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The Maw Black Hole Cluster: How?
Posted: 2002-07-18 06:15pm
by 2000AD
Can some1 please explain to me how numerous blackholes happened to form a cluster?
Posted: 2002-07-18 06:36pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Maybe done by the same aliens who created the Corellian System.
Posted: 2002-07-18 07:13pm
by Mr Bean
Apparnelty they where put there created there by another yea old super advanced acient Alien Race for purposes unknow
Posted: 2002-07-18 07:23pm
Q did it.
Posted: 2002-07-18 07:49pm
by Mr Bean
Q did it.
Hey wait you said the same thing last thread when I asked who took the popcorn, So your telling me that he could be here stealing my flame-war munchies and also building a huge giant barrely stable Black-Hole Cluster?!
Posted: 2002-07-18 10:39pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Two black holes "got it on" and had several little black holes.
Posted: 2002-07-19 06:53am
Hey wait you said the same thing last thread when I asked who took the popcorn, So your telling me that he could be here stealing my flame-war munchies and also building a huge giant barrely stable Black-Hole Cluster?!
That's precisely it. It was also Q who clogged the toilet, ate the last of the leftover fried chicken, slept with your girlfriend, and let his dog crap on your front lawn.
He's a mean bastard, ain't he?
Posted: 2002-08-02 10:46pm
by Tychu
It has to be the unknown super intelligent alien race. stuff like this the unknown is what makes SW great. Just back when the force was still new in the 70's and 80's before Episode 1 tried to explain the powers of the force.
Posted: 2002-08-03 12:45am
by Master of Ossus
It was created for unknown purposes by the same race that created the Corellian system by moving several planets around with huge hyperdrives, and which created Vuffi Raa. I do not know how it was done. This race has also left a number of interesting artifacts around the Galaxy, such as Magwit's Mystifying Hoop. They also built Centerpoint Station around Corellia. Very little else is known about them, but their technology is HIGHLY advanced, even by SW standards, and their resource pool must have been tremendous.
BTW, I think it would be interesting if it turned out that that race was actually the YV, and that they had abandoned technology in favor of the stupid organic ones when they left the Galaxy in the first place. I know, it seems farfetched, but I think it could be kind of interesting and very ironic.
Posted: 2002-08-03 03:41am
by Kosh_The_Vorlon
I wonder whatever happened to that uber race..Perhaps they went beyond the Rim
Posted: 2002-08-03 10:25pm
by Crossover_Maniac
Did these aliens create Centerpoint Station?
Posted: 2002-08-03 10:52pm
by Darth Yoshi
Well, whoever created Centerpoint station created the ability to move large masses, such as Talus, Tralus, Corellia, Selonia, and Drall (all planets). It's next to impossible for Black Holes to exist in such close proximity. Which means someone probably moved them near each other. That requires the ability to move stellar masses. Ergo, whoever made Centerpoint made the Corellian system, and probably the Maw.
Posted: 2002-08-03 11:08pm
by Crossover_Maniac
But was it created by the Old Republic or one of its members?
Posted: 2002-08-05 09:22pm
by Master of Ossus
Crossover_Maniac wrote:But was it created by the Old Republic or one of its members?
Neither. The race that created it peaked before the Old Republic. It died out long before humans began to explore the Galaxy in force. It is unclear what happened to it, and very little information on that race exists. It would be VERY interesting to learn more about them.
Posted: 2002-08-05 10:52pm
by Wicked Pilot
It all started with this man named Kevin J Anderson who had a real knack for writing really shitty Star Wars books.
Posted: 2002-08-05 10:55pm
by Master of Ossus
USAF Ace wrote:It all started with this man named Kevin J Anderson who had a real knack for writing really shitty Star Wars books.
lol. Actually, I might have spoken too soon. It is POSSIBLE that some of the ancient race of aliens that built the Maw could have lost their technology (somehow) and become an Old Republic world. In that sense, it is possible that they were members of the Republic. I find that unlikely, however, I think they moved beyond the Galaxy's Rim, as is stated in official literature. Note that this race had access to technology and resources far beyond those of either the Empire or either Republic.
Posted: 2002-08-06 07:25am
by Mr Bean
Yes KJA is not to blaim for the MAW, It was around before he ever started writing the Jedi Acadamy Trilogy, Heck Stackpole and AA both mention it along with Zahn and Lucus
Posted: 2002-08-06 02:10pm
by Talon Karrde
USAF Ace wrote:It all started with this man named Kevin J Anderson who had a real knack for writing really shitty Star Wars books.
I have to agree his books suck pond water. Long live Timothy Zahn!