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Interesting "Tales From the Mos Eisley Cantina" Ti

Posted: 2004-04-18 04:39pm
by YT300000
A Hunter's Fate: Greedo's Tale, Tom Veitch/Martha Veitch, p. 40 wrote: As the massive vessel moved into stationary orbit over Nal Hutta, Imperial shocktroops answered the assembly blaxon, buckling on white body armour and pulling energized blaster rifles from charging sheaths.
Are these sheaths referred to anywhere else? If so, what do we know about them?

Posted: 2004-04-18 10:46pm
by Darksider
Presumably, the empire has to use somting to charge the blaster's power packs.

Posted: 2004-04-18 10:56pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Seems they forgot that the overwhelming majority of SW blasters' power packs are removable magazines.


Posted: 2004-04-18 10:59pm
by Darksider
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Seems they forgot that the overwhelming majority of SW blasters' power packs are removable magazines.


I think there was some mention in the Essential guide to Weapons and Technology about devices that let soldiers recharge power packs in combat. perhaps this is a similar version of that technology fit into an armory holder or somthing.

(Although saying the writers just forgot is a better explanation.)

Posted: 2004-04-18 10:59pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Spanky, even in RL, detachable box magazines can be loaded with more ammunition.

No reason blaster charge packs cannot be recharged.

Posted: 2004-04-18 11:02pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Spanky, even in RL, detachable box magazines can be loaded with more ammunition.
Can they be reloaded while still in the weapon?


Posted: 2004-04-18 11:07pm
by Illuminatus Primus
No, but who the fuck cares.

We're talking about fucking batteries. Why shouldn't they have an external plug so they can be mounted and recharged. This would be invaluable in a combat situation being shuttled around by light craft or APCs.

Would you like to, for once, give a reason or justification for your haughty disgust and derision?

Is there any particular reason you find this stupid?

Posted: 2004-04-18 11:12pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
I am not being "haughty," IP. Quit reading my fucking brevity for arrogance or disgust.

Non-combat recharging racks or ports don't seem out of the question, but recharging holsters just sounds odd to me.


Posted: 2004-04-18 11:36pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:I am not being "haughty," IP. Quit reading my fucking brevity for arrogance or disgust.
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Seems they forgot that the overwhelming majority of SW blasters' power packs are removable magazines.

I dunno, that sounds an awful like a criticism without substance to me. I find unsubstanciated complaints like that haughty by default.

And you can have the benefit of a doubt regarding your "brevity" when you pull the rod out of your ass and stop being a twat.
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Non-combat recharging racks or ports don't seem out of the question, but recharging holsters just sounds odd to me.

No no no, you misunderstood.

I was looking for a reason why you posted three times regarding the supposed sillyness of this idea.

Posted: 2004-04-19 12:02am
by Spanky The Dolphin
I don't know, I guess I just thought the reason them being removable magazines is what made the "in the holster" recharging idea sound odd to me. I really can't offer much more than that, because there really isn't much more to it than that I just found it odd.

It seemed analogous to an MP5 being automatically reloaded when resting in its holster at a soldier's side. I know that with energy weapons it's different; the analogy still came to me. Though I don't know if I have read anything that states whether blaster power packs are rechargable or not, but I wouldn't use that as a defence.

I'm sorry if that's all I can offer, because it honestly is. Sometimes things just sound odd for little reason.


Posted: 2004-04-19 09:19am
by hvb
hvb wrote: Some can (or could): at least one of the original detachable box magazine pistols, a 10-shot (forgot the name, will find it for tomorrow), could be loaded with 5-shot stripper clips while the magazine was in the weapon, or with single rounds; or the magazine could be detached for reloading.
Found it: the "Broomhandle" Mouser: :D
After 1930 available with detachable 10- and 20-round magazines, and could be loaded with a Mouser-style stripper clip (known as a charger in the UK), or by single rounds.
The 1896 model had an 10-round integral box magazine using the two latter modes of reloading, and the functionality was carried over into the box magazine version.

Posted: 2004-04-19 11:44am
by Spanky The Dolphin
I should have asked this earlier, I realise.

I'm not up on terminology, so what's a box magazine, exactly?


Posted: 2004-04-19 06:32pm
by Kurgan
Correct me if I'm wrong (I've enjoyed many of the stories myself though there's many I haven't read; and not to try to kill the discussion) but doesn't LucasFilm consider all of the "Star Wars Tales" to be "apocryphal" at best? (Ie: on the level of Infinities and the Glove of Darth Vader as far as continuity)

I assumed that meant these were just tall tales told by a bunch of Pilots or Mercenaries sitting around the glow-lamp late one night after a few rounds of Corellian Ale...

Posted: 2004-04-19 06:45pm
by Illuminatus Primus
The "Tales of..." Anthologies are canonical insofar as they do not contradict or undermine the meaning of George Lucas' saga of films and screenplays, just like all EU (including The Glove of Darth Vader, unfortunately, since it is not Infinities).

The Dark Horse Comics' series called "Star Wars Tales" is marked wholely apocryphal.

Posted: 2004-04-19 06:45pm
by Illuminatus Primus
The "Tales of..." Anthologies are canonical insofar as they do not contradict or undermine the meaning of George Lucas' saga of films and screenplays, just like all EU (including The Glove of Darth Vader, unfortunately, since it is not Infinities).

The Dark Horse Comics' series called "Star Wars Tales" is marked wholely apocryphal.

Posted: 2004-04-19 06:48pm
by Kurgan
Ohhh, so they are completely different. Okay, thanks!

Posted: 2004-04-19 07:13pm
by YT300000
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:I should have asked this earlier, I realise.

I'm not up on terminology, so what's a box magazine, exactly?

As opposed to drum magazines:


double drum magazines:




and individual rounds.

Posted: 2004-04-25 02:46pm
by YT300000
Okay, here's another bit. Actually, there was a debate between Walper and me a month or two ago in OSF about blasters vs. phasers. He said that phasers were better because they could completely "vapourize" (for lack of a better term) things, and make them disappear, which blasters couldn't do. While this passage is fairly contradictory to observed blaster behaviour, it might be worth something:
One Last Night in the Mos Eisely Cantina: The Tale of the Wolfman and the Lamproid (TMEC, pg. 374), Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens wrote:He would make it to the evacuation point or he would not. There was no reason to hurry.
Sivrak activated the blaster.
Dice's body shimmered with the disassociative energy of the beam. She became fiery, incandescent, and somehow, Sivrak though, she might have appreciated that transformation.