New Continuity Commentary
Posted: 2004-03-09 05:44pm
Get your fill of sci-fi, science, and mockery of stupid ideas
And those who claim I'm off my mark when I claim Tim Zahn's a prick and refuses to cooperate with others on continuity and consistently behaves as if he's an overriding authority on the post-ROTJ EU, especially sacrosant are his characters, which apparently he thinks he can change as he desires.Sue Rostini, Lucas Licensing Continuity Official wrote:I don't know if Troy's book is going to clear up the Fel brothers issue. We had problems with Chak when Tim brought him in, and wanted him to use an already-named brother, but he felt strongly about this. Sometimes it's decided to let an author have something they're insisting on and try to work it out later, than tell the author no, and have creative flow interrupted. It's a judgment call --
We believe that Chak is actually Davin, but Tim Zahn wanted to call him Chak.
Apparently in continuity fixes, newer sources now officially are favored (translation for those using dicto simpliciter and wanting to say that the newer sources always trumps the earlier one; the newer one is favored, or more authoritive, but the old one doesn't vanish and can't be waved off).Leeland Chee, Maintainer of the LFL "Holocron" wrote:Discrepencies...tend to favor the more recent source...Most recently published (or in some cases, yet-to-be-published.) We definitely wouldn't want to ignore outright anything said previously and we try to reconcilliate any apparent discrepancies whenever possible
Hmm. A clear case of a Post & run.Illuminatus Primus wrote: ... t=15168199
As my signature says; "It is a sad day when star trek continuity is kept better than star wars continuity."
I wouldn't exactly call him a prick. He's an arrogant SOB but one can't really blame him for that. Would you really want to cooperate with hacks like Kevin J. Anderson or Vonda McIntyre? The simple fact is they're talentless hacks that massacre characters and create plots that are insults to one's intelligence. I know I'd do every thing possible to keep them away from anything I wrote.And those who claim I'm off my mark when I claim Tim Zahn's a prick and refuses to cooperate with others on continuity and consistently behaves as if he's an overriding authority on the post-ROTJ EU, especially sacrosant are his characters, which apparently he thinks he can change as he desires.
Agreed on that, if that's what Zahn did. That quote is simply some one's opinion.Illuminatus Primus wrote:That's a fucking-pathetic-excuse for changing a minor character's name because you're intractible prick.
This is not an opinion.Sue Rostini, Lucas Licensing Continuity Official wrote:I don't know if Troy's book is going to clear up the Fel brothers issue. We had problems with Chak when Tim brought him in, and wanted him to use an already-named brother, but he felt strongly about this. Sometimes it's decided to let an author have something they're insisting on and try to work it out later, than tell the author no, and have creative flow interrupted. It's a judgment call --
We believe that Chak is actually Davin, but Tim Zahn wanted to call him Chak.
It sure looks like opinion to me. The "We believe" preface to that sure doesn't lend itself to a definite statement of fact.Illuminatus Primus wrote:This is not an opinion.Sue Rostini, Lucas Licensing Continuity Official wrote:I don't know if Troy's book is going to clear up the Fel brothers issue. We had problems with Chak when Tim brought him in, and wanted him to use an already-named brother, but he felt strongly about this. Sometimes it's decided to let an author have something they're insisting on and try to work it out later, than tell the author no, and have creative flow interrupted. It's a judgment call --
We believe that Chak is actually Davin, but Tim Zahn wanted to call him Chak.
Apparently you neither read the quote nor the link.Connor MacLeod wrote:All it says is that Denning and Zahn had disagreements over an aspect of continuity. It doesn't give anything on motivations for this, or indicate anything about how politely or impolitely it was handled. Insofar as I can tell you're just inferring from this that Zahn is acting like an asshole.
The fact that they indicated that they have to make that sort tof compromise sometimes seems to indicate that it is not an exceptional or unusual occurance.
