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Where in the Galaxy Was Mara Jade?

Posted: 2004-04-25 05:43pm
by Techno_Union
Mara Jade during the Thrawn Trilogy was obviously still very much loyal to Emperor Palpatine, with this being said, where was she during his return in Dark Empire I and II? Do we know for sure with any quote or something?

Posted: 2004-04-25 05:56pm
by Joe
She was probably doing something related to the Smugglers' Alliance.

Posted: 2004-04-26 01:47am
by Crown
Joe wrote:She was probably doing something related to the Smugglers' Alliance.
There wasn't a 'SA' at that point, she was still just working with Talon Karrde.

Posted: 2004-04-26 01:13pm
by Equinox2003
Crown is right, she was with Talon.

Posted: 2004-04-26 01:37pm
by Stormbringer
Crown wrote:
Joe wrote:She was probably doing something related to the Smugglers' Alliance.
There wasn't a 'SA' at that point, she was still just working with Talon Karrde.
I thought that was created out of the informal group Karrde created during Thrawn's campaigns?

Posted: 2004-04-26 02:09pm
by Tribun
Well I can't think about a in-universe answer.

But in reality I think ,Mara simply not appeared, because Zahn said to the authors of Dark Empire : "Fuck you", and brought unneccessary confusion into the timeline, wich is why Mara isn't seen in DE. A pity, because with her it would have been much more interesting.

Posted: 2004-04-26 04:33pm
by Solauren
Actually, I believe she's supposed to be with Kyle Katarn/helping the new republic (Jedi Academy: Mysteries of the Sith)

Posted: 2004-04-26 09:52pm
by Kurgan
Good call. ^

Posted: 2004-04-26 09:58pm
by Ghost Rider
Solauren wrote:Actually, I believe she's supposed to be with Kyle Katarn/helping the new republic (Jedi Academy: Mysteries of the Sith)
She couldn't have been given that the Jedi Academy had yet to be established on Yavin :P

All in all it's a bit of a mess sinec DE was to come out first, then Heir.

Posted: 2004-04-26 10:29pm
by Solauren
Ghost Rider wrote:
Solauren wrote:Actually, I believe she's supposed to be with Kyle Katarn/helping the new republic (Jedi Academy: Mysteries of the Sith)
She couldn't have been given that the Jedi Academy had yet to be established on Yavin :P

All in all it's a bit of a mess sinec DE was to come out first, then Heir.
Supposedly, the timeline for all that goes

Dark Forces: Jedi Knight
Luke says to Kyle: Hey, apprientice time?
Kyle: Nah, I'm good on my own.
Heir to the Empire
Mara doesn't want to be trained by Luke, but ends up learning from Kyle
Dark Empire
During which: Mysteries of the Sith

Posted: 2004-04-27 07:41pm
by Kurgan
Typo, and I forgot to correct him.

Jedi KNIGHT: Mysteries of the Sith

Indeed, in that game the Jedi Academy is never mentioned, rather Kyle trains with Mara for awhile while they are on assignment to help protect a New Republic base.

You're right about the chronology. Jedi Outcast takes place a few years after (IIRC) and then Jedi Academy (the game) takes place another 1-2 years later.

Posted: 2004-04-28 10:48am
by FTeik
I think Mara Jade did the smart thing and was hiding in a very deep hole, since her former boss wouldn´t be to pleased with her actions during TTT.

Posted: 2004-04-28 10:48pm
by Solauren
Mara was probably more worried with Luke going dark in the first one, he might show up and repeat history on her ala Anakin and Padme