lacked anything like the fleet numbers they needed to guard their new space thanks to Lah wasting away so much of their fleet.
Don't drag that bullshit in here. The Falcon (a far superior ship to the Defiant) can cross the galaxy in approx. 12 hours to a day. Say whatever you want, but in Star Wars, the galaxy isn't anything more than a hop jump and a skip away. This isn't the Federation.
Ok wise guy.
1. Nothing in here was said about the Defiant and I don't have a fucking clue why you brought ST into this.
2. The Falcon is not a fleet.
3. Go and fucking READ the NJO books you claim to have read. The NJO is the first real example in SW of massive empire war, two massive factions with massive fleets in an all out war. And its made VERY clear that sending fleets across the Galaxy is a very large undertaking that can take weeks depending on where you start and where you want to go. Ships jump from hyperspace lane to hyperspace lane to get where they want to go. Well charted and scouted out routes. In some cases, the Corellian Trade spine for example, they streach very long distances and on a fast ship (and the Falcon is one of the fastest) you can move massive distances in a matter of hours. In other cases, especialy for large groups of Capital ships, it can and will take days or even weeks. There is ample examples of this in the EU. Such as:
The first NR assault on Courscant from Borialis. The Rebel fleet launched for Courscant and took over a day to reach it, despite being (in terms of galactic distances) extreemly close to each other and the NR having every reason to move as fast as possible.
The Vong attack on Mon Cal from Courscant/Yun'tisar in 'The Unifying Force'. Much is made in this book of trade routes serving as the path between the core and outer rim. Much as a highway, you speed down it, then jump from system to system to reach your target. The Vong for example spead down the Perlemian Trade Route, suffering minefields each time they droped out of hyperspace to reorient for another leg, then jumping to the two logical planets to stage an attack on Mon Cal from, Toong'l and Caluula.
Hyperspace routes are very importaint in Destinys way, when they make traps for the Vong and are able to lure them into apparently 'dead end' systems with only one safe hyperspace route in, though there are several more. THis will also come back in Unifying as the NR uses newly discovered routes into the Courscant system to arrive without warning.
Dark Tide II, Ruin. Borsk Feylea makes the same kind of comments that you have been making about hyperspace. In response, he loads up a holograph of the Galaxy showing just how dynamic hyperspace travel is between worlds. Hence of course the use of navicomputers to work out routes to take.
Of course Zokma Sekot, the living planet is clear proof of this. In the unknown regions, its hyperdrive malfunctions and it gets thrown into the mid rim. But it has to jump around in small jumps until it gets back onto a trade route which can take it to hyperspace.
Or the Falcon in Destinies Way. GOing from Mon CAl to the Imperial Remaint. They took quite a lot of time to cross what isn't THAT far in Galactic terms, having to drop out a lot of the time to chage their course. And of course the Vong didn't help, when they cross the Perlemian Trade Route they ran into a Vong interdictor.
And when Wedge launched his attack on Bilbringi, Pelleaon had an interdictor on picket duty on the main routes into Bilbringii. Given the extreemly small influence and range of the Gravity well projectors, the hyperspace route it was guarding must not be that wide in physical terms if they were planing on pulling all ships out that were on the route. We also have the clear showing of the Vong and Allied ships using specific routes to get in and out. And the fact that they had to conqure certian planets for staging points and to gain hyperspace access to other systems, they couldn't just bypass the systems and make their own route, they HAD to conquer enemy systems to gain a hyperspace route in.
In short, while the Falcon may have gotten halfway across the Galaxy in a day between two planets, it doesn't mean that the Falcon could get to ANY planet in the Galaxy in half a day. It could easily take a VERY long time.
Other books are also clear on this. The one that comes to mind imediatly in Courtship of Princess Leia. The best routes and speeds to Daithmor from Courscant would have taken the Hapien fleet two weeks to get there. Luke used the force to navigate the fleet there and shaved off half the time the best navicomputers could come up with. In fact that navigation issue is gone into with a certian amount of depth in that chapter IIRC.
And I'm quite sure I can find quite a few other examples if you REALY want them.
It's very clear that most writers of EU don't have the true grasp on things. The RotJ novelisation makes it quite clear that a fleet needs nothing more than precision. Time is irrelevant.
No its very clear that YOU don't have a grasp on things. Sullest was chosen as the jump off point for the attack on Endor BECAUSE of the very fact that it was a straight in hyperspace route to Endor. Imperial intel knew this quite well. Remember Vader saying 'What of the reports of the Rebel fleet massing at Sullest' to the Emperor?