My point is that based on what is provided, we're not sure really WHY Zahn opposed it, so I'm not really sure how this is proof of him being irrational or anything. Rostini's statement reads as pretty neutral to me, in fact.Crown wrote:As much as I want to yell at IP for 'Zahn bashing', he really does have a point ... honestly how hard would it have been for the continuity editor to say; Tim your story is great, your plot is involving, the fans are going to like it, but for the sake of continuity, we would like you to either change the character 'Chak' to the name 'Darvin' or to put one fucking line somewhere, anywhere where your character says; my name is Darvin, but friends just call me Chak.
If Tim through a hissy fit at that, then I don't think there is much disguising it.
KJA's problem with the Jedi Academy Trilogy is that he's not really writing anything of grreat interest - the Jedi ACademy trrilogy was plodding and boring for the most part - nothing compelling to push it, the characters were not very well-written, the plots and motivations were awkward. Darksaber wasn't the best either, but I like it far more than the JAT (I know some think Madine's death was kinda lame, but so what? A "noble" or "heroic" death is predictable. Allston had some "pointless" deaths in his Wraith squadron trilogy, too.)Lord Poe wrote: I'm talking about the character assasinations of Han Luke and Leia in ALL of Kevin J. Anderson's books, pure SHIT such as "Planet of Twilight", "Crystal Star", "The New Rebellion", and the PILE of shit known as the "New Jedi Order" books.
Foster's stuff is sort of in the same boat as the Jedi Academy Trilogy. Its not really all that compelling and its larggely bland.Let's not even mention the "first" duel Luke has with Vader, where he defeats him BEFORE TESB in "Splinter of the Mind's Eye", which EU fanboys insist should be shoehorned into continuity.
I do and always will like the Thrawn trilogy, and the HoT duology has its moments.. but have you read Survivor's Quest? I find it rather boring. Zahn has written some good stuff, but I don't automatically expect "great books" from him now, either.Zahn, and a scant few other authors are the ONLY saving grace of the EU. If he wants to take a couple liberties in order to keep him writing SW books, FINE BY ME.
Yes I did. Maybe I just missed the invisible sentences saying "Zahn was an arrogant prick about it."Illuminatus Primus wrote:
Apparently you neither read the quote nor the link.
Granted on this part. I misread Denning's mention in the statement. Doesn't alter anything else you're apparently trying to peddle, though (IE Zahn-bashing.)Miss Rostini, the Continuity Editor, does not know whether Troy Denning's book trilogy will fix the continuity flub. He has nothing to do with this.
Miss Rostini noticed and took note of the continuity flub, Zahn cited "creative flow" (yes apparently creative flow will be shut off if a minor character isn't post facto inserted into the continuity, in clear and noted contradiction to a previous author's work).
For that matter, it doesn't indicate that this "judgement call" applies to Zahn alone. It just says Zahn insisted on the character and they let him have it because THEY thought it might interrupt his (or anyoen else in his position, since it does indicate that other authors have been given this concession.) creative flow, not because he insisted it would. ISue Rostini wrote: Sometimes it's decided to let an author have something they're insisting on and try to work it out later, than tell the author no, and have creative flow interrupted. It's a judgment call --
Point out to me where in the quote it says Zahn cited "creative flow interruption" as the reason for insisting on his POV being accepted. The quote itself is rather neutral insofar as Zahn's motivations behind his position are concerned, and nothing in the "link" seemed to offer further evidence (And if there was something and I missed it, do be so kind as to post it.)She did not correct it, and merely allowed the mistake to go to print, and then came up with an ad hoc possible fix after allowing Zahn's noted contradiction to print, because his creative flow couldn't be interrupted.
Because insofar as I can tell, you're carrying a grudge and looking for any excuse to justify it. Judging by what others are saying, this is not the first time either.After the conflicts with Vietch over DE and the one-upism of the HoT, and noting the general contradictory feel of SQ in light of the following NJO, I do not see why I should offer the benefit of the doubt again.
