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Star Wars hitting the small screen in '06?

Posted: 2004-06-12 12:49am
by Jason von Evil
Spotted this at the Scifi Mesh forums.
Star Wars TV Series in 2006
Thu, Apr 29, 04 01:51:10 AM EDT

We're continuing to hear about the direction for Lucasfilm and Star Wars post-Episode III. While there won't be more movies, we continue to hear the move is to TV. Sources are now telling us that there WILL be a TV series in 2006.

They don't know whether it'll be live-action, animated or both - Lucasfilm itself will decide on this later this year!
Okay, STAR WARS Fans... Want Some More News To Chew On?! How About Those TV Series Premise Details?!
Hi, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab...
Okay... now that the dust has started to settle from the other day (and I say “started,” since it’s going to kick right back up next week when full details about the DVD changes start to trickle out... and they will), how about something else to keep you talking?
We’ve heard repeatedly now about marketing meetings that Lucasfilm has been holding internationally, in which they’ve laid out their plans for the next five years or so. One of the cornerstones of that plan has been a TV show rumored to start in the fall of 2006. So what would a STAR WARS TV show be about? What premise could possibly fuel a weekly series that wouldn’t also tread on the toes of film continuity? Could the Vader purge support an entire series, and how big a downer would it be just watching him kill Jedi each week? Could it be a Jedi Academy or a Rogue Squadron show?
Nope. Sounds like Lucasfilm knows exactly which character fans are still most intrigued by, even now, over 20 years after his first brief introduction. Yeah... you know who I’m talking about... check out what this spy had to say:

Yep, been a long time since my last report. But I like to save up. So it's time to cash out. Yep, there is a Star Wars TV show on the way. Yep, it takes place between Episode 3 and 4. Yep, the character and story arcs are starting to come together. Hehe... fanboys are gonna love this! Playing one of the series' villans we love to hate is none other than... wait for it... Boba Fett! Expect young Boba (but not nearly as young as in Ep. 2) to feature in the series significantly. And you wondered why Lucas spent so much time focusing on that kid in Attack of the Clones and made sure that you knew that he knew that the Jedi/Republic was responsible for his Dad's death. Now you know.

Cooper the Hound
Normally, I’d say a bad guy couldn’t really carry the weight of audience sympathy week to week as the star of a show, but Boba Fett is no ordinary bad guy, and this would certainly give Lucasfilm an entire galaxy of possibilities, story-wise.
For now, let’s consider this one an unconfirmed rumor, but I’m already working on a few key sources to try and get something more substantial. I’ll make sure to let you know when we do...
"Moriarty" out.
So, what do you think about a SW tv series? I have to admit, it would be interesting to have a Star Wars series. Although, a NJO based one would've been more interesting than a Boba Fett series.

Posted: 2004-06-12 12:59am
by IRG CommandoJoe
Sounds kick-ass to me. I just hope it's true. And if it's successful, perhaps they'll make more shows too.

Posted: 2004-06-12 01:00am
by Sarevok
If well done a new SW series could be great. The SW universe is vast providing rich story telling possibilites.There are numerous plot lines that could be adapted for a TV series. With the incredible special effects technology of Lucas Films a new SW TV show could have the best special effects of any TV show.

Posted: 2004-06-12 01:12am
by Praxis
I've been hearing about this for a while...but I never heard Boba Fett's name come up in relation to the likely upcoming Star Wars TV series. Sounds awesome :)

Hopefully it's not just a "Boba Fett's Story" type of thing...I'm hoping to see either a few Clone Wars battles, or (since it may take place after EpIII) some parts of the Emperor's takeover. Other than the political takeover that will take place in Episode III, of course (we know he keeps an Imperial senate in place until ANH).

Perhaps even the destruction of Caamas (does anyone remember the timeframe for that? Was it pre-clone wars, or after?)...maybe some of the Jedi purge as well :)

Posted: 2004-06-12 01:31am
by Seggybop
Initially the thought of a SW series fills me with disgust, but Fett would actually be an interesting subject for such a thing.

Posted: 2004-06-12 01:33am
by Illuminatus Primus
I think LFL will botch it, so no.

Posted: 2004-06-12 01:42am
by Jason von Evil
My fear is we'll get something like Smallville or some such. You know, a teen drama with a scifi setting.

Posted: 2004-06-12 02:28am
by Master of Ossus
It has the POTENTIAL to be awesome. However, I have doubts about their ability to pull it off. For one thing, the kid actor sucked in Episode II, and was possibly their weakest cast member by a hop, skip and a jump. That said, if done properly it could be really fun television.

Posted: 2004-06-12 02:45am
by Galvatron
Sounds craptacular.

Posted: 2004-06-12 03:37am
by Vympel
It's going to suck. Boo.

