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How would *You* fight the Yuuzhan Vong Invasion?
Posted: 2004-06-20 12:16am
by EmperorSolo51
Since we all know what utter and complete imbeciles the New Republic leaders were at handling the initial Vong incursion into the Galaxy and then subsequent non-action and indecisiveness on the part of Borsk Fey'la later in the NJO. Since the debaters here at SD.Net have more tactical and stratiegtic competance than the morons who ran the New Republic during its fall, how would you deal with the Vong invasion. More Importantly how would you react to the fact the Vong are using your own people as human shields and cannon fodder (as seen repeatedly during the NJO and culminating with attack on Coruscant during SBS). How would you deal with the Peace Brigadiers and certain traitors in the Senate? (Ex. a certain Kuati Senator)
I'm going to disallow the use of superweapons (Which include centrepoint) because that defeats the whole purpose of this thread.
Posted: 2004-06-20 12:26am
by consequences
First, I'm going to assume that I'm working from the same basic starting position the NR had in the original invasion. Anything else devolves to "I build millions of ships and the YV die".
One, Recon. Information is your friend, and sending out sacrificial ships costs less than figuring out YV abilities over Kuat or Mon Calamari.
Two, Build-Up. Identify the axis of invasion, and work at expanding industrial centes on the far side of it. With hyperdrive, its still within striking distance, but much harder to get at without at least giving approach warning.
Three, Droids. Droid controlled ships are your friends. The YV hate them, so they'll attack them more than your crewed ships, and you don't have to find crews for them.
Four, Internal Control. Take the Noghri, and enlist every single one of them in the aid of killing traitorous scum. Make it quite clear that if you accomplish nothing else in the war, you will make sure that every Peace Brigader piece of shit dies before you do.
Five, Intestinal Fortitude. If the Vong use hostages, you shoot through them if you have to. If the Vong torture prisoners, implant cybernetics on captured Vong. If the Vong destroy your worlds with viruses, destroy theirs with clouds of nanites. Make it quite clear that you will be just as unpleasant to them as they are to you.
Posted: 2004-06-20 02:36am
by Joe
I actually send forces to deal with the problem. Solved.
Posted: 2004-06-20 03:47am
by White Haven
Instruct the NR's political hacks that yes, if the entire galaxy falls to the Vong, that does include your office, and they will never be able to fuck with politics for the rest of their lives. And that if it's any consolation, that will be a very short time. Political inaction not only ends the game, but also smashes the board.
Oh, and here's a REAL good one. SOMEONE tell the NR that just because you want peace, don't deconstruct and scrap every last supercapital-class ship or spaceborn superweapon you run across. Not trying to violate the no-superweapon provision there, just making a point that if the NR'd kept a superlaser or two around instead of wiping them all out and never trying to reproduce them, the odd Vong shipyard world would present a far smaller problem. SEE: Captured SSD in particular, regarding supercapital-class vessels Shees, you'd think those fools had never heard of peace through superior firepower.
And if we're disallowing Centerpoint, one of my items is already taken care of. You know the one, not atomizing the Hapan battlefleet? Yeah, that's a goodie.
Oh yeah. remind your citizens that treason is a hanging offense, and start hanging every last Peace Brigader you run across. The message will get around /real/ quick.
When you can't defend a planet, and every last non-Vong on that planet is going to be killed or enslaved and THEN killed, thermonuclear detonation charges are your friend. Whoops, was that an entire Vong invasion force incinerated to the last twisted, deformed figure? Draconian, yes, but the planet has nothing to lose.
Re: How would *You* fight the Yuuzhan Vong Invasion?
Posted: 2004-06-20 04:02am
by PainRack
EmperorSolo51 wrote:Since we all know what utter and complete imbeciles the New Republic leaders were at handling the initial Vong incursion into the Galaxy and then subsequent non-action and indecisiveness on the part of Borsk Fey'la later in the NJO. Since the debaters here at SD.Net have more tactical and stratiegtic competance than the morons who ran the New Republic during its fall, how would you deal with the Vong invasion. More Importantly how would you react to the fact the Vong are using your own people as human shields and cannon fodder (as seen repeatedly during the NJO and culminating with attack on Coruscant during SBS). How would you deal with the Peace Brigadiers and certain traitors in the Senate? (Ex. a certain Kuati Senator)
I'm going to disallow the use of superweapons (Which include centrepoint) because that defeats the whole purpose of this thread.
