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A few questions about AOTC
Posted: 2004-04-01 01:08pm
by wautd
As much as i liked the scene when the 2 armies clash in AOTC some things are bothering me
1. Why didnt they just bombed or BDZ the place?
2. Why didnt they used some sort of EMP weapons against the droids instead of conventional weapons?
I'm glad they didnt though, or we didnt saw that kickass battle

Posted: 2004-04-01 01:19pm
by Tribun
to 1.):
-Maybe they wanted to catch the leaders ALIVE?
-Stupid to bomb, when they wanted to rescue thier people.
-They wanted to find evidence about what the Seperatists wanted to do next.
to 2.):
-Maybe the battle droids are hardend against such tactics (EMP and ion canons)?
Posted: 2004-04-01 01:27pm
by wautd
Tribun wrote:to 1.):
-Maybe they wanted to catch the leaders ALIVE?
-Stupid to bomb, when they wanted to rescue thier people.
-They wanted to find evidence about what the Seperatists wanted to do next.
Well they
did rescued their people but i see no reason why they didnt made an orbital bombardment on the droid army several klicks away.
After that, the base where the seperatist leaders were could be stormed by a commando team
to 2.):
-Maybe the battle droids are hardend against such tactics (EMP and ion canons)?
than what about this?
Posted: 2004-04-01 03:36pm
by vakundok
I think it was only because GL wanted to show us a great surface battle. But strategically ...
Maybe they wanted the separatist leaders? Possibly, but the sources only state that they wanted to prevent Dooku from escaping. (Not necesseraly capturing him alive.)
Maybe they wanted to get the plans of the separatists? Possibly, but Obi reported that the separatists had just united, so they had not much time for planning, and with the appearance of the clone army, the situation had just changed very dramatically.
Maybe they wanted to capture the droid facility? Possibly, but as long as the republic used clones there was no higher value in capturing the facility than destroying it. (And actually the captured facility would have had to be defended and maintained on a hostile world.)
Maybe because the arena was too close and there were still civilians? Possibly, but those civilians were attacking the jedis.
Maybe because they needed every ships in the space combat? Possibly, but the landing, releasing the troops and taking off takes more time than a bombardment.
Maybe the droid army could otherwise stop the gunships (from the arena) from escaping. Possibly, but those gunships appeared to be quite fast.
Maybe there was a shield? Possibly, but the Acclamators landed quite close to the droid army, and the troops around them fired at the droids.
Maybe they wanted to show everyone that the republic had an army and did not hesitate to crush the separatists? Possibly. especially if Yoda got orders from Palpatine.
Posted: 2004-04-01 04:51pm
by wautd
vakundok wrote:I think it was only because GL wanted to show us a great surface battle. But strategically ...
Maybe they wanted the separatist leaders? Possibly, but the sources only state that they wanted to prevent Dooku from escaping. (Not necesseraly capturing him alive.)
Maybe they wanted to get the plans of the separatists? Possibly, but Obi reported that the separatists had just united, so they had not much time for planning, and with the appearance of the clone army, the situation had just changed very dramatically.
Maybe they wanted to capture the droid facility? Possibly, but as long as the republic used clones there was no higher value in capturing the facility than destroying it. (And actually the captured facility would have had to be defended and maintained on a hostile world.)
Maybe because the arena was too close and there were still civilians? Possibly, but those civilians were attacking the jedis.
Maybe because they needed every ships in the space combat? Possibly, but the landing, releasing the troops and taking off takes more time than a bombardment.
Maybe the droid army could otherwise stop the gunships (from the arena) from escaping. Possibly, but those gunships appeared to be quite fast.
Maybe there was a shield? Possibly, but the Acclamators landed quite close to the droid army, and the troops around them fired at the droids.
Maybe they wanted to show everyone that the republic had an army and did not hesitate to crush the separatists? Possibly. especially if Yoda got orders from Palpatine.
i agree on every point (especially the 1st

Man if i was Yoda i'd let the acclamators do the gunship's job

Posted: 2004-04-01 06:57pm
by McC
Mike often brings up the point that they didn't use a spatial strike because it would've resulted in civilian casualties -- the warzone was far too close to a center of population. As such, they had to resort to direct ground combat. If it were the Empire, that'd be another matter. But this is still the Republic we're talking about even though it's changing.
Re: A few questions about AOTC
Posted: 2004-04-01 07:19pm
by Enforcer Talen
wautd wrote:As much as i liked the scene when the 2 armies clash in AOTC some things are bothering me
1. Why didnt they just bombed or BDZ the place?
2. Why didnt they used some sort of EMP weapons against the droids instead of conventional weapons?
I'm glad they didnt though, or we didnt saw that kickass battle

