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I was wondering (do I have a brain?)
Posted: 2004-03-06 07:56pm
by Angie the Chiss Lord
How did Palpatine learn to use the force?
Posted: 2004-03-06 07:58pm
by Darth Raptor
I advise you to quickly edit your thread title. Something along the lines of: "Where did Palpatine get his powers?". Post haste.
Posted: 2004-03-06 08:06pm
by Tribun
And to answer your question:
Palpy is a Sith. He is now the master, so before he must have been the apprentice. So either his master died on his own, or Palpy killed him/her. It was all explained in the movie. Better watch it.
"There are always only two. One apprentice, one master."
And in TPM, Maul was his apprentice, as later Anakin.
Posted: 2004-03-06 08:10pm
by Angie the Chiss Lord
what i don't understand is this, did palpy get abducted the same way darth maul did? because if palpy was force sensitive, Im sure the jedi council would have been able to detect him right? if this is so how did palpy become the way he did
Posted: 2004-03-06 08:16pm
by Darth Raptor
Too late. Seriously, read the fucking announcements, that's what they're there for.
Posted: 2004-03-06 08:41pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Bolded section:
Palpatine served his homeworld of Naboo, as well as thirty-six other inhabited planets, as a Senator in the Old Republic, and was instrumental in the rise to power of the Trade Federation. He was first elected to represent the human population of Naboo some 52 years before the Battle of Yavin. Also a student of the Dark Side of the Force who trained on Korriban, Palpatine used his political savvy to develop alliances with other power-hungry individuals to begin his own bid for power. He used the Trade Federation - with its cowardly Neimoidian leaders - to force the Old Republic to see its stagnant ways. After manipulating his Queen, Amidala, to call for a vote of no-confidence in Supreme Chanceller Valorum, Palpatine put himself at the forefront of the coming elections. In a vote which was based on sympathy for Naboo and the many alliances Palpatine had forged, he was voted to replace Valorum at the age of fifty. While remaining unobtrusive and often helpful, Palpatine manipulated the Old Republic until it began to crumble from within, remaining in his position as Chancellor well beyond the normal term length, after he was granted extensions to deal with various crises. The most crucial situation he faced was the threat of the Separatists, led by Count Dooku. Palpatine called for the creation of an Army of the Republic to combat the Separatists, forcing the Military Creation Act into law and taking command of the clone armies created by the Kaminoans for Sifo-Dyas. He later assumed complete control of the galaxy and himself Emperor.
Korriban was the central planet of the ancient Sith Empire that fell 5000 years ago, and was also the location of the Valley of the Dark Lords, where the tombs and temples of many Dark Lords of the Sith are located.
Posted: 2004-03-06 09:10pm
by Rogue 9
Angie the Chiss Lord wrote:what i don't understand is this, did palpy get abducted the same way darth maul did? because if palpy was force sensitive, Im sure the jedi council would have been able to detect him right? if this is so how did palpy become the way he did
What part of "Edit the title" did you not understand? Too late now.
Anyhoo, about that explanation. If he was on Korriban long enough to train to become a Sith Lord, how the heck was he elected Senator of Naboo? Force training takes a considerable amount of time.
Posted: 2004-03-06 09:20pm
by Elheru Aran
Possibly he was on Korriban when a child-- selected when young, as Maul was-- and then, after training up to Apprentice level, went to Naboo (or sector capital if not Naboo) and started climbing in politics, using Sith mind-manipulation to rig elections... remember one reason for the Empire losing Endor was because of Palpatine's hold on his military; when he died, they became confused and fell apart.
If he could exert this kind of power on his military, there's no reason to assume that he couldn't have done it on a small but significant percentage of voters, enough to ensure his election. He wouldn't even really have to do it directly; he could merely plant a command in the subconscious-- "Vote for Palpatine... then forget completely that you were commanded to do so", or something of the kind.