Does this include hindsight, because if you disallow it, its get extremely diffcult to do anything different at all. Its easy to criticise what the NR did, however, considering the political situation and military tactics, you're not going to be able to do anything vastly different.
For one, refugee protection and convoys will of no doubt be part of your objectives, although as in the YVI, it would be a lower pirority one. Your fleets must be anchored into stragetic targets, so as to prevent a surprise attack from depriving you of critical planets.
About the only thing that can be realistically done, considering the lack of military forces, political situation and military control is that the NR actually invades YV captured planets early in the invasion, thus forcing the YV to tie up forces for defensive purposes and /or recapture previously occupied planets.
However, I would like to say one thing. The battle at Coruscant was frankly stupid for the Rebs. General bel Iblis, with his experience fighting against Thrawn should had been smart enough to dump interdictor cruisers along the flanks of the YV fleet, and launched the fleet straight into the guts of the YV. Thrawn provided an somewhat effective method of collating an incoming fleet into an battle in good order, why on earth did they use it against the Vong?
Posted: 2004-06-20 08:48am
by Lord Pounder
For a start don't let the Yuuzhan Vong establish themselves. From the start the NR back off too much and allowed the Vong to establish ship wombs and Yorrik Corral farms.
Second impeach Borsk Fel'iya(sp) the guy was a moron at best and a racist coward at worst. Once i had that sorted out i'd heavily defend my shipyards, sacrificing a few (evacuated) worlds, once that was taken care off i'd put an emphasis on ship construction.
The Jedi get full cooperation and help with any operation ok'd by Skywalker.
Lastly i'd pistol whip the Borsk's Advisory Council just for fun.
Posted: 2004-06-20 10:53am
by Solauren
I'd have capital ships BDZ a few worlds as the Vong captured them, and I'd unleash biological weapons.
Hell, why didn't they launch versions of the Nano-Destroyers that nearly killed Mon Mothma into Vong ships? Or use biological weapons on the Vong ships?
I mean, imagine the effect of a Dovin Basal with a cold
(sneezes, moves the black hole, and sucks it's own ship in)
Re: How would *You* fight the Yuuzhan Vong Invasion?
Posted: 2004-06-20 12:14pm
by EmperorSolo51
PainRack wrote:
Does this include hindsight, because if you disallow it, its get extremely diffcult to do anything different at all.
I will allow hindsight to be used. I allow it because the purpose of this thread is to succeed where the NR failed. To not use hindsight would give the poster a huge handicap at developing strategies. I want people in this thread to do some "monday morning Quarterbacking".
The reason I had superweapons nixed is because the first thing people would do is have Centerpoint use it's superweapons and destrory the entire vong fleet in one fell swoop. That's extremely easy and even a 10 year old would state that as his response. I want to make it a bit harder for the posters but not so hard that that they feel too restricted by the thread challenge limits.
Posted: 2004-06-20 12:44pm
by White Haven
How super are the superweapons you're warning against. The ability to destroy thousands of warships via hyperspace is one thing, the ability to destroy a planet is another. Hell, the Vong did that themselves. I dunno about you, but I'd rather like to smash a Vong shipyard world in a number on their production, yes?
Posted: 2004-06-20 12:56pm
by EmperorSolo51
On the subject of superweapons,I will allow the use of both Superlasers and bio-chemical weapons to be used by the NR forces.
Posted: 2004-06-20 01:58pm
by Darth Raptor
BDZ Belkadan, put half the entire NRDF fleet in the Helska system, and pound the shit out of anything that pokes its head in my galaxy.
Posted: 2004-06-20 02:19pm
by Admiral_K
First, I'd disolve the senate. That overblown corrupt organization would only get in my way. IF Neccessary, I'd first covertly start a war, then use it to seize power and initiate a crash militarization program.
