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Who cares about Episode III?

Posted: 2004-05-04 01:53am
by Trytostaydead
After Episodes I and II, I've lost all faith that Episode III will be any better. It seems like George Lucas has lost all touch, and has surrounded himself with yes-men. But maybe this is a good thing. If my expectations are so low, I might come away astounded with renewed faith in the Force.

Posted: 2004-05-04 01:55am
by Spanky The Dolphin
The poll seems biased towards the whiners' favor.

Posted: 2004-05-04 01:56am
by Stofsk
No - I don't care anymore.

I will still go see Episode 3 when it comes out next year, but unlike TPM and AOTC I won't walk into the cinema's on it's side, expecting to love it.

Posted: 2004-05-04 01:58am
by Jim Raynor
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:The poll seems biased towards the whiners.
I agree. You can care about to Episode III without being fanboy who gobbles up everything with his favorite franchise's name on it. I for one am looking forward to Episode III. The prequels haven't been perfect, but I think they've received more criticism than they deserve.

Posted: 2004-05-04 01:59am
by Icehawk
I personally thought Episode 2 was a step back (a small step, but a worthy one) into the right direction and I have faith that Episode 3 will be good. Granted I'm not expecting something steller, but I'm sure it will at least be decent like Episode 2 was for me. The space battles and the long lightsabre duel that is promised should help make it worth while as well.

Posted: 2004-05-04 02:04am
by Howedar
I'd be pleased if it's as good as Ep2.

I'm not voting with the current choices cause they're retarded.

Posted: 2004-05-04 02:09am
by AdmiralKanos
It's annoying when people construct polls in such a manner as to cast implications upon people who choose the "wrong" answer.

Anyway, I want to see Episode 3. I'm hoping it will be good, and I'm hoping that it will be the TESB of this trilogy, since people were thinking that AOTC would fill that dark connecting role and it did not.

Posted: 2004-05-04 02:09am
by Ghost Rider
Gee Answer 1 is "Me am FAnb0I!!!!"

Answer 2 is No

Answwer 3 is I bitch and whine!!!!

For me, Yes, I want to see it...but not answering a poll which is skewed to either bitching or whoring

Posted: 2004-05-04 02:11am
by Howedar
In all fairness, it appears that Trytostaydead accidently made one of his options the title of the poll. With that option added, it's a lot more reasonable.

Posted: 2004-05-04 02:12am
by Crown
I agree with Mike about the poll issue, and about the expectation that Ep III will be darker than TESB. I really want to see it!

Posted: 2004-05-04 02:13am
by Ghost Rider
Howedar wrote:In all fairness, it appears that Trytostaydead accidently made one of his options the title of the poll. With that option added, it's a lot more reasonable.
Perhaps...would've been better if he had a fifth one was "I enjoy Star Wars, so yes I'm looking forward to it."

Posted: 2004-05-04 02:15am
by AdmiralKanos
I think more people would be excited about it if the early reviews from prestigious people were good. There's a lot of herd mentality when it comes to bashing a movie once you're pretty sure that all the cool people don't like it.

However, I doubt that will be the case. It's actually kind of amazing how much money Ep1 and Ep2 made despite absolutely scathing reviews. Despite the widespread belief that reviews don't matter, that's really not true; reviews do make a big difference to the box-office take of a movie. Worse yet, some people (read: weak people with low self-esteem) are actually afraid to admit that they like a movie if the cool people hate it.

Posted: 2004-05-04 02:19am
by Spanky The Dolphin
I won't choose any of the poll options for previously stated reasons.

But I will say that I do look forward to seeing Episode III, and that some of the official leaks do make me genuinely excited.

I also agree that Lucas has been getting an unfair amount of flak, from both whining fans, wounded OT purists, and critics (remember how most reviews for TPM and AotC were more about Lucas than they were about the movies).

Posted: 2004-05-04 02:27am
by BoyRocketeer
I didnt even see episode 2. I thought episode 1 was nice, but kinda got swept away by the Matrix at the time. Damn, sequels and prequels suck major.

Posted: 2004-05-04 02:32am
by Trytostaydead
Can a mod correct my poll? There were supposed to be four choices.. not 3. I accidentally but the first one into the title box.

