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Hyperspace speeds
Posted: 2004-07-16 07:53pm
by Executor
These are the following Hyperspace speeds ive calculated using the galaxy gun cossing hal the galaxy in 2 hours, having a 0.5 hyperdrive, it said to be very fast, thsi is the fastest in use in any multiply sense. Also using the hyperdrive multiplier by WEG a 3.0 is 3 times slower then a 1.0, a 2.0 is 2 times and a 0.5 is twice as fast as a 1.0 and so on.
Hyperdrive speeds:
3.0 - 5,000 Ly per hour - 24 hrs to cross galaxy*
2.0 - 7,500 Ly per hour - 16 for galaxy**
1.0 - 15,000 Ly per hour - 8 hours for galaxy***
0.9 - 18,000 Ly per hour - 6.6 hours for galaxy****
0.8 - 21,000 Ly per hour - 5.7 hours for galaxy****
0.7 - 24,000 Ly per hour - 5 hours for galaxy****
0.6 - 27,000 Ly per hour - 4.4 hours for galaxy*****
0.5 - 30,000 Ly per hour - 4 hours for galaxy******
0.4 - 42,000 Ly per hour - 2.8 hours for galaxy*******
0.3 - 54,000 Ly per hour - 2.2 hours for galaxy****
0.2 - 84,000 Ly per hour - 1.4 hours for galaxy****
0.1 - 168,000 Ly per hour - 0.71 hours for galaxy********
* - Torpedo Sphere
** - Executor class, ISD-1, Eclipse class, Interdictor Frigate
*** - VSD-1, VSD-2 & ISD -2
**** - No Known ships
***** - Acclamator class
****** - Millenium Falcon, Imperial Intelligence Droids, Galaxy Gun, Jade Shadow, Emperor and Vaders Shuttle
******* - Jabitha( Anakins Ship Built on Zonama Sekot- Rouge Planet)
******** The Empire was developing this around the time of The battle of Yavin (before any SSD had been built, from the Far Orbit project by WEG), could be possible that some select ships may have this.
Posted: 2004-07-16 09:05pm
by Techno_Union
This looks familiar.
Posted: 2004-07-16 09:24pm
by Executor
Yep just posted it on spacebattles
Posted: 2004-07-16 09:40pm
by Techno_Union
Executor wrote:Yep just posted it on spacebattles
Executor, I'm Grand_Admiral from spacebattles.
Posted: 2004-07-16 09:46pm
by Stark
Why even refer to the WEG hyperspace speeds? We know tens of millions of c are possible from the movies.
Posted: 2004-07-16 09:51pm
by Alan Bolte
Seems reasonable, although the skeptical part of me is fairly certain something it going to pop up and fail to work with that scale. It is continually interesting to me that hyperdrive ratings are widely thought of as speed ratings, even though they really could mean one of quite a lot of different things. Ah, well, one more mystery as to how hyperdrives actually work. And now for something obvious: those would have to be considered not only maximum speeds for that rating, but with the condition that it be a straight, well mapped route.
Posted: 2004-07-16 10:01pm
by Bertie Wooster
Dark Force rising plainly stated that the max. speed for a Victory Star Destroyer was a hundred twenty-seven light-years per hour.
Posted: 2004-07-16 10:10pm
by Techno_Union
Bertie Wooster wrote:Dark Force rising plainly stated that the max. speed for a Victory Star Destroyer was a hundred twenty-seven light-years per hour.
That would then allow it to cross the SW galaxy in ~38 days.
That's pretty slow, especially when its twice as fast as an ISD.
Posted: 2004-07-16 10:29pm
by Executor
Stark wrote:Why even refer to the WEG hyperspace speeds? We know tens of millions of c are possible from the movies.
I was just calculating to get a speed for different hyperdrive motivators, that are stated for different ships in WEG and the ICS.
You get 44 million c for the 3.0 Hyperdrive engine/motivator that is used buy Darth Mauls ship, which did 30,000 light years in at least 12 hours, this puts it as 6 hrs.
Posted: 2004-07-16 10:29pm
by President Sharky
IIRC, in the Bacta War Wedge fully expected his squadron's X-Wing fighters to make the journey from Alderaan to Tatooine in 8 hours, which matches up nicely with Solo's trip in ANH.
Posted: 2004-07-16 10:30pm
by Executor
Techno_Union wrote:Executor wrote:Yep just posted it on spacebattles
Executor, I'm Grand_Admiral from spacebattles.
