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The NEW Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology Cover
Posted: 2004-05-09 10:18pm
by Illuminatus Primus
NEGTW&T cover
Its done by Blackman and Fullwood, the same Beavis and Butthead who brought us the NEGTV&V.
Expect rehashes, generalisations, omissions, ignorance of the most basic of Newton's laws, and shitty artwork.
I'll browse it at the store; I'm not buying this POS.
Posted: 2004-05-09 11:32pm
by Dorsk 81
Would this be the same book that we had a thread on a while back, showing pics of the Jade Shadow and the YV ships?
Posted: 2004-05-10 12:15am
by Raxmei
No, that was the Essential Guide to Vessels and Vehicles. This is Weapons and Technology.
Posted: 2004-05-10 12:52am
by Darth Wong
A perusal of the forums will quickly make it clear that there are certain "personalities" in high places at LucasFilm who have a real problem with treating Star Wars seriously; they would prefer to treat it like Bugs Bunny.
Posted: 2004-05-10 01:00am
by Connor MacLeod
I'm actually curious to see it and I might buy it. I'm not expecting anything particularily spectacular though, but I've been surprised before.
Re: The NEW Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology Cover
Posted: 2004-05-10 01:08am
by Crown
Illuminatus Primus wrote:NEGTW&T cover
Its done by Blackman and Fullwood, the same Beavis and Butthead who brought us the NEGTV&V.
Expect rehashes, generalisations, omissions, ignorance of the most basic of Newton's laws, and shitty artwork.
I'll browse it at the store; I'm not buying this POS.
Errr, is Darth Maul's lightsabre
Posted: 2004-05-10 01:12am
by Connor MacLeod
Don't think so. Probably looks that way cuz most of the book is blue and purple
Posted: 2004-05-10 01:13am
by Connor MacLeod
Darth Wong wrote:A perusal of the forums will quickly make it clear that there are certain "personalities" in high places at LucasFilm who have a real problem with treating Star Wars seriously; they would prefer to treat it like Bugs Bunny.
You mean people like Dan Wallace?
I also believe Hidalgo might have expressed opinions like that before too.
Posted: 2004-05-10 02:07am
by Darth Wong
Connor MacLeod wrote:Darth Wong wrote:A perusal of the forums will quickly make it clear that there are certain "personalities" in high places at LucasFilm who have a real problem with treating Star Wars seriously; they would prefer to treat it like Bugs Bunny.
You mean people like Dan Wallace?
I also believe Hidalgo might have expressed opinions like that before too.
Pretty much, although they'll dress it up so it doesn't sound quite as ridiculous. But ultimately, that's what they're basically saying: Star Wars = Bugs Bunny, don't take it any more seriously than that.
Posted: 2004-05-10 02:12am
by Connor MacLeod
Darth Wong wrote:
Pretty much, although they'll dress it up so it doesn't sound quite as ridiculous. But ultimately, that's what they're basically saying: Star Wars = Bugs Bunny, don't take it any more seriously than that.
Yeah. I seem to recall Wallace making some mention of SW ion engines being "impossible" or "beyond science" somehow... but then again you've dealt with SB folk before, so you're familiar with that mentality. Not eveyone is willing to think scientifically/analytically at things. Hell, you know some people ignorant of such things will even pretend knowledge of it (to the point of claiming to be professionals, say a P. Eng.
Posted: 2004-05-10 03:03am
by Icehawk
*sigh* Why cant they just wait till after Episode 3 comes out? They are already going to have to release a third version of the Guide to characters and the Guide to Vehicles because they didnt wait for Episode 3.
Oh well maybe for the third incarnation of each book they will finally get their shit straight with certain things (SSD length, etc).
Posted: 2004-05-10 08:17am
by Tribun
Well, there are shitty books, and there are good books.
I think the ICS and the other "serious" books, compensate for that stupidy.
Posted: 2004-05-10 10:15am
by Rightous Fist Of Heaven
Considering the atrocious amounts of bullshit that the New Essential Guide to Vechiles & Vessels was filled with, i dont have high hopes for this one seeing thats its done by the same boneheads that fucked up the NEGtV&V.
Posted: 2004-05-10 04:30pm
by Techno_Union
I will buy it just for the sake of having all the Essential Guides. No one says I have to like it.
Posted: 2004-05-11 03:09am
by President Sharky
Oh no, the devastating duo of Blackman and Fullwood returns!