Posted: 2004-05-04 02:51am
by Vympel
I simply do not think AOTC was that bad. My friend is constantly saying how shit it is at every opportunity- it does have it's moments of shittiness, but really, and this is the litmus test for a movie I like- if it's on (i.e. I'm channel surfing) I'll sit and watch it.

I think all the indications are they're going for a TESB style EPIII. I hope they pull it off.

Posted: 2004-05-04 04:19am
by Vohu Manah
I fell asleep in the theater during Episode 2's big battle sequence, is that a sign?

Posted: 2004-05-04 04:31am
by Vympel
Vohu Manah wrote:I fell asleep in the theater during Episode 2's big battle sequence, is that a sign?
Yeah, it's a sign that you're not normal and need immediate help.

Posted: 2004-05-04 05:50am
by 18-Till-I-Die
Well seeing as i am a Fanboy, i will go to see Ep-III

I thought EP-II was the best SW since TESB, which in my opinion was the crowning movie of the series, and while i didnt like TPM i felt it was on par with some of the less memorable parts of the OT. Good enough, in other words. Some people are blasting Lucus for 'changing the series' or whatever, but to hell with that. They can step out of the way while i go buy my ticket, buncha' Original Trillogy cultists. I dont really consciously make a distiction between the two trilogies, i just say OT and Prequels to keep them straight in my head. It's all Star Wars.

Also, i just love Star Wars! It was the first live acion sci-fi i ever realy got into, since i was into Robotech and anime at the time and novels, and as such I'm a complete fanboy, and i'm damn proud! :D

Posted: 2004-05-04 06:30am
by 2000AD
I liked TPM and AoTC as much as the OT. While that may paint me as some kind of freak in most SW "fans" eyes i don't give a crap. I'm going to see Ep3, and i'm willing to bet that it will rock my socks off.

It's got a lot to live up as everyone's expecting massive amounts of kick ass lightsabre action as well as large battles, but i think (and i hope) Lucas can pull it off.

Posted: 2004-05-04 10:01am
by Gandalf
Like many I will rush to see Ep3 on opening night.

That may make me a fanboy. If so then so be it.

Posted: 2004-05-04 10:09am
by hvb
EpI kicked the second (or first if you will) trilogy off in a not too great way, lets just say.
EpII is actually OK (at least as good as ROTJ in my opinion, though others may disagree).

Hopefully the trend will continue and the fall of the OR & the Jedi order will be done with sufficient darkness of scene & emotion to do the subject credit.

In other words: If this is at TESB level it will be great, else it will probably be another TPM, I don't think there can be a middle road there; so all we can do is hope, and then go let the movie speak to us (or not).

I'm going to see it "with my own eyes" before I discount it anyway, so my answer is YES: I AM a stark raving mad FanBoy. (i.e. option 1)

Posted: 2004-05-04 11:30am
by General Zod
AdmiralKanos wrote:I think more people would be excited about it if the early reviews from prestigious people were good. There's a lot of herd mentality when it comes to bashing a movie once you're pretty sure that all the cool people don't like it.

However, I doubt that will be the case. It's actually kind of amazing how much money Ep1 and Ep2 made despite absolutely scathing reviews. Despite the widespread belief that reviews don't matter, that's really not true; reviews do make a big difference to the box-office take of a movie. Worse yet, some people (read: weak people with low self-esteem) are actually afraid to admit that they like a movie if the cool people hate it.
In some cases bad press and criticism will actually help a movies profits in the long run, as people will go and see it just to see how horribly bad it's rumored to be, or if it really is prejudiced in a certain way, etc. The Passion is the most recent example i can think about, with all the negative press it generated wound up being one of the biggest reasons so many people went to see it.

Posted: 2004-05-04 12:02pm
by Sir Sirius
I'll definitely go and see it when it comes out, but I feel somewhat pessimistic about the whole deal and the more I learn about Ep.III the worse I feel.

Posted: 2004-05-04 12:19pm
by Zac Naloen
I'll see episode 3, i enjoyed TPM and AOTC. And i don't entirely understand the negative press they get. The OT acting and dialogue was just as bad... :?

and i've heard nothing about ep3 that has me worried.