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transporter technologies in the SW universe exist!
Posted: 2004-02-28 04:54am
by mh
Hey, everyone!
I don’t know, if there is already a threat on this topic, but since there are so many(!) threats here, I have not checked up – sorry.
Somewhere on his hp mr. Wong says, that there may no transportation technologies be in the SW universe. I have not seen the English version of SW so far, but in the german version luke asks 3PO if it (or is an android a “he”?) cannot teleport(!) him away from tatooine – so there must obviously be transportation technologies in the SW universe. At least in the german speaking one
Posted: 2004-02-28 05:00am
by Kuja
I don't believe that comment was meant to be taken seriously.
Posted: 2004-02-28 05:03am
by Howedar
That said, it has been mentioned before.
And we do know that some sort of teleportation technology exists, in the form of some wacko EU monks or something.
Posted: 2004-02-28 05:32am
by FTeik
The Aing-Ti-monks make use of a drive-system, that is based on transition. They are also able to teleport things (their ships? in that case it would´t be a drive-system per se).
Palpatine teleported Luke Skywalker aboard an imperial dungeon-ship in DE.
The magician Magwit had access to a teleporting device (a ring).
This last might be hearsay, but i think in Marvel the imperials were working on a large-scale transportation-system (which might be based on Gree-hypergates (think of Stargate-like structures)).
Posted: 2004-02-28 07:50am
by Chris OFarrell
FTeik wrote:The Aing-Ti-monks make use of a drive-system, that is based on transition. They are also able to teleport things (their ships? in that case it would´t be a drive-system per se).
Palpatine teleported Luke Skywalker aboard an imperial dungeon-ship in DE.
I'm preaty sure both of the above are some kind of Force Powers and less about transporting as some kind of wormhole tech.
But its clear Transporter technology realy doesn't exist in SW. And I'm all for that realy.
Posted: 2004-02-28 12:14pm
by StarshipTitanic
Chris OFarrell wrote:FTeik wrote:The Aing-Ti-monks make use of a drive-system, that is based on transition. They are also able to teleport things (their ships? in that case it would´t be a drive-system per se).
Palpatine teleported Luke Skywalker aboard an imperial dungeon-ship in DE.
I'm preaty sure both of the above are some kind of Force Powers and less about transporting as some kind of wormhole tech.
But its clear Transporter technology realy doesn't exist in SW. And I'm all for that realy.
No, it's clear that transporting tech (in that context)
does exist, but it's not teleportation like Star Trek.
Posted: 2004-02-28 05:05pm
by FTeik
No, it means instant transportation-technology exists, for the examples mentioned is superior to StarTrek, but isn´t widely in use.
Posted: 2004-02-28 09:40pm
by PainRack
Wasn't Lando teleported before in the Lando Calrissan trilogy?
Posted: 2004-02-28 10:22pm
by CaptainChewbacca
Yes, but that was with uber-god-tech that no one has access to or understands. As for Luke being teleported and the Ang-Tii, that was all with the force.
Posted: 2004-03-01 12:12pm
by Kurgan
Yeah in the EU you've got that "magical doohickey" thing that's described in the Essential Guide to Weapons & Technology, but it may rely on trickery than actual molecular transport like we know in Trek.
Then there's the "Force Teleport" that the clone Emperor seemingly uses on Luke in the "Dark Empire" comics.
In any case, it seems if teleportation technology exists in Star Wars it is very rare and poorly understood by the galaxy at large.