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Slave I's firepower

Posted: 2004-08-13 04:03am
by wautd
IIRC 1 missile scattered an asteroid the size of a small appartement. What power are we talking about? How is it compares with proton torpedoes?

Posted: 2004-08-13 05:16am
by Vympel
Check the AOTC Analysis page.

Posted: 2004-08-13 05:48am
by Sarevok
I read somewhere that the Slave 1 missile is 190 megatons.

Posted: 2004-08-13 07:01am
by wautd
Ok, and proton torps?

Posted: 2004-08-13 08:00am
by Ghost Rider
wautd wrote:Ok, and proton torps?
Variable yields.

We've seen thta the one's used in the DS attack to likely be in the KT range but to affect a ISD would need somewhere within the GT range.

Posted: 2004-08-13 09:59am
by Dark Primus
Ghost Rider wrote:
wautd wrote:Ok, and proton torps?
Variable yields.

We've seen thta the one's used in the DS attack to likely be in the KT range but to affect a ISD would need somewhere within the GT range.
Good to hear that. Saw in a comic once, seeing the Rogue squadron firing torpedoes at a Star Destroyer and a Dominator Interdictor and it damaged them severely, what kind of torpedoes could have done that?

Posted: 2004-08-13 01:22pm
by Praxis
Proton torpedoes are supposed to be considerably more powerful than the Concussion missles on Slave One, plus they're shaped so they're good at puncturing shields and armor.

In the Rogue Squadron books, The Bacta War specifically, it took Rogue Squadron (12x6 is 72 torpedoes), AND a small frigate, AND a squadron of X-Ties running interferences to protect the Rogues, all managing to hit a Victory class Star Destroyer in one shield and doing enough damage to cripple and disable it.

It was stated that if the VSD rotated to bring it's good shields to bear long enough to recharge the shield they downed with the first two volleys, the VSD would be win, so they got the third volley (each volley being 2 torpedoes per X-wing, or 24 torps) off through the open shield, tore up the hull, and the VSD, disabled, surrendered. After the crew surrendered and were evacuated, the ship was destroyed by the asteroids (it took several hours of asteroid impacts to destroy it, too).