After reaching a middlin' point in the political hierachy (perhaps a local representative within the sector?), he would've had the opportunity to take "vacations" to Korriban, and there receive Master-level training, and succeed his master.
When that was done, he found his apprentice (Maul) and started climbing further up the political hierachy of his sector, eventually achieving Senatorial status.
This is how I see it, anyhow...
Posted: 2004-03-06 09:52pm
by Son of the Suns
Posted: 2004-03-06 10:10pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Plapatine was first elected senator for Naboo 52 years BBY, and was elected Supreme Chancellor when he was 50, which was 32 years BBY. So he joined the Senate when he was twenty years old, which is easily enough time for him to at least reach the Sith equivalent of knighthood.
Senators don't need to be present for every single thing that happens in the Senate: you only see it as packed as it is in the films when something important is going on. So I think that in the 20 years leading up to TPM, Palpatine could devote time to work on his Force abilities, both while on Coruscant and the occasional trips to Naboo and Korriban. Anakin was crowned as a Dark Lord before he was 25, after all.
Posted: 2004-03-06 11:36pm
by Trytostaydead
I wonder how Jorus C'Boath fits into all of this, as Jedi advisor to Senator Palpatine?
Posted: 2004-03-06 11:50pm
by Shinova
Did Palpatine teach himself the dark side or did someone teach him?
Posted: 2004-03-06 11:57pm
by Elheru Aran
well, it seems that trying to self-learn the Force is harder than it seems... there's the chance of "burning out", which obviously hasn't happened with Palpy. It seems reasonable that he at least had the advantage of texts; possibly a Holocron? However, there is the idea of a master and an apprentice, so he likely had a master.
Posted: 2004-03-07 12:05am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Trytostaydead wrote:I wonder how Jorus C'Boath fits into all of this, as Jedi advisor to Senator Palpatine?
Probably before the Battle for Naboo.
Posted: 2004-03-07 12:06am
by Illuminatus Primus
I don't recall any source stating Palpatine went to Korriban.
You really shouldn't cite Unofficial Encyclopedia for detail like that; they make shit up.
Posted: 2004-03-07 12:10am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Well, it also says he went to Korriban in his EU section on the Databank.
Posted: 2004-03-07 12:11am
by Shinova
Illuminatus Primus wrote:I don't recall any source stating Palpatine went to Korriban.
You really shouldn't cite Unofficial Encyclopedia for detail like that; they make shit up.
If that's the case, maybe Palpatine learned from Exar Kun's "ghost" at Yavin.
Yeah, yeah, pure speculation.
Posted: 2004-03-07 12:48am
by Elheru Aran
Exar Kun is EU... but then, so is Korriban. Let's postulate Kun is a possibility. Now then, wouldn't he have been aware of Palpy, and said so in the Jedi Academy books? And in "I, Jedi", he doesn't register the name when Mara's yelling at him to distract his attention from beating up Corran; he's like, "Eh? What's the hot chick yelling at me about?"
So I think it's safe to say Palpy didn't know Kun... heard about him, certainly, from the Holocron that he had (ref Dark Empire), but met him? I don't think so... possible, but unlikely.
Posted: 2004-03-07 01:03am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Just an FYI in case you didn't know, Elheru: the canon policy for Star Wars is to treat Official-level materials (such as the EU) as canon-level unless they are contradicted by Canon materials.
Here's a portion from the EU section of Palpatine's entry at the official site's Databank:
No one is quite sure how Palpatine was first introduced to the power of the dark side. He is the most powerful practitioner of the Sith ways in modern times. He studied the ancient ruins on the Sith mausoleum world of Korriban. He unlocked secrets of the Force from a captured Jedi Holocron. The dark side energies flowing through Palpatine's body were so intense, that they ravaged his mortal frame. The very source of Palpatine's strength was killing him.
Posted: 2004-03-07 01:17am
by Angie the Chiss Lord
Thank you very much for answering my question spanky i almost thought i'd end up not liking you very much but now im beginning to change my opinion