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Who are the Aiing-Ti Monks?
Posted: 2004-07-29 05:06pm
by Crom
I've seen them mentioned several times on the board. I can't seem to find them on the databank. Who are they? Which EU book are they from? What powers do they possess? Are they related to the Jedi Order?
Posted: 2004-07-29 05:09pm
by Rogue 9
This belongs in PSW, for starters.
I'm not too clear on exactly who the monks are, but from what I've gathered, they use the Force in a different way from the Jedi, and are immensely powerful. They reside on a single planet and don't leave, but I don't know what that planet is.
Posted: 2004-07-29 05:11pm
by Crom
Rogue 9 wrote:This belongs in PSW, for starters.
I apologize for that. I forgot what forum I was reading. I'll be more careful in the future.
Rogue 9 wrote:I'm not too clear on exactly who the monks are, but from what I've gathered, they use the Force in a different way from the Jedi, and are immensely powerful. They reside on a single planet and don't leave, but I don't know what that planet is.
That's what I've gathered as well. I'm curious about a group of Force users that could be considered more powerful than the Jedi.
Posted: 2004-07-29 05:19pm
by Ghost Rider
No to PSW you go happy gerbil you.
Posted: 2004-07-29 05:29pm
by Solauren
The Monks themselves are rather powerful.
For example, they can use the force to teleport objects
Posted: 2004-07-29 05:46pm
by Praxis
They are extremely powerful with their use of the force, yes. They can move an object from one place to another in an instant.
Their ships can destroy a corvette in a single shot from one weapon (straight through shields, cutting the ship in half), and have a number of weapons.
Their ships are also capable of transporting anywhere instantly, though that just might be their Force powers at work.
For example, they can instantly go from one planet to another in a split second. They could cross the galaxy in a split second. And they can destroy most known ships in one volley.
But they're very peaceful, and just dislike pirates.
Posted: 2004-07-29 05:52pm
by Illuminatus Primus
I wonder if what their power comes from is anyway related to the Rakata and their Force-based technology.
Posted: 2004-07-29 11:06pm
by Old Plympto
This is what the
CUSWE said:
Aing-Tii Monks
this strange race of creatures inhabits the furthest reaches of the Kathol Outback, near the Kathol Rift. They are one of the few travelers who actually seem to be able to navigate through the Rift, having been seen emerging from the Rift on several occasions. As a race, the Aing-Tii are tall, edentate mammals whose bodies are covered by bony plates. They have four legs, although they most often stand erect. Their heads are covered by helmet-like plates, and are dominated by two large eyes. They have no visible mouths, but use a group of long, thin tongues to sense and communicate. The tongues are used for tasting, smelling, and feeling. Much of their bony armor is covered with intricate, painted symbols that resemble the markings seen on their strangely-organic starships. Their tails, also covered with thick plates, are prehensile and often used in defense and attack. The Aing-Tii are also Force-sensitive, although they don't use it and control it the way Jedi Knights do. No one is sure exactly why, but the Aing-Tii patrol the Kathol Outback between the Marcol Void and the Kathol Rift looking for slave ships. They incapacitate the slavers with their Sanhedrim starships, then free the slaves.
Darkstryder: Kathol Outback, West End Games.
Posted: 2004-07-29 11:09pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
I've seen them mentioned in the Thrawn Duology.
Posted: 2004-07-30 12:13am
by JME2
Mitth`raw`nuruodo wrote:I've seen them mentioned in the Thrawn Duology.
Which leads to the possibility that we may see them in Zahn's upcoming prequel novel.
Posted: 2004-07-30 12:24am
by Xenophobe3691
Sanhedrim starships? The Sanhedrin was the ruling Jewish religious council in ancient Israel, think that maybe that's a hint?
Posted: 2004-07-30 02:04am
by Praxis
I believe those books were the *only* books they were ever in.
Posted: 2004-07-30 02:28am
by Old Plympto
Xenophobe3691 wrote:Sanhedrim starships? The Sanhedrin was the ruling Jewish religious council in ancient Israel, think that maybe that's a hint?
You think that's a hint? Try figuring out the relevance between
this and
Posted: 2004-07-30 04:48am
by 18-Till-I-Die
Obviously Lucas used a great deal of religious symbolism in his stories. You'll notice that in the 'messiah' quality of both Luke and Anikan Skywalker (i cant remember how to spell Darth vader's real name correctly), as well as the hebrew writing i think someone found on Vader's armor and the concept of the immaculate birth of Anikan. It's actually very deep. I think the implication is to be that some of our beleifs were inspired by contact with the SW races, who predated Earth humans somehow through timetravel, or so a freind of mine theorized when we were watching TPM. But this is totally unsubstantiated, just one guy's take.
EDIT: cleared that up so it seemed less nebulous. I meant predated, somehow.
Posted: 2004-07-30 01:27pm
by Bob the Gunslinger
Old Plympto wrote:Xenophobe3691 wrote:Sanhedrim starships? The Sanhedrin was the ruling Jewish religious council in ancient Israel, think that maybe that's a hint?
You think that's a hint? Try figuring out the relevance between
this and
Well, we all know that Hebrew is a living language in the Star Wars universe... at least among the techs who built Darth Vader's chest plate.
Posted: 2004-07-30 06:29pm
by Tribun
The concept of them strikes me as stupid.
Posted: 2004-07-31 11:38am
by Rogue 9
Bob the Gunslinger wrote:Old Plympto wrote:Xenophobe3691 wrote:Sanhedrim starships? The Sanhedrin was the ruling Jewish religious council in ancient Israel, think that maybe that's a hint?
You think that's a hint? Try figuring out the relevance between
this and
Well, we all know that Hebrew is a living language in the Star Wars universe... at least among the techs who built Darth Vader's chest plate.
Endor was a village in Israel during the reign of David.
Don't know if its still there or how long it lasted. Just a random thing I remembered.
Posted: 2004-07-31 11:51am
by VT-16
Endor was a village in Israel during the reign of David.
Which explains why the sound-effects for the Ewok horns are the same as the ones in "The Ten Commandments", when the Jews leave Egypt.
There goes my theory on why the Ewoks are the Mujaheddin of the GFFA, (the whole finding God, battling foreign aggressors guerilla-style part), wrong religion.
Posted: 2004-07-31 02:03pm
by Cao Cao
Hmmm.. obviously Star Wars cultures have seeded ours, through visitations by the ET aliens.
Posted: 2004-07-31 03:13pm
by Lt. Dan
VT-16 wrote:Endor was a village in Israel during the reign of David.
Which explains why the sound-effects for the Ewok horns are the same as the ones in "The Ten Commandments", when the Jews leave Egypt.
The Hebrews use a rams horn even to this day. I myself have used one but the name escapes me right now...
Posted: 2004-07-31 05:26pm
by Patrick Ogaard
Lt. Dan wrote:
The Hebrews use a rams horn even to this day. I myself have used one but the name escapes me right now...
Posted: 2004-07-31 11:14pm
by Tychu
Cao Cao wrote:Hmmm.. obviously Star Wars cultures have seeded ours, through visitations by the ET aliens.
Well that would explain alot, I wish timetales on how Lucas got the stories from the galaxy far far away page will be fixed, its been worked on for a year now.
Posted: 2004-08-02 10:13pm
by The Cleric
Yes, the A-T are in the duology. They assist Karrde, but are mentioned as highly reclusive.