D.Turtle wrote:You can fit so many turbolasers, ion cannons, shield generators onto a planet, that this limit wouldn't matter If there is a limit (for whatever reason) it would count for ships too, making sure that they don't have weapons or shields stronger than those on the planet.
You agreed that the superlaser will be a little too much for the planet right below! In the absence of calculations of how much the planet could REALLY withstand (trying to quantify that one should be an interesting trick,) why do you insist only a superlaser would be over that limit?
Ships don't have that firm a limit because they are ... ARTIFICIAL STRUCTURES! Structurally, in SW, that could make them much stronger.
Every time a frigging HTL (Acclamator sized) fires, due to the sheer energy produced, the momentum is equivalent to a good sized asteroid impact. Now scale up to the main guns and the planetary defense guns.
You can try to jut guns all over your planet, but most planets that can AFFORD to do so probably have some other use for the space they are burning.
The shields could be made out of several layeres making them all but invulnerable.
Several layers won't help when the shield generators are literally shoved down, tearing them away from their conduits. Or when the dissipation attempts leaves the planet glowing like a SUN for prolonged periods.
Multiple layered planetary shields? Sure the shields won't interfere with each other?
How do you want to predict as too when the defender's will shoot. You might try it with a constant bombardement and hope for lots of luck. Having several layers of shields would help stop against this. Also, additionally shielding the turbolaser cannons (in addition to the planetary shields) would make this type of attack pretty much useless (IMO).
You could predict it (in theory) with DER readings. There ought to be some shift in the energy distributions within the shield before they could open a hole (perhaps first they thin it out, then the hole appears, like the hole in the ozone layer.)
You actually prep the shoot even before the shield opens.
Since a single hit is fatal or severely damaging to most ships (ion cannons have to get through the shields in order to affaect the target, and a single hit from an ion cannon got through the shields of a Star Destroyer in TESB, so planetary turbolasers also shouldn't have problems getting through shields of Star Destroyer sized ships).
Here's an idea that should make it easier - ECM. Use active jamming to reduce effective targetting range of the planet, so they can't lock onto your ships easily. You can also hear that warble as they shift onto the false targets constantly. Countering ECM is always a losing game at longer ranges, for the shipboard ECM system only has to overpower whatever reflects off the hull after a journey under inverse square law.
The thing is: What if the defender's fleet isn't at the planet and therefore you can't destroy it. Do you simly retreat again? Thats the advantage of having a mobile fleet as the defnder: Your ships are mobile and can strike when and where they wish, while the blockading fleet is bound to the planet.
How big of a defender's fleet are you talking about? If your 'defender's fleet' is almost as big as the Assault Fleet, then you are talking a fleet action rather than a planetary defense.
If there's that big a fleet to talk about, you will LOCATE and DESTROY it before getting on to your Planetary Invasion phase. Nobody said planetary invasions are easy.
If you are talking a standard planetary defense (which maxes out at maybe 2 Star Destroyers,) and I'm coming with say a Sector Group, it should be defeatable even if I'm in a seige orbit.
When I'm not blockading, I'm probably making another shield breaking attempt. Which means an 'objective orbit' (in SW parlance.)