Was the Rebel Alliance right?
Posted: 2004-03-18 12:04pm
Were they right to try and overthrow palpatine?
(From a moral standpoint. NOT a legal one!)
(From a moral standpoint. NOT a legal one!)
Get your fill of sci-fi, science, and mockery of stupid ideas
He wanted to eventually create a ruling class of Dark Jedi, with himself as immortal master, and they would feed off of the essenses of an entire galaxy of slaves. Sounds like a bunch of "thousand year reich" bluffing, but if anybody could pull it off, it'd be Palpatine. And here's the asskicker: he already had a working model on Byss, with billions of clueless slaves living in harmony.Uraniun235 wrote:Er, what were Palpatine's long-term goals, anyway? Did he just want to rule the galaxy unopposed? Or was there something he wanted to do with the galaxy as soon as those pesky Rebels were eliminated?
Which basic rights would these be?Crazedwraith wrote:Lets Empire Builts Detah Stars clearly intending to regualrly vape entirle worlds for no other reason to stop other worlds standing up for basic rights.
Not their strongest point, I agree. But at least it wasn't of humans.The empire supported slavery,
Aside from the few slave species, the Empire didn't institutionalize speciesism.suppresion of other races,
Proof? Just because some Imperials are sexist does not mean that the Empire condones sexism.sexism
The Jedi were a serious threat to the stability of the regime, and besides, they aren't a race. That's like saying that the USA is trying to commit genocide on terrorists.They tried to commit genocide more than once (caamas, the jedi etc.)
Slavery, suppression of other races, hmm, sounds like the use of droids to me. I firmly expect to see Publius spring out of the woodwork as I bring this up, but I fail to see how producing Sentient Beings, and then conditioning them(what we would call brainwashing in an organic species) to obey their rightful masters is any less immoral than the enslavement of biologicals. Genocide, right, what the NR attempted to perpetrate on the YV.Crazedwraith wrote:Lets Empire Builts Detah Stars clearly intending to regualrly vape entirle worlds for no other reason to stop other worlds standing up for basic rights.
The empire supported slavery, suppresion of other races, sexism and all sorts of immoral things. They tried to commit genocide more than once (caamas, the jedi etc.)
How can the RA be wrong?
No, the Empire used slave labor in some cases, too. Both Chewbacca and Admiral Ackbar were at one point slaves to the Empire.consequences wrote:Slavery, suppression of other races, hmm, sounds like the use of droids to me. I firmly expect to see Publius spring out of the woodwork as I bring this up, but I fail to see how producing Sentient Beings, and then conditioning them(what we would call brainwashing in an organic species) to obey their rightful masters is any less immoral than the enslavement of biologicals.
You mean what the NR should have perpetrated on the YV.Genocide, right, what the NR attempted to perpetrate on the YV.
Blah blah blah. They enslaved non-humans. Period. Anything else is bullshit.consequences wrote:Slavery, suppression of other races, hmm, sounds like the use of droids to me. I firmly expect to see Publius spring out of the woodwork as I bring this up, but I fail to see how producing Sentient Beings, and then conditioning them(what we would call brainwashing in an organic species) to obey their rightful masters is any less immoral than the enslavement of biologicals. Genocide, right, what the NR attempted to perpetrate on the YV.
The fact that the only flag officer known in the Empire to be a woman was not recognized by the Imperial Navy and only by Grand Moff Tarkin's starfleet and due to the fact she slept with him is a point against the Empire, not for it, idiot. The Empire was sexist. But that's one of the least important strikes against it.consequences wrote:Sexism, the main complaint of which is by Admiral Daala, who slept her way into a position of authority, and has an abysmal track record.
There is no moral high ground here.
