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What's the most widely used language in the SW universe?

Posted: 2004-03-29 11:46pm
by generator_g1
After Basic that is.... :wink:

Posted: 2004-03-29 11:50pm
by McC
My guess would be Huttese, given the number of creatures that seem to speak it.

Posted: 2004-03-30 12:20am
by Sarevok
The language of the correlians I think.

Posted: 2004-03-30 01:12am
by Robert Treder
evilcat4000 wrote:The language of the correlians I think.
You mean Basic? Old Corellian isn't used much day-to-day.

Going by the movies, Huttese is easily the biggest secondary language.
This indicates a pretty impressive influence by the Hutts. We know that before the unification of the Republic, the Hutts had one of the largest territories, and that even up to the time of the Empire, the Hutts controlled vassal species such as the Nikto and the Klatooinians, and they exerted a fair amount of economic influence over the galaxy. Certain prominent species not directly controlled by the Hutts, such as the Rodians and the Gran, seem to have adopted Huttese as their primary language.

Posted: 2004-03-30 01:26am
by Spanky The Dolphin
We actually have very few confirmed examples of pure Corellian. I'll go with Huttese.

Posted: 2004-03-30 02:15am
by generator_g1
Is there any comprehensive reference (website/book) for Huttese? Like a dictionary for example...Star Trek has a Klingon dictionary, why doesn't SW have anything like that?

Posted: 2004-03-30 02:22am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Because Huttese isn't firmly set in stone like Klingon. And there's a lot less of it.

Posted: 2004-04-03 01:59am
by Failed Glory
It would seem that after humans, any other race is a far second in population.

If population is any indication of language use, as it is here on good old Earth, then it's most likely that the second most used language is more likely another human one, rather than that of the Hutt.

If you count the droid verbal communications as a language and droids as beings, then it may rank right up there.

Posted: 2004-04-03 04:08pm
by The Aliens
Failed Glory wrote:It would seem that after humans, any other race is a far second in population.
Keep in mind the areas we see in the movies though- either small outlying worlds like Tatooine (which seems to have its fair share of non-humans at the race-track in TPM, the Cantina and Jabba's Palace) and Imperial vessels and planets, which had a stated prejudice against non-humans. If we spent a lot more time on outlying colony worlds, or places like Ithor, Bothawui or Hutt Space, Humans would seem to be in the minority.

Posted: 2004-04-03 04:34pm
by Illuminatus Primus
That doesn't refute what he said; he said that humans have the highest population; a plurality of the galactic populace, not a majority.

Posted: 2004-04-03 04:38pm
by Tribun
I can remember, that somewhere was written that ~25% of the galactic population are humans, the near-humans like Chiss or Zabrak not included.

Posted: 2004-04-03 05:59pm
by Kurgan
We have no way of knowing, really (unless some EU source I haven't read spells it all out of course).

Huttese only seems to be big since a lot of the movies focus on Tatooine, which is a planet "controlled by the Hutts" (according to TPM).

Just like dark skinned humans in Star Wars, it could be that we simply "don't see" all of the people who are the exception and instead focus on a minority rather than a cross section.

Why are most of the Jedi council aliens if most of the Jedi we see are humans? Why is most of the Senate that we see aliens?

It's true, we don't see everyone, and that's not proof they are one way or the other, but with thousands or hundreds of thousands of worlds, we can't be too sure.

Posted: 2004-04-03 10:52pm
by The Aliens
Illuminatus Primus wrote:That doesn't refute what he said; he said that humans have the highest population; a plurality of the galactic populace, not a majority.
We've seen areas with more humans than non-humans in the films, that doesn't mean that there are more humans than non-humans everywhere.

Posted: 2004-04-04 12:37am
by Tychu
This may sound dumb or unfounded but i have 2 choices. Huttese since in the movies you either hear Basic, droid beeps or Huttese. It all depends if this thread is concerning spoken or used, it can be diffrent. From Aunt Beru we can imply that Bochee is a language that most of the moister farmers use and i belive i heard that Bochee is a language used by smugglers and other shadowy people. I remember hearing that but not where or when.