Ok cool
Posted: 2004-07-16 11:33pm
by kojikun
you know, if you plot the ratings vs the speeds, the equation speed=15,000/rating matches the plotted points very accurately..
Posted: 2004-07-17 07:20am
by Executor
kojikun wrote:you know, if you plot the ratings vs the speeds, the equation speed=15,000/rating matches the plotted points very accurately..
That actully gives a better and easyier result
Posted: 2004-07-17 12:34pm
by PainRack
Executor wrote:Stark wrote:Why even refer to the WEG hyperspace speeds? We know tens of millions of c are possible from the movies.
I was just calculating to get a speed for different hyperdrive motivators, that are stated for different ships in WEG and the ICS.
You get 44 million c for the 3.0 Hyperdrive engine/motivator that is used buy Darth Mauls ship, which did 30,000 light years in at least 12 hours, this puts it as 6 hrs.
Fuck it. You know, I hate to repeat this every year or so, but Darth Maul did not Travel 30,000 LY.
The ITW of TPM had a map, using the verbal descriptions there, the distance maul travelled(assuming the Core is a point as opposed to a region) is 52,000 ly. Since Tatooine and Coruscant lie on a nearly straight line, using the scale on the map, it derivives to IIRC 60k+ ly.
Posted: 2004-07-17 01:54pm
by Executor
PainRack wrote:
Fuck it. You know, I hate to repeat this every year or so, but Darth Maul did not Travel 30,000 LY.
The ITW of TPM had a map, using the verbal descriptions there, the distance maul travelled(assuming the Core is a point as opposed to a region) is 52,000 ly. Since Tatooine and Coruscant lie on a nearly straight line, using the scale on the map, it derivives to IIRC 60k+ ly.
Ok fair enough
, the speed still falls with in the 12 hour period assuming that is correct.
Posted: 2004-07-17 03:28pm
by Darth Raptor
A couple of questions: Why would a VSD be faster than an ISDII, and aren't VSDs supposed to be slower than any Imperator class destroyer?
Edit: Nope, VSDs are Class I, but why would the less advanced ISD be faster than the ISDII? Power distribution? No room? Significantly higher mass?
Posted: 2004-07-17 03:49pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Bertie Wooster wrote:Dark Force rising plainly stated that the max. speed for a Victory Star Destroyer was a hundred twenty-seven light-years per hour.
Zahn has a minimalist view of the SW galaxy which is canonically false.
Posted: 2004-07-17 08:13pm
by Connor MacLeod
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Bertie Wooster wrote:Dark Force rising plainly stated that the max. speed for a Victory Star Destroyer was a hundred twenty-seven light-years per hour.
Zahn has a minimalist view of the SW galaxy which is canonically false.
You do realize that that works out to 1.2 million times c, which is
not exactly slow by Star Wars standards? Furthermore its a known fact that top speed can be affected by the conditions of the space traveled through - navigational hazards and such (smaller debris like interstellar dust and hydrogen, micrometeorites, etc. require shielding to protect the starship from collisions for one thing, which can limit speed. Additionally, regions of space particularily dense in navigational hazards can also placee limits on speeds.) Its silly to assume that a given "top" hyperspace velocity is going to be uniform in all cases, since it is most obviously not the case.
PS: In the future, you should rephrase your comments so that they do not make it sound as if Zahn is the only Minimalist writer in the EU, given that the above statement can be construed as another attempt on your part to bash Zahn.
Posted: 2004-07-17 10:16pm
by PainRack
Executor wrote:
Ok fair enough
, the speed still falls with in the 12 hour period assuming that is correct.
Pls Executor, not 52,000LY. That's an obselete quote I used, until someone on SB pointed out I should be using visuals over dialogue
The scale provided lists the distance as over 60k LY.
Posted: 2004-07-17 10:19pm
by PainRack
With regards to hyperdrive ratings, although they are commonly used as a speed rating by WEG, before I entered the army, I suspected that they were more of an acceleration rating than anything else before...... I started comparing some of the analogies with car and engines HP, cc and so on and forth, I never really finished that research though........
Sigh, the story of my life, Procrastination and half finished projects.
Posted: 2004-07-18 07:32pm
by Executor
PainRack wrote:Executor wrote:
Ok fair enough
, the speed still falls with in the 12 hour period assuming that is correct.
Pls Executor, not 52,000LY. That's an obselete quote I used, until someone on SB pointed out I should be using visuals over dialogue
The scale provided lists the distance as over 60k LY.
