Ditto for Leia and Han. They start off in opposition towards each other, then the 'ice thaws' so to speak, and they begin to relax around each other. Leia, who starts off as a 'walking refrigerator unit' to coin a ST term warms up, and by the end she finds that she loves this scoundrel who's come into her life so abruptly. After he's taken from her, she becomes a fighter. She picks up a rifle and exacts revenge against those who took her love away from her.
She was already a fighter in ANH- remember the Detention Block scene, the scene at the bridge?
But what follows from this development? The next time Obi-wan faces Fett the latter has the advantage - this occurs virtually minutes from Obi-wan's defeat. You'd think he would have learnt not to underestimate his opponent. He LOSES this time, his only recourse is to escape and evade.
That wasn't a fight; it was Obi Wan trying to capture Jango Fett for questioning. Obi Wan could've easily turned the ship around and actually fired at some point.
Padme starts the film off as a dispassionate, professional career politician, and at the end she's... uh, a slightly passionate, professional career politician, who can still fire a blaster. (already established in TPM anyway) Where's the character development? Or to put it in a better way, where's the POSITIVE character development?
I can't agree-
1. Anakin's slaughter of the Tusken Raiders.
2. Padme
does relent to her feelings. Why is it being characterized as "slightly passionate". This is IMO unfair to the character.
3. It was also established in ANH that Leia could fire a blaster, remember?
In essence, I see no significant difference between Leia's development and Padme's development, except in details.
Also, who says Anakin's development should be positive? He's clearly on his way to the Dark Side. Any development is good development.
Why was it MACE WINDU who had to kill Jango Fett? Given it was Obi-wan's mission and given he faced him twice and lost or stalemated, it's FITTING that Obi-wan behead Jango Fett.
Probably because IMO Obi Wan gets *far* too much glory in the PT. I'm sick of it personally. He's done quite enough:
1. He kills Darth Maul
2. He fights Jango Fett twice
3. He fights Dooku
4. We know he fights Anakin
5. We know he fights and defeats someone else in Ep3 (don't want to include the spoiler, but everyone should be able to figure it out).
Did Sam Jackson get the killing swing just because they needed his shitty character to do something, BESIDES lead a whole bunch of Jedi to their deaths?
Yes, pretty much. I don't think his character is shitty, however- he's proving Yoda's point, just like Obi Wan did- even the older, more experienced Jedi are arrogant and too sure of themselves. He's important to the story (if you've followed Ep3 spoliers).
Again, why did Obi-wan lose the duel at the end? Just so we could see digital Yoda jump and flip around like a monkey on steroids?
Because if he had won Anakin would've had noone to kill in Episode III. That would suck majorly. Seriously, if Obi Wan had won that I would've been really annoyed- see above.
The AOTC end-duel is easily my least favourite duel in all of SW.
It is for me as well, but it really wasn't meant to be say, on TPM, ROTJ or TESB level. It was an ANH type duel. Short, and to the point- the point being neither Anakin or Obi Wan were a match for Darth Tyranus. This will be juxtaposed against events in Episode III, I think.
Even HE failed to defeat Dooku!
Dooku retreated- that's a de facto win for Yoda.
This gets into character as well: not only is Obi-wan so inept that he underestimates his opponent a SECOND time, but Jango Fett - Bounty Hunter extraordinary - can't kill someone in a pissy little snubfighter, after unleashing devastation upon devastation.
His sensors told him he nailed him. That's reasonable.