Next, I'd build huge fleets of powerful capital ships. Including ships larger than the YV world ships to combat their fleet. To help deal with the fighters,
I'd also train and support millions of cheaply constructed fighter craft with twin ion engines. These "TIE" fighters wouldn't need shields as they are useless against YV weaps anyway, instead relying on shear numbers to overwhelm the enemy.
I'd establish a secret police, and crack down on any upstart "rebellions" which might serve as start up points for the YV invasion.
Finally, I'd build huge moon sized battle stations, with enough firepower to destroy entire planets, should any of them be infected by the YV. In addition, it would be heavily armed enough to smash anything the YV could throw at it.
Thats how I would deal with it
Posted: 2004-06-20 02:20pm
by Crazedwraith
Lazy Raptor wrote:BDZ Belkadan, put half the entire NRDF fleet in the Helska system, and pound the shit out of anything that pokes its head in my galaxy.
Ypu want to useless BDZ a planet with innocent Scientists on?????
At least wait until its been transformed.
Personlly I mobilize my entirel fleet and let the millitary do their jobs.
Posted: 2004-06-20 02:22pm
by Darth Raptor
Crazedwraith wrote: Ypu want to useless BDZ a planet with innocent Scientists on?????
At least wait until its been transformed.
I was assuming post
Vector Prime, because after that the New Republic knew what it was up against and had no excuse, sorry.
Posted: 2004-06-20 02:33pm
by Crazedwraith
Lazy Raptor wrote:Crazedwraith wrote: You want to useless BDZ a planet with innocent Scientists on?????
At least wait until its been transformed.
I was assuming post
Vector Prime, because after that the New Republic knew what it was up against and had no excuse, sorry.
Then why send the fleet to Hleska? There's nothing there post
Posted: 2004-06-20 02:39pm
by Darth Raptor
Crazedwraith wrote:Then why send the fleet to Hleska? There's nothing there post prime
Isn't that where all the Vong forces entered the galaxy?
Posted: 2004-06-20 03:52pm
by Crazedwraith
Lazy Raptor wrote:Crazedwraith wrote:Then why send the fleet to Hleska? There's nothing there post prime
Isn't that where all the Vong forces entered the galaxy?
Oh yeah. But first I'd concentrate on blowing up the vong who are already here, on Garqi, Bimiel etc. Before moving to stop them getting in.
Posted: 2004-06-20 08:52pm
by Solauren
Since they don't like droids, why not mass produce Droid Tie Fighters (say Tie Interceptors with shields and missiles)?
Send waves and waves of them at the Vong in space. The Droid Fighters would piss the Vong right off, and they won't cost lives
Posted: 2004-06-20 10:29pm
by Darth Yoshi
Peace Brigaders. They're aiding a hostile force, which is treason. So, I round them up and have them all fed to rancors. Broadcast live over the Holonet.
Droid/remote fighters are a definite plus. Rather than send green squadrons out into combat, give them drones, letting them gain experience with relatively little risk. It'll be easier on Starfighter Command, and it'll be a great distraction if the fact that there are no living beings in the fighter is broadcast. True, the remote signal can be jammed, but in such an event the droid brain takes over.
Planetary bombardment. Lots of it. Any time a capital ship capable of planetary bombardment is engaged over a planet with YV ground forces, the YV forces can say hello to HTL fire.
The Jedi will be integrated into the Republic military. They'll be subordinate to the military leaders, and rogue Jedi actions will be subject to courts-martial. To ensure cooperation, ysalamiri will be used generously. Likewise, putting the Jedi in the military also makes anti-Jedi action treason, punishable by rancor feeding.
Posted: 2004-06-21 01:49am
by PainRack
With the advantage of hindsight, it should had become easier to introduce the kind of pyschological warfare the NR was doing later on in the war.
More importantly, the divisions and different pirority of the NR could had been smoothed over, and more proper allocation of resources devoted to fighting the Yuzhan Vong.
Other than that, take the fight to the enemy. It's so weird. Why is it that in virtually every science fiction story, you introduce an unknown faction with unknown technology, the first and only thing they do is retreat? Its not even as if the Yuzhan Vong had an immense numerical or technological superority. Their only real advantage lay in the "mind meld" of the Yammosk, as well as a surprise "shield" advantage, that was eventually lost due to changes in Republic tactics. Lay in several correlian gunships and ISDs and see what happens then.