That's the conclusion I reach. If something as trivial as a minor character name is pointed out, and your best reason for refusing to alter the first name and work in-line with continuity is "creative flow," I think you're an asshole. My previous opinions of Zahn are irrelvent. I'm saying there's basically no excuse for this cavalier attitude about continuity, particularly among authors and continuity editors, and especially when the problem could be so easily dealt with.Connor MacLeod wrote:Yes I did. Maybe I just missed the invisible sentences saying "Zahn was an arrogant prick about it."
I don't care whether you think I have agendas or what not. That's an appeal to motive, and totally irrelevent. The issue at hand is whether it is an asshole thing to do to not deal with continuity flubs by to dealing with a name when it is pointed out to you, when you're working in someone else's universe and dealing in the framework of other authors' works.Connor MacLeod wrote:Doesn't alter anything else you're apparently trying to peddle, though (IE Zahn-bashing.)
Ok....Connor MacLeod wrote:That's not what the quote says.
Oh, that changes everything! Zahn insisted on not changing the name of a minor character, and Lucasfilm Licensing decided to capitulate because changing the name "Chak" would've "interrupted" his "creative flow."Connor MacLeod wrote:For that matter, it doesn't indicate that this "judgement call" applies to Zahn alone. It just says Zahn insisted on the character and they let him have it because THEY thought it might interrupt his (or anyoen else in his position, since it does indicate that other authors have been given this concession.) creative flow, not because he insisted it would.
I don't understand what logic makes you think that since Zahn did insist on retaining a noted continuity flaw, and LL came up with the excuse instead makes it any worse that he refused to correct a mistake in his work the contradicted previous authors' work.Connor MacLeod wrote:In fact, it doesn't even really tell us why Zahn insisted on the character - you simply seem to be inferring one from it based on what you want to see.
His motivations are irrelevent. SQ followed RSBF, and therefore Zahn should fix noted continuity flubs. He did not. I find that an asshole course of action. I concede that the quote did not speak of Zahn's motivations, only LL's excuse thereof.Connor MacLeod wrote:Point out to me where in the quote it says Zahn cited "creative flow interruption" as the reason for insisting on his POV being accepted. The quote itself is rather neutral insofar as Zahn's motivations behind his position are concerned, and nothing in the "link" seemed to offer further evidence (And if there was something and I missed it, do be so kind as to post it.)
Appeals to Motive. All I've ever seen anyone say or post anything to contradict the fact that Dark Empire was in the works before Heir to the Empire, and Zahn simply refused to cooperate with Vietch (hence the awkwardness of DE's "Rebel Alliance," Imperial-held Coruscant, Imperials in the Core, no Mara or Karrde, and Thrawn looking irrelevent in light ot Palpatine's return). Dark Empire was supposed to be around the time of where the X-Wing books now are located chronologically, and had to be shoe-horned into being after TTT because Zahn wouldn't cooperate (which I find rather presumptious--he's being offered the oppurtunity to pen work in SW, and should accede to earlier plans within that universe out of courtesy and helpfulness). That was Zahn's first attempt to manipulate continuity as he saw fit (he still tried to discount DE in VotF, too). So I do not see this as a simple mistake or a careless error or misunderstanding.Connor MacLeod wrote:Because insofar as I can tell, you're carrying a grudge and looking for any excuse to justify it. Judging by what others are saying, this is not the first time either.
Blah blah blah.Connor MacLeod wrote:Anyhow, your little Anti-Zahn rant has nothing really to do with the "continuity" discussion, so why is it even mentioned? The part about making concessions to an author to preserve "creative flow" could have been mentioned without attacking Zahn, and nothign would have been lost.
Now I'm sorry that your sensibilities were offended by me noting one of the topics (Zahn screwing continuity) and noting that this supported my assertion in the past that Zahn only cares for continuity which supports his sensibilities, making him rather selfish and in my opinion, an asshole.Illuminatus Primus wrote:Sue Rostini, Lucas Licensing Continuity Official wrote:I don't know if Troy's book is going to clear up the Fel brothers issue. We had problems with Chak when Tim brought him in, and wanted him to use an already-named brother, but he felt strongly about this. Sometimes it's decided to let an author have something they're insisting on and try to work it out later, than tell the author no, and have creative flow interrupted. It's a judgment call --
We believe that Chak is actually Davin, but Tim Zahn wanted to call him Chak.
