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Impact on crash
Posted: 2004-02-16 09:52am
by wautd
I wonder what the impact would be if and
would crash on a planet (say earth)
Posted: 2004-02-16 10:09am
by Rogue 9
ISD would make a bigass crater and spread more than enough fuel and hypermatter all over the place to wipe out all life on the planet. Super Star Destroyer could conceivably destroy the planet. Death Star would destroy the planet.
Posted: 2004-02-16 10:30am
by wautd
So even the few trekkies who believe ST owns SW in battle can be defeated by kamikaze ISD

Posted: 2004-02-16 11:39am
by Howedar
Drop an ISD onto Earth from stopped in LEO and it isn't going to do much.
Have it fly into Earth at .25c and it's going to be bad.
You need to specify a velocity.
Posted: 2004-02-16 12:52pm
by Rogue 9
wautd wrote:So even the few trekkies who believe ST owns SW in battle can be defeated by kamikaze ISD

Stop acting like Admiral Daala.

Re: Impact on crash
Posted: 2004-02-16 02:17pm
by GrandMasterTerwynn
wautd wrote:I wonder what the impact would be if and
would crash on a planet (say earth)
We'll assume that they're coming in like asteroids.
A) About the same effect as having a one or two mile wide asteroid hitting the Earth, given that an ISD is probably as massive as an asteroid two or three times its length (due to dense hull materials and reactor mass, etc, etc, etc.) This isn't including whatever fuels are onboard at the time of impact.
B) An impact like this will cause at least a K-T level extinction event. It will hit like a ten mile wide asteroid at least, leaving a crater somewhat larger than the one buried under the Yucatan. We are assuming that an SSD is fairly inert, which is consistent with the fact they don't tend to explode like giant bombs when heavily damaged.
C) An impact like this will leave an impact basin which would stretch across the continental United States. Worse, since the Death Star is made of sterner stuff than an asteroid of similar size, a sizeable portion of it will be kicked back up into space to drop debris all over the world, leaving hundred mile wide impact craters all over the place. And that's just if the Death Star was inert, which it is shown not to be (it explodes spectacularly when blown up.) If the Death Star crashed into a planet, it would wipe out all life save for microorganisms living deep in crustal rock.
Posted: 2004-02-17 03:55pm
by wautd
Same question but now this planet got a planetary shield?
(DOES it helps since some1 told me Daala used kamikaze ISD against planets

Posted: 2004-02-17 04:08pm
by HRogge
wautd wrote:Same question but now this planet got a planetary shield?
(DOES it helps since some1 told me Daala used kamikaze ISD against planets

the Shield of an SSD can block multipe ISDs on collision, so the planetary shield should handle even a SSD ( assuming it's NOT firing ). A DS would be too much I think.
Posted: 2004-02-17 04:12pm
by Tribun
wautd wrote:Same question but now this planet got a planetary shield?
(DOES it helps since some1 told me Daala used kamikaze ISD against planets

-An ISD would do nothing. Three ISD's crashed into the Executor with full force, and the ship didn't even got a burned paintjob.
-An SSD wouldn't do anything too. It is too small compared to the shield of a planet, to break through it.
-An DS, that is really tricky. Lets see:
*DS I is 160 km in diameter. I think it is possible that the mass is so big, that the shield will fail aginst such a force. The planet will be totally devastated, with a continent-sized, tens of kilometers deep crater on one side.
*DS II is ~900 km in diameter. I would suerly break the shield with it's mass alsone and actually I think that the bruatallity of the impact will shatter the planet to pieces. And it will regroup to a lifeless ball of rock.
The DS question is interesting, because the Vong did so against (maybe shielded) planets with small moons. (Remind that Luke misjugded the DS I at first for a small moon, concerning it's size)
Posted: 2004-02-17 04:19pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Tribun wrote:wautd wrote:Same question but now this planet got a planetary shield?
(DOES it helps since some1 told me Daala used kamikaze ISD against planets

-An ISD would do nothing. Three ISD's crashed into the Executor with full force, and the ship didn't even got a burned paintjob.
The ISDs just exited Hyperspace, to clarify. And while
Executor received no physical damage from the incident, her shields suffered severe temporary failure.