Posted: 2004-06-21 02:56am
by Master of Ossus
Massive fleet buildup, sending all available forces to attack Vong-held planets as soon as the invasion begins. The YV counted on being able to build their fleet from resources in our galaxy, and I would use all available resources to prevent them from having that luxory. In the meantime, I would increase factory output, especially of starships and wardroids. Defensive perimeters would be established around key worlds, with large mine-fields and sector fleets designed to slow down the YV advance long enough for additional forces to arrive. Networks would be established of starfighters and scout craft to ensure that critical jump routes could not be mined, with capital ships made available to engage any YV ships discovered along these routes. Also, small bases designed to house resistance cells would be constructed ahead of the YV advance so as to make it easier to establish effective counter-movements.
Posted: 2004-06-21 03:43am
by BlkbrryTheGreat
Just build a some specialized "planet killer" ships equipped with super lasers... and blow up any world the Vong turn into a factory. How hard is this?
Posted: 2004-06-21 08:02am
by warpusher
It's not a superlaser...but I'd recommission a new Galaxy Gun....Obliterate the Vong from long Distance with no further delay. Why send a fleet when Strategic Long Range Bombardment with the Galaxy Gun will Suffice....
(and Have the fleet protect the Galaxy Gun)
And Since the Vong don't like Droids....let them face off against the biggest droid of them all...a mature World Devastator....lets see how the Vong like it if one of their planets gets "Crunched"
Peaceniks - Dead
And the Republic needs someone to come from the wayside to "bring order to the Galaxy"...someone who has name recognition...someone who has given his all to the Galactic cause and wouldn't want to see the whole place fall...someone who's lost his Best Friend and Son...
Give Han Solo Emergency Dictatorial Powers (and a healthy budget to buy things at KDY)
Posted: 2004-06-21 08:16am
by Stofsk
warpusher wrote:Why send a fleet when Strategic Long Range Bombardment with the Galaxy Gun will Suffice....
No superweapons.
Peaceniks - Dead
Give Han Solo Emergency Dictatorial Powers (and a healthy budget to buy things at KDY)
No. Han was never a politician, and he only grudgingly accepted a commission, which he threw away in disgust when Mon Mothma and the New Republic fucked with Leia. Personally, I'd think Han would want the NR to fall - or at least, not give a shit. The Jedi, on the other hand, and his family... I can see him mudering every motherfucking Youshit Bongo in the goddamn galaxy.
Posted: 2004-06-21 10:30am
by Faqa
A) I'd pressure Skywalker to put a leash on Durron and Co. Aggressiveness is good - a loose cannon freelancing is BAD. I would further convince the Jedi to join the war against the Vong properly, under military command. Jedi are despised and feared by the YV, so that's a good start.
B) Declare martial law. Dissolve the Senate. They're useless anyway.
C) Use a hit-and-fade campaign to gain time. After Vector Prime, we already know they hate technology, and I plan to use that. Take Rogue Squadron(specifically) and a few Mon Cals with fighter contemplents. The Rogues are the most experienced fighters in the fleet, some of em', I need them. This force is loaded, however, with War Droids. Launch an assualt on the YV territories, in the "back line"(though I'm acting early, so there shouldn't be much of a line). Drop the droids, and assualt. With their techno-hate, they CAN'T ignore an attack of droids, so they tie up forces looking for MY forces. Meanwhile, begin a massive rebuilding of the fleet and a conscription program. As the force learns effective tactics(i.e, like that "tire the holes then dump a torp" idea, they relay them to the Fleet. The force's job is to SURVIVE and annoy the Vong. At the end of this(with proper cranking up, it should still be counted in months), I have a decent fleet, the Vong have their tricks found out and THEIR industrial capacity is severely lowered. This, all in all, should give a good chance.
BTW - I haven't read the whole NJO, but I thought of this- have Concussion rifles been tried on the Vong? With their wider shot and higher power, the YV "living armor" might not keep up with the rifle shots in regeneration.