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KDY info needed!

Posted: 2004-02-21 10:04pm
by Lord Jax
I was wondering what are all the ships KDY produces and what are the names off all its subsidiaries and what they produce?
I know they make ISD and ISDII and SSD. So just give me the list.

Posted: 2004-02-21 10:11pm
by Lord Jax
Also please include the planets the corporations are at!

Posted: 2004-02-21 10:15pm
by Ender
You are kidding right?

Seriously, we are talking a product line of hundreds here, with a dozen subsidiaries, then trying to figure out what they designed, and what they were just contracted to build, and on top of that you want the system listing of every shipyard they have?

How about I give you a bag of powdered hen's teeth instead, that is a bit more doable.

Posted: 2004-02-21 10:44pm
by Burak Gazan

I think my brain hurts


Posted: 2004-02-21 10:52pm
by Lord Jax
Well please just tell me please.....I know it hurts "but it hurts me more than it hurts you (ya right lol)."

Posted: 2004-02-21 10:57pm
by Burak Gazan
Ok, maybe with the entire SDnet population's collective brainpower... :wink:

Kuat system, the K in KDY -- corporate HQ and huge shipbuilding facilities; may have terraformed/consumed PLANETS in the star system in the construction of the yards and starship building programs.

Posted: 2004-02-21 11:00pm
by Lord Jax
i already knew that, thank you

Posted: 2004-02-21 11:15pm
by Utsanomiko

We don't fucking know, okay?

Seriously, half of the information would take several of us days to look up, and the other half of the information just doesn't exist.

Try doing your own research for once. It's fun.

Posted: 2004-02-21 11:29pm
by Lord Jax
since it will probely take several days i guess we better start looking

Posted: 2004-02-21 11:33pm
by Super-Gagme

Posted: 2004-02-21 11:35pm
by Lord Jax
yes i mean WE

Posted: 2004-02-21 11:40pm
by Utsanomiko
Do. Your. Own. Research.

Seriously, the info's out there for anyone that wants to find it and put it together in one big list. Right now, that only includes you.

Posted: 2004-02-22 12:35am
by Illuminatus Primus
Ender wrote:You are kidding right?

Seriously, we are talking a product line of hundreds here, with a dozen subsidiaries, then trying to figure out what they designed, and what they were just contracted to build, and on top of that you want the system listing of every shipyard they have?

How about I give you a bag of powdered hen's teeth instead, that is a bit more doable.
Nitpick: A subsidiary's product is not the owning corporation's product. The Acclamator is not a KDY ship.

Posted: 2004-02-22 02:09am
by Techno_Union
If KDY shipyards in the kuat system were destroyed, then how much would it damage KDY? And are the KDY shipyards centralized around the Kuat system, like are all the shipyards there?

Posted: 2004-02-22 02:13am
by Illuminatus Primus
Techno_Union wrote:If KDY shipyards in the kuat system were destroyed, then how much would it damage KDY? And are the KDY shipyards centralized around the Kuat system, like are all the shipyards there?

Yeah, but KDY maintains other Yards, such as the ones at Gyndine and Fondor.

Rendili StarDrive was contrasted with KDY in the AOTC ICS for having the business advantage of having a string of more decentralized yards in the Outer Rim.

Posted: 2004-02-28 05:18am
by Chris OFarrell
Illuminatus Primus wrote:
Techno_Union wrote:If KDY shipyards in the kuat system were destroyed, then how much would it damage KDY? And are the KDY shipyards centralized around the Kuat system, like are all the shipyards there?

Yeah, but KDY maintains other Yards, such as the ones at Gyndine and Fondor.

Rendili StarDrive was contrasted with KDY in the AOTC ICS for having the business advantage of having a string of more decentralized yards in the Outer Rim.
That said however, KDY itself in the Kuat system is MASSIVE. If those shipyards were lost, KDY would go from #1 of 4 to #4 of 4 in terms of shipyard abilities under Fondor, Sluis Van and Bilbringi.

Posted: 2004-02-28 07:49am
by Sarevok
Lord Jax wrote:yes i mean WE
I dont think so.

Posted: 2004-02-28 01:19pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Chris OFarrell wrote:That said however, KDY itself in the Kuat system is MASSIVE. If those shipyards were lost, KDY would go from #1 of 4 to #4 of 4 in terms of shipyard abilities under Fondor, Sluis Van and Bilbringi.
Fondor's yards and Bilbringi's shipyard are KDY property.

Posted: 2004-02-28 03:22pm
by Crazedwraith
Subsodary: Rothana, builds AT-TEs and Acclamatiors

Posted: 2004-02-29 04:24pm
by Agent R
The Xa Fel system manufactures hyperdrive cores for KDY (from I, Jedi).

Posted: 2004-02-29 06:23pm
by Chris OFarrell
Illuminatus Primus wrote:
Chris OFarrell wrote:That said however, KDY itself in the Kuat system is MASSIVE. If those shipyards were lost, KDY would go from #1 of 4 to #4 of 4 in terms of shipyard abilities under Fondor, Sluis Van and Bilbringi.
Fondor's yards and Bilbringi's shipyard are KDY property.
Realy? When was this stated? I was under the assumption they were in competition with each other...

Posted: 2004-02-29 06:25pm
by Techno_Union
Fondor had to be independant. Why else would Kuat have been mad that Fondor got the Executor contract and not them.

Posted: 2004-02-29 07:43pm
by Tribun
Techno_Union wrote:Fondor had to be independant. Why else would Kuat have been mad that Fondor got the Executor contract and not them.
But the Executor is still a KDY-ship. Seems that there is rivality between the Yards concerning who gets the biggest fish.

Concerning thier product ling, why not visiting Saxtons site? There is an impressive catalouge of KDY-ships.

Posted: 2004-02-29 07:54pm
by Techno_Union
I was under the impression that Fondor built the Executor and KDY built the Executor Class.

Posted: 2004-02-29 08:25pm
by Illuminatus Primus
HIMS Executor and her sisters of the same class are obviously KDY trademarked products.

Therefore KDY must own the facilities at Fondor and Bilbringi, considering they have only been observed to produce KDY products during the Imperial era.

As for the "rivalry"; it is possible that there is contest between the administrators and department heads overseeing various yards within the KDY corporate empire--for prestige sake, the Kuat of Kuat probably would've prefered to have HIMS Executor constructed over Kuat; therefore it is possible to see KDY irritated at the Imperial decree that Executor would be constructed at Fondor (something which was rectified by having a fascimile HIMS Executor constructed at Kuat, which would be rechristened HIMS Lusankya).