And those who claim I'm off my mark when I claim Tim Zahn's a prick and refuses to cooperate with others on continuity and consistently behaves as if he's an overriding authority on the post-ROTJ EU, especially sacrosant are his characters, which apparently he thinks he can change as he desires.
Apparently in continuity fixes, newer sources now officially are favored (translation for those using dicto simpliciter and wanting to say that the newer sources always trumps the earlier one; the newer one is favored, or more authoritive, but the old one doesn't vanish and can't be waved off).Leeland Chee, Maintainer of the LFL "Holocron" wrote: Discrepencies...tend to favor the more recent source...Most recently published (or in some cases, yet-to-be-published.) We definitely wouldn't want to ignore outright anything said previously and we try to reconcilliate any apparent discrepancies whenever possible
Ah yes, contradicting others' work regarding Mara Jade, and that idiotic pot-shot at Dark Empire again was soo necessary to correct stupid writing about Luke Skywalker, let me tell you.Crown wrote:But as for IP's claim of Tim being a shit when he 'one-uped' continuity in the HoT duology I will repeat this again; it was the only fucking way of rationalising why Luke Skywalker didn't just use his uber wanked Jedi power to fucking solve every problem.
Bringing this point up again, and again, makes you look like an ass. Let. It. Go.
What the hell are you talking about? KJA is a fucking joke almost universally throughout the EU fandom, and especially here. What I've always been amazed by is the neglect Zahn's totally fucking stupid things have been ignored merely because other authors were worse writers (which in no way contradicts the point; I'd never defend KJA, but he's irrelevent regarding Zahn's offenses against continuity and common sense, which should be addressed, regardless of his superior prowess as an author).Lord Poe wrote:IP, again, all I see is Zahn bashing for the sake of Zahn bashing. And I'll say it again: who gives a heave-ho FUCK about some 10th tier character's name, when FAR WORSE destructiveness has been allowed into the EU, and no fanboys seem to be screaming about?
And praytell, what is Sue Rostini supposed to do about that? Before we had the small security of her telling people "hey, don't arbitrarily change the characters' fucking identities."Lord Poe wrote:I'm talking about the character assasinations of Han Luke and Leia in ALL of Kevin J. Anderson's books, pure SHIT such as "Planet of Twilight", "Crystal Star", "The New Rebellion", and the PILE of shit known as the "New Jedi Order" books.
Fucking Valiento, so what? I'm sorry if he rained on your parade, but that hardly changes the fact that Leland Chee has a different perspective, and that's all we need to worry about. My point is other fuck-ups do not exonerate cavalier continuity editing attitudes.Lord Poe wrote:Let's not even mention the "first" duel Luke has with Vader, where he defeats him BEFORE TESB in "Splinter of the Mind's Eye", which EU fanboys insist should be shoehorned into continuity.
Personally, I'd rather do without stupid garbage like the Blue Man who can read minds through art with 10,000 clone vats and 200 Dreadnoughts suddenly flopping the balance of power in an ancient galactic civilization which built two Death Stars in less than a decade. Though Zahn's GFFA only takes up one quadrant of the galactic disk, and apparently has shit for navigation, and it's 25 k year civilization had the progressive outlook of Quakers. A quarter of the galaxy. Come on! And worse, that contradicts his previous books.Lord Poe wrote:Zahn, and a scant few other authors are the ONLY saving grace of the EU. If he wants to take a couple liberties in order to keep him writing SW books, FINE BY ME.
Maybe Zahn just wanted a Fel character whose story arc he could control. If it's a Fel used by everyone in the EU, you'll have a hard time keeping any consistency, let alone pulling out any tricky back-story with any believability.Illuminatus Primus wrote:That's a fucking-pathetic-excuse for changing a minor character's name because you're intractible prick.