False dilemma falacy. We do not need to prove that the New Republic was better, only that the Empire is not good. And there is *more* than adequate proof that it deserved to be overthrown. Does the whiskey rebellion that occured during the U.S.'s time under the Articles of Confederation mean that the entire revolution was not justified?Lazy Raptor wrote:Well, considering the RA/NR is directly responsible for far more deaths than the Empire, and that it really has no qualms about using WMD itself, I really can't say either faction is better than the other morally. While the New Republic was a little more generous with the civil liberties, it was so rife with corruption it really made little difference in the long run. I guess it comes down to leadership. The people in the highest tiers of Imperial power were usually at best amoral and at worst the human manifestation of evil. While many New Republic leaders claimed to have the galaxy's best interests in mind, they were really only in it for themselves (as shown in their cowardly retreat from Coruscant). Some, like Fey'Lya and Viqi Shesh would stop at nothing (including their own laws) to get what they wanted. Even the Skywalker/Solos were not above circumventing the Republic's laws to get what they wanted/needed.
No. The Empire certainly wasn't perfect, but the New Republic isn't any better. And they certainly don't have the moral high ground. Especially when you consider the vastly reformed Empire under Grand Admiral Pellaeon
I think the excessive use of force against Alderaan would have clued them in. The Tarkin Doctrine itself is an assault upon reasonable government.While Palpatine himself was an evil man, and his grand designs for the universe were quite evil, the Rebel Alliance as a whole was unaware of these facts, especially the latter. The Alliance is filled with a) those who used to be in power and wish to be once more, b) those who for whatever reason have experienced the giving end of an Imperial Smackdown, and c) knee-jerk reactionaries who don't like the infringement of any rights, no matter what the reason.
Oooh! Aaaah! Security! *wank wank wank* Soviet Russia provided security too. There's a reason Benjamin Franklin said "Those who would sacrifice essential liberty for some temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."It strikes me that life for the average citizen was better during the Empire than before or after: there is first and foremost security, security from the pirates, gangsters, and corporate thugs who plagued the Republican era, and security from the alien invaders and petty warlords that plague the New Republican era. Security threats posed by the Rebels are in spite of, and not because of, the Empire. Other than that benefit, there are no major differences for life as an Imperial citizen versus life as a Republican citizen.
Wow, speak of the devil.I think I should bring up the point that we don't exactly know how much of the EU is composed of NR propaganda.
Um, so? You do realize how utterly racist and callous that sounds right? At least the U.S. during its early years didn't enslave white people.Not their strongest point, I agree. But at least it wasn't of humans.
Kerneth wrote:Was the Rebellion right to overthrow the Empire? Absolutely.
Where the Rebellion blew it was AFTER the Empire was gone, when they replaced it with the utterly worthless New Republic government. In its desperation to be as "un-Imperial" as possible, the New Republic was an utter failure--if not for a few Jedi and an enormous amount of good luck, the NR would have collapsed within a few decades even without external threats like the Empire. It could not guarantee protection for its citizens, it could not prevent various internal squabbles from degenerating to the brink of open warfare at the drop of a hat, and ultimately when a real external threat DID show up, the New Republic ceased to function then finally shattered.
In other words, while getting rid of the Empire was probably the right thing to do, the Rebel Alliance should have done a MUCH better job setting up a replacement government. As things are in the EU, it almost sounds like the Imperial Remnant is a more effective government than the New Republic, aside from the last remaining old-line Imperial Moffs.
*taps nose*Illuminatus Primus wrote:I like how few people stuck to the goddamn question from the poll.
"Were the Rebels right: did Palpy need to go, or were the Imperials good guys?"
I think this is quite obvious. Palpatine was a sadistic theocrat who planned to reduce the majority of the Imperial citizenry to either slaves (if you weren't human), or the equivalent of Oceanian proles (if you were).
No. When deposing a regime, considerations as to what to replace that regime WITH are paramount. Since we're directly comparing the RA/NR to the GE/IR the New Republic is completely questionable. If not, the default alternative is anarchy. So you don't like the government? Let's turn it over to pirates and organized crime. The question was not: "Did the Empire need reform?" It was quite clearly asking if the Rebel Alliance was right in DESTROYING that government and replacing it with something WORSE.The Prime Necromancer wrote:False dilemma falacy. We do not need to prove that the New Republic was better, only that the Empire is not good. And there is *more* than adequate proof that it deserved to be overthrown. Does the whiskey rebellion that occured during the U.S.'s time under the Articles of Confederation mean that the entire revolution was not justified?
