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Analysis of RotJ Aurebesh Screens...

Posted: 2004-07-14 05:53am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Just a while ago I was on Google searching for certain types of images of the Death Star, when I stumbled across this particular site:

It's primarily a site dedicated to Star Wars action figure customisation, but the owner has a editorial section that contains the following article:

Titled "What Does That Screen Say? An Analysis of Aurebesh Screens in ROJ" and written on 13 September 2002, it provides an analysis on the titular topic, with a conclusion that I haven't come across before. While I highly recommend reading the entire article, the conclusion basically comes down to this: the Aurebesh text in RotJ are a series of broken strings of random letters repeated over and over in Joe Johnston's so called "Star Wars '76" font.

Additionally, that article linked to another one done back in 2000 over at Echo written by Stephen Crane, former WEG art supervisor and creator of the WEG Aurebesh, concerning his specific alphabet's background and creation:

I just decided to include it because it's somewhat interesting.

Posted: 2004-07-14 11:46am
by PainRack
Just when I thinks that one can't delve any further into the SW canon, someone goes and prove me wrong again.