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Could Grand Admiral Thrawn have stopped the Yuuzhan Vong?

Posted: 2004-07-14 03:23pm
by RevWaldo
This is in the signature of a guy on another message board I frequent.

I think it is a valid question
Could Grand Admiral Thrawn have stopped the Yuuzhan Vong?

Apologies if there is already a thread on this, but if there is, it is already a few weeks old and I don't do thread Necro. so there! :p

Posted: 2004-07-14 03:49pm
by Dark Primus
I believe an subject on this has been made. I think if Thrawn would have defeated the NR completely lets say within two years after Thrawn trilogy ended then the ressurected empire under his command would most likely have pumped out hundreds of thousands of ships ready to put down any force that tries to challenge the New Empire's position.

Posted: 2004-07-14 04:17pm
by Galvatron
Thrawn also would have probably kept churning out clones to bring the military back up to the level of the Empire at its height.

Posted: 2004-07-14 04:23pm
by Companion Cube
They would also have had advance warning of the Yuuzhan Vong approach, courtesy of the Hand Of Thrawn. (Assuming I understood Vision of the Future correctly, ignore me if i'm being a dumbass.)

Posted: 2004-07-14 04:27pm
by Spice Runner
Thrawn would actually bring force to bear against the Vong invasion.

Posted: 2004-07-14 04:37pm
by CaptainChewbacca
He could do it. I'm still trying to figure out why the NR didn't pull Grand Admiral Grant out of retirement, seeing as how he was the only one still alive when they came.

Posted: 2004-07-14 05:15pm
by Darth Yoshi
He was one of the 13 Grand Admirals. Basically, he's the only one who hasn't been killed off by rival warlords or the NR because he decided not to be ambitious and carve out a fiefdom.

Posted: 2004-07-14 05:25pm
by CaptainChewbacca
He was a NR citizen living a "forcibly secluded" life on some rural planet. Still doesn't explain why he wasn't 'recalled' in the face of the conflict. I bet he could have saved Coruscant.

Posted: 2004-07-14 05:27pm
by Galvatron
Maybe they should have found Admiral Daala so she could contribute her brilliance to the mix.

Posted: 2004-07-14 05:32pm
by RogueIce
Galvatron wrote:Maybe they should have found Admiral Daala so she could contribute her brilliance to the mix.
By putting her on the Vong side? :)

Actually, she was apparently more brilliant than the Senate, if her "Attack, attack, attack!" mentality in JAT and Darksaber was still around. :|

Posted: 2004-07-14 06:43pm
by CaptainChewbacca
Grant was a brilliant strategist capable of seeing an overall picture. Daala, on the other hand, was a conflict-oriented leader, not beeing able to see to the next engagement.

She got to Yavin IV and found her fleet gone, so she attacked instead of looking for them.

Posted: 2004-07-14 10:17pm
by Galvatron
Here's a question: could Thrawn have beaten the Yuuzhan Vong without the Jedi's help?

Posted: 2004-07-14 10:47pm
by Aaron
Galvatron wrote:Here's a question: could Thrawn have beaten the Yuuzhan Vong without the Jedi's help?
That depends on what the Jedi brought to the fight. I haven't read any of the EU except for the original Thrawn trilogy, so humor me.

Posted: 2004-07-14 11:16pm
by Galvatron
Well, it may be that the Jedi were simply compensating for the NR's ineptitude, but the war would have pretty much been lost without them.

Posted: 2004-07-15 02:22am
by Master of Ossus
Since an elderly and retired Admiral Ackbar was able to SCHOOL the Yuuzhan Vong, I don't see why GAT would have had any trouble against them. Additionally, a good part of his tactical brilliance was based on the fact that he was quickly able to come up with technical solutions to problems, and then implement those solutions quickly--exactly what was successful against the YV. Even if he had only been in charge of the NR forces (for the purposes of the question), I see little reason to expect he would have any trouble handling them.

Let's face it: the YV are tactically EXTREMELY predictable--GAT would have slaughtered them in important engagements at which he could bring significant forces to bear. They were usually able to fool the NR by attacking unexpected strategic targets, but since GAT was a master at predicting such movements and preparing for them, I strongly suspect he would have had contingency plans for attacks like Fondor (if, in fact, the YV ever managed to make it that far).

Posted: 2004-07-15 02:46am
by Crown
My nanny with a broomstick could have owned the Vong. All she would have had to do is tell the senate to shut up for a while, and the military to 'have fun'.

Remember the Vong were helped immensely by the shear incompatance that had infested the civilian leadership of the NR.

Posted: 2004-07-15 01:27pm
by Bob the Gunslinger
Crown wrote:My nanny with a broomstick could have owned the Vong. All she would have had to do is tell the senate to shut up for a while, and the military to 'have fun'.

Remember the Vong were helped immensely by the shear incompatance that had infested the civilian leadership of the NR.
So, you're saying that George W. Bush would have made a better NR president than whatever clown they elected for the job?

He certainly would have gone to war a lot sooner. Maybe even before the YV invaded.

Posted: 2004-07-15 03:41pm
by consequences
Bob the Gunslinger wrote:
Crown wrote:My nanny with a broomstick could have owned the Vong. All she would have had to do is tell the senate to shut up for a while, and the military to 'have fun'.

Remember the Vong were helped immensely by the shear incompatance that had infested the civilian leadership of the NR.
So, you're saying that George W. Bush would have made a better NR president than whatever clown they elected for the job?

He certainly would have gone to war a lot sooner. Maybe even before the YV invaded.
Until he treid to institute aa democratic regime to take over the YV after the initial military triumph. Then the guerrila warfare by the disenfranchised warrior caste would have takn a horrible toll, resulting in far more casualties than the supposed main conflict.

In all seriousness, changing the head guy isn't going to alter the situation enough unless you also seriously change the Senate. By the end of SbS, it was quite clear that Fey'lya favored opposing the Vong, but that he wasn't able to move against them until then because of political factors.