You're being an idiot. That is not the question. The question is whether Palpatine should've been overthrown, and thus was the Alliance right to do so?Lazy Raptor wrote:No. When deposing a regime, considerations as to what to replace that regime WITH are paramount. Since we're directly comparing the RA/NR to the GE/IR the New Republic is completely questionable. If not, the default alternative is anarchy. So you don't like the government? Let's turn it over to pirates and organized crime. The question was not: "Did the Empire need reform?" It was quite clearly asking if the Rebel Alliance was right in DESTROYING that government and replacing it with something WORSE.
How exactly do you go about "reforming" the Empire, when the leaders have *no* accountability to the people, and the only way to show your displeasure is armed revolt?Lazy Raptor wrote:No. When deposing a regime, considerations as to what to replace that regime WITH are paramount. Since we're directly comparing the RA/NR to the GE/IR the New Republic is completely questionable. If not, the default alternative is anarchy. So you don't like the government? Let's turn it over to pirates and organized crime. The question was not: "Did the Empire need reform?" It was quite clearly asking if the Rebel Alliance was right in DESTROYING that government and replacing it with something WORSE.The Prime Necromancer wrote:False dilemma falacy. We do not need to prove that the New Republic was better, only that the Empire is not good. And there is *more* than adequate proof that it deserved to be overthrown. Does the whiskey rebellion that occured during the U.S.'s time under the Articles of Confederation mean that the entire revolution was not justified?
NO. The question SPECIFICALLY asks:Illuminatus Primus wrote:You're being an idiot. That is not the question. The question is whether Palpatine should've been overthrown, and thus was the Alliance right to do so?
In other words, dipshit, it is precisely dealing with the Galactic Civil War only up to but not including the point that Palpatine is destroyed at Endor, after which point option a) becomes meaningless. Thank you, come again.Lazy Raptor wrote:NO. The question SPECIFICALLY asks:
a) Yes, Palpatine needed to go.
b) No, the Imperials are the good guys.
No, the question specifically refers to the Alliance to Restore the Republic and their efforts against the Galactic Emperor, Palpatine. And besides; the Rebel Alliance is not the same entity as the New Republic, and the Galactic Empire is definitely not the same entity as the Imperial Remnant. Get a clue, buddy.Lazy Raptor wrote:It's blatantly obvious from the wording of the question that it intends to compare the GE/IR to the RA/NR on a moral level.
The Rebels do obfuscate data. Look at how effectively they covered up the Endor Holocaust (thank God for ROTJ.) They can't even admit Alderaan had a fucking shield (thank God for ANH.) If they were so confident blowing up Alderaan was wrong, they would hardly have to conceal that part - all it does is reduce their credibility when somebody analyzes film (or in their universe, even DER readings) of the incident. They can't even confess to true lengths of fucking vehicles (they've seen Executors many times, they SHOULD have corrected any false Intel data of its length by now.) With that kind of accuracy and honesty, we are taking their data because we have no choice, and perhaps because the Imperial data may be worse.Primus wrote:For "Rebel propoganda" wankers, I'll introduce you to a small tidbit: in real history we generally do not disregard data and less we have demonstrable evidence suggesting obfuscation of the truth by regimes and whatnot. An epistemological concept called credulence says that all evidence is taken at face value unless you have a good reason to outright reject it. Outright rejection is considered the last resort in analysis, and is not fair.
I think the point is more like it is a little hypocritical to slam the Empire too hard for allowing slavery when the New Republic (and the Rebel Alliance before it) also had slaves of a sort. Pot, kettle, black.Primus wrote:Blah blah blah. They enslaved non-humans. Period. Anything else is bullshit.
We don't know that many flag officers in the Empire in general. One case is not necessarily symptomatic of the whole.Primus wrote:The fact that the only flag officer known in the Empire to be a woman was not recognized by the Imperial Navy and only by Grand Moff Tarkin's starfleet and due to the fact she slept with him is a point against the Empire, not for it, idiot. The Empire was sexist. But that's one of the least important strikes against it.