Ok 60,000 Ly just falls into the 12 hour limit that i have heard is what he traveled in
Posted: 2004-07-18 07:35pm
by Executor
PainRack wrote:With regards to hyperdrive ratings, although they are commonly used as a speed rating by WEG, before I entered the army, I suspected that they were more of an acceleration rating than anything else before...... I started comparing some of the analogies with car and engines HP, cc and so on and forth, I never really finished that research though........
Sigh, the story of my life, Procrastination and half finished projects.
If they were like engine size etc would it they need bigger ratings for size of ships etc, yes some are but then you have the acclamator having a 0.6 rating and a x wing having a 1.0 rating. Surley the Acclamator would have a +1.0 rating if they were like engine size?
Posted: 2004-07-19 12:26am
by Illuminatus Primus
Connor MacLeod wrote:You do realize that that works out to 1.2 million times c, which is not exactly slow by Star Wars standards?
Sure its in near in terms of orders of magnitude but that's still not practical in a holistic view of hyperdrive speed.
Connor MacLeod wrote:Furthermore its a known fact that top speed can be affected by the conditions of the space traveled through - navigational hazards and such (smaller debris like interstellar dust and hydrogen, micrometeorites, etc. require shielding to protect the starship from collisions for one thing, which can limit speed. Additionally, regions of space particularily dense in navigational hazards can also placee limits on speeds.) Its silly to assume that a given "top" hyperspace velocity is going to be uniform in all cases, since it is most obviously not the case.
I really doubt the phrasing of this really has the wiggle room for that to fit in.
Connor MacLeod wrote:In the future, you should rephrase your comments so that they do not make it sound as if Zahn is the only Minimalist writer in the EU, given that the above statement can be construed as another attempt on your part to bash Zahn.
Well other authors are minimalists, but to my knowledge Zahn is the only one who is a minimalist insofar that it relates to a skewed view of distance and scale between worlds in the SW galaxy. Remember, in
Vision of the Future he suggests that the New Republic is less than
a quarter of the galactic disk.
To tell you the truth after going back and re-reading the Thrawn Trilogy and the Hand of Thrawn Duology I really feel he was using somewhat of a Trek paradigm to look at SW civilization, which is not really appropriate for SW but I do believe that's what he did.
Anyway, K-Mac and Allston are minimalists, but not in such a way that they're literally
galactic minimalists in their view of SW--insofar that they relate to a totally skewed paradigm when considering hyperdrive velocities.
Posted: 2004-07-19 12:28am
by PainRack
Executor wrote:
If they were like engine size etc would it they need bigger ratings for size of ships etc, yes some are but then you have the acclamator having a 0.6 rating and a x wing having a 1.0 rating. Surley the Acclamator would have a +1.0 rating if they were like engine size?
Not engine sizes, acceleration ratios.
I suspected that the easier way to rationalise speeds in the EU with the phemonenal speeds shown in TPM and Galaxy gun was that the hyperdrive ratings, which was commonly used by WEG as how fast a ship was, was to suggest that they are acceleration ratings instead. It is plausible, for one, it theoretically takes "negative" energy to accelerate past c, and the BFC as well as the X-wing series by Mike Stackpole suggests that there is little energy/fuel utilised once in hyperspace, that the "velocity" is constant, and that all the energy and fuel actually used in the initial run to lightspeed, as well as acceleration of the starship.
That's why relatively short journeys in the EU required so much time to complete, with transit times of up to days, while the Galaxy gun required only hours. The need for ships to accelerate and deccelerate effectively placed an upper limit on a ship speed for short journeys, and the additional cost of fuel spent in accelerating up/down for relatively short decrease in time may not be worth it. The larger ratings may be so inefficient at this, that they may be unable to accelerate and deccelerate rapidly enough to gain any decrease in journey time, at least, for relatively short journeys through a sector.
This may also explain why two different form of hyperdrive ratings, essentially WEG and Zahn popped up, where WEG is smaller is better, whereas Zahn is larger is better.
Posted: 2004-07-19 12:29am
by Illuminatus Primus
PainRack wrote:The ITW of TPM had a map, using the verbal descriptions there, the distance maul travelled(assuming the Core is a point as opposed to a region) is 52,000 ly. Since Tatooine and Coruscant lie on a nearly straight line, using the scale on the map, it derivives to IIRC 60k+ ly.
The Core as a point? The Core Worlds are actually the regions of the disk immediately around the galactic bulge (which defines the Core Systems or Deep Core). Coruscant itself is thousands of light-years from the physical centre of rotation in the galaxy.