and why didnt the clones duck and cover? you throw that much firepower at me, Im digging a hole 2 feet deep and lying in it.
Posted: 2004-04-01 07:19pm
by Stark
McC wrote:Mike often brings up the point that they didn't use a spatial strike because it would've resulted in civilian casualties -- the warzone was far too close to a center of population. As such, they had to resort to direct ground combat. If it were the Empire, that'd be another matter. But this is still the Republic we're talking about even though it's changing.
Additionally, the battle would have erased any misgivings members of the Senate may have had about using band-new clones vs the droid army. It was a demonstration, as much for their own people as the Seperatists.
Posted: 2004-04-01 08:09pm
by Techno_Union
It is possible that a BDZ happened on another side of the planet. The area with most of the Confederacy would be dealt with by the army and the places where the enemy was entrenched could have been BDZed. But this is just a theory. I am not sure if and of the official literature has mentioned any of this.
Posted: 2004-04-01 08:57pm
by Aaron
Techno_Union wrote:It is possible that a BDZ happened on another side of the planet. The area with most of the Confederacy would be dealt with by the army and the places where the enemy was entrenched could have been BDZed. But this is just a theory. I am not sure if and of the official literature has mentioned any of this.
Isn't a BDZ the destruction of the
entire planetary surface?
Posted: 2004-04-02 05:10pm
by Techno_Union
It can be the entire surface or just an area. The point is to get your enemies that are underground.
Posted: 2004-04-02 05:45pm
by Dave
I don't think the gunships have magnetic fields, so the Acclamator has to decend into the atmosphere to unload the gunships. (Yes, I know the Clones have sealed body armor, but you can't unload/recover people not in air-tight suits (Padme, Jedi, etc.) without being below (I think) 14,000 feet without oxygen.
Posted: 2004-04-02 05:47pm
by Dave
Darn, hit "submit" too fast. What I meant was that once you're below 14,000 feet, you might as well go the rest of the way down.
Posted: 2004-04-02 05:49pm
by Ghost Rider
Techno_Union wrote:It can be the entire surface or just an area. The point is to get your enemies that are underground.
No, a Base Delta Zero is specific operation.
It's meant to slag the ENTIRE planet to a kilometer deep of said crust.
Posted: 2004-04-02 06:10pm
by Howedar
You pulled that number out of your ass. Beyond vague comments about "sterilization" and "killing everything not in a deep bunker", we don't know precisely how deep a BDZ is.
Posted: 2004-04-03 05:56pm
by Kurgan
I don't think they want Dooku alive, evidenced by the fact that Anakin ordered the clone pilot to "shoot him down" until he was told they were "all out of rockets" (would a Speeder bike like he was riding over open desert survive even ONE rocket hit? I don't think so) and nobody chastised him afterward.
If Dooku was the most important man and they didn't want him alive, it makes one wonder if they cared if the other Seperatist leaders survived, so long as they were stopped. Note also how they shot down the Core ships, rather than trying to disable capture them somehow.
It could have been to do with some ROE type deal, but the most common arguments I've heard on here is that (other than Lucas wanting it to "look cool" of course) the Jedi were leading the battle, and they weren't very smart or experienced militarily (plus they were leading clones, who did whatever the Jedi told them to).
Posted: 2004-04-03 06:46pm
by Howedar
Alive is preferable to dead, but dead is preferable to letting him get away.
Re: A few questions about AOTC
Posted: 2004-04-03 07:30pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
wautd wrote:
1. Why didnt they just bombed or BDZ the place?
Why is not using WMD on the very first day of the war near a civilian population somehow a questionable decision?
Re: A few questions about AOTC
Posted: 2004-04-03 07:50pm
by Aaron
wautd wrote:
1. Why didnt they just bombed or BDZ the place?
If they did that then the Seperatists would be forced to retalate with similar force somewhere else. This would escalalte the conflict further. By performing a BDZ or orbital bombardment on Geonosis it may push some of the fence sitting systems into the arms of the seperatists.
Posted: 2004-04-03 08:54pm
by Ghost Rider
Howedar wrote:You pulled that number out of your ass. Beyond vague comments about "sterilization" and "killing everything not in a deep bunker", we don't know precisely how deep a BDZ is.
Aside from that it somehow defeats my point that a Base Delta Zero is a precise operation and not just a random slagging of parts of the world again how?
Posted: 2004-04-03 11:34pm
by 18-Till-I-Die
If i were to guess--the orbital nuking would be iffy, because a lot of the Geonosis (sp) stuff was deep underground, and they'd have to slag the whole damn planet, like Ghost Rider said. But the problem with that is: what is the justification beyond killing the bad guys? You cant go willy nilly using weapons of mass destruction everytime some seperatist pokes his head out of a crater...well, the Empire crtainly would, but now the Republic.
As for EMP...well, it's not difficult to harden modern equipment against EMP, so if it was up to the Star Wars races, i'm sure those droids had some kind of shielding just for EMP weapons.
Posted: 2004-04-03 11:49pm
by Sarevok
Dave wrote:I don't think the gunships have magnetic fields, so the Acclamator has to decend into the atmosphere to unload the gunships. (Yes, I know the Clones have sealed body armor, but you can't unload/recover people not in air-tight suits (Padme, Jedi, etc.) without being below (I think) 14,000 feet without oxygen.
You mean shields ? The LAAT gunships do have shields.