Posted: 2004-06-12 04:06am
by Slartibartfast
They can always hire B&B.

Posted: 2004-06-12 04:11am
by Mange
T'bone, as you might know is very trustworthy, writes in his latest T'blog that he has got confirmation from a source that has been proven right before. According to that source, it will be a live-action television series.
Check out (please note that the text contains possible SPOILERS about Darth Vader in Episode III, so if you don't want to read spoilers, be careful)
I think that LFL could pull it off and create an excellent series.

Posted: 2004-06-12 05:45am
by Old Plympto
I'd like to see a TV show in the SW Universe during the Clone Wars which feature a crew of a tramp freighter, whose crew might not be what it seems in the first place. At first they might be trying to live off the galaxy by trading goods from one planet to another a la Firefly, then they get embroiled in the war little by little as they piss off both Separatists and Republic big guns, then when one by one the crews' pasts (maybe one of them is a runaway clonetrooper, or a Separatist spy, or a fallen Jedi) are uncovered we got more conflict of interests and interesting storylines.

But that's just me... sigh.

Posted: 2004-06-12 06:24am
by Zac Naloen
I'd like to see a TV show in the SW Universe during the Clone Wars which feature a crew of a tramp freighter, whose crew might not be what it seems in the first place. At first they might be trying to live off the galaxy by trading goods from one planet to another a la Firefly, then they get embroiled in the war little by little as they piss off both Separatists and Republic big guns, then when one by one the crews' pasts (maybe one of them is a runaway clonetrooper, or a Separatist spy, or a fallen Jedi) are uncovered we got more conflict of interests and interesting storylines.

But that's just me... sigh.
Sounds a bit tooo much like firefly though :P

i always thought a Rogue Squadron mini series would be kinda cool, based on the books as there would have to be quite a few changes to make it suitable for tv.

Posted: 2004-06-12 08:29am
by Lex
mmm If they hire MGM to do it, it will own...

Posted: 2004-06-12 09:50am
by RedImperator
Oh joy, Fett wankery from the people who brought you the Ewoks TV series.

Posted: 2004-06-12 02:19pm
by President Sharky
No! This sounds like a step in the direction of Star Trek :( . Soon enough, we'll have Star Wars technobable, and they'll ass-rape continuity. Then they'll override the ICS, and we'll have SW weapons set at 200 kilotons instead :( . Too many things to go wrong. No-no-no-no-no!

Tis a sad day for all of SW. It looks like George really has gone mad. God help us all.

Posted: 2004-06-12 05:07pm
by FTeik
Well, it could go like StarTrek, what would be bad.

It could go like StarGate, that would be good.

I´ll tell you, when i have seen it.

Posted: 2004-06-12 05:27pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
I am weary, but will wait until something concrete is known and I have seen it before fully judging it.

Posted: 2004-06-12 05:56pm
by JME2
Slartibartfast wrote:They can always hire B&B.
They could help Lucas fuck up the franchise - oh wait, he already did that. :roll:

Posted: 2004-06-12 06:10pm
by Techno_Union
Never been a big fan of Boba Fett, so I hope there is more to it then him, if not, oh well...

But they do need to do something on a large scale, like following a battalion of troops (Band of Brothers type thing), or life for a ship during the war, not just a bounty hunter and his grudge.

Posted: 2004-06-12 07:22pm
by Darth Yoshi
I'm not exactly looking forward to this, but hopefully it'll turn out well. Or at least it won't piss on continuity too much.

I'm assuming this will be movie-level canon.

Posted: 2004-06-12 07:27pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Darth Yoshi wrote:I'm not exactly looking forward to this, but hopefully it'll turn out well. Or at least it won't piss on continuity too much.

I'm assuming this will be movie-level canon.
All televised material in the past has been Official EU, so I see no difference with this.

Posted: 2004-06-13 01:58am
by Joe
My last experience with Fett wankery was in the game Jedi Academy, and that left an awfully bad taste in my mouth (no pun intended).

On one hand, I'm happy that live action Star Wars will not be ending forever with Episode III.

On the other hand, well, you read the article and you know what this could end up being.

I think that the best hope for this series is for George Lucas to not be involved in anything beyond laying out the basic framework for the story. Fresh blood could very well save Star Wars.

Posted: 2004-06-13 01:59am
by JME2
Joe wrote:My last experience with Fett wankery was in the game Jedi Academy, and that left an awfully bad taste in my mouth.

On one hand, I'm happy that live action Star Wars will not be ending forever with Episode III.

On the other hand, well, you read the article and you know what this could end up being.

I think that the best hope for this series is for George Lucas to not be involved in anything beyond laying out the basic framework for the story. Fresh blood could very well save Star Wars.