Another potentially great Essential Guide gone to the waste. What will it be this time? The Death Star superlaser is a gravity beam?
Posted: 2004-05-11 04:14am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Ha, that assumes they'd actually get off their duffs to change anything...
Posted: 2004-05-11 02:46pm
by Ender
Who wants to bet that in the end Nazi Germany will be able to beat the empire? Afterall, according to these two, WW2 era fighter planes are faster then X-wings.
Posted: 2004-05-11 09:28pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Techno_Union wrote:I will buy it just for the sake of having all the Essential Guides. No one says I have to like it.
Consumer whore.
Posted: 2004-05-11 10:34pm
by Master of Ossus
Darth Wong wrote:A perusal of the forums will quickly make it clear that there are certain "personalities" in high places at LucasFilm who have a real problem with treating Star Wars seriously; they would prefer to treat it like Bugs Bunny.
Tell me about it. I was banned from their website on the basis that some moderator over there didn't like me asking questions about why he saw fit to chastise me, after repeatedly failing to answer the question.
The level of "discussion" at is a joke.
Posted: 2004-05-11 10:39pm
by Darth Wong
Master of Ossus wrote:Darth Wong wrote:A perusal of the forums will quickly make it clear that there are certain "personalities" in high places at LucasFilm who have a real problem with treating Star Wars seriously; they would prefer to treat it like Bugs Bunny.
Tell me about it. I was banned from their website on the basis that some moderator over there didn't like me asking questions about why he saw fit to chastise me, after repeatedly failing to answer the question.
The level of "discussion" at is a joke.
They don't like being made to feel stupid. Unfortunately, this creates a real conundrum when one of them says something which is stupid. Not that they're all stupid, but occasionally you see somebody post a real jaw-dropper and you think "goddamit, why can't I say what I
really think of what I just saw?"
Posted: 2004-05-11 11:52pm
by JME2
Oy, can't they try harder this time...
Posted: 2004-05-12 01:02am
by President Sharky
That will be the day. If anything, Blackman should just stick to writing SW: Republic comic books. The stories he wrote (e.g. Battle of Jabiim) weren't half bad. If he keeps up with the Guides, however, we're doomed to be given a half-assed job done by a man who failed high school science.
Posted: 2004-05-12 01:25am
by JME2
President Sharky wrote: a half-assed job done by a man who failed high school science.
I assume you have evidence to support this - the High Inquisitor must reach a verdict after all.
Posted: 2004-05-12 01:41pm
by Kuja
Illuminatus Primus wrote:
Its done by Blackman and Fullwood, the same Beavis and Butthead who brought us the NEGTV&V.
I can literally feel my belief in a benevolent god slipping away.
Posted: 2004-05-12 08:54pm
by President Sharky
JME2 wrote:President Sharky wrote: a half-assed job done by a man who failed high school science.
I assume you have evidence to support this - the High Inquisitor must reach a verdict after all.
Blackman's infamous, (paraphrase)"firing the volcano cannon (located at the front) propels the coralskipper forward", should be enough to prove that he has no functioning brain. Since when does shooting something at the bow of a ship
propel the thing forward!??
What's next? Firing the concussion missiles helps move the
Falcon forward? Let's not forget that he thinks the
Falcon and all other OT and EU ships cannot travel at atmospheric speeds faster that 1000 kph, even though the Prequel ships like the Jedi Starfighter, Geonosian Nantex fighter, and even the fucking Naboo Royal Cruiser can go +10,000 kph!!!
EU material brutally contradicts most of his statistics (speed/accleleration). For example,
Destiny's Way indicated that the A-Wing can reach speeds of up to
36,000 kph.
Star by Star mentions at numerous times that the fighters and capital ships can travel at near-light speeds while traveling outside of hyperspace. Blackman therefore does not have the mental capacity to actually look through the material he will be referencing before he makes the fucking guide.
If you're going to write a motherfucking ESSENTIAL GUIDE, you should be sure to check the official/canon material first!
This dickweed checks out video games stats and decides to copy and paste from them and the previous guide, making a whole bunch of new mistakes and contradicting hier-tier canon material, like the fucking
movies and books.
This guide is already guaranteed to be a total piece of shit. Anyone who thinks otherwise is welcome to do so, but you will be
extremely dissapointed when you learn that turbolasers are actually lasers (or something of the like), and that blasters have ranges of <100 meters.