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What could have been: Rebellion the Game....

Posted: 2002-07-21 12:59pm
by MKSheppard
If you read the WEG stats for all the cap ships in the old
WEG sourcebooks, don't you get a feeling of wanting to take
them out for a spin in intergalactic combat?

It's too bad that Rebellion was both hampered by implausibility
and a bad design that was death by a thousand clicks.

It made the Empire/Rebels both start with the same amount
of worlds. A much better design would have been to set the
game in an Outer Rim Sector, and limit the number of ships
the Imperial side can have to about the same as a Sector Fleet
(24 ISDs, 1,600 combat ships, and 800 supply), and make each
side uniquely different as far as tactics is concerned.

For example, the Empire, even when it would begin the game as
a small line of 20 capital ships and several small outposts,
it'd outmass the rebels in the later stages of the game, and
the Imperial Player has to find the right balance of dividing
his forces between convoy missions, keeping planets from
rebelling, and hunting down the rebels, leading to capital ship
encounters or combat like that described in the X-Wing/TIE Fighter
games, mostly between rebel starfighter raids on Imperial

Whaddya think of it?

Posted: 2002-07-21 01:06pm
by MKSheppard
Oh yes, and a heavily modified SE IV Gold could probably do a decent
job, but you'd have to create individual components/weapons for every


Posted: 2002-07-23 07:37am
by Darth Gojira
Bravo! Finally a good way to edit Rebellion. That game had a cool concept, but terrible design

Posted: 2002-07-28 03:07pm
by nightmare
I concur with all of the above. But I still like and play the game.

Posted: 2002-07-31 11:34pm
by Admiral Felire
I agree too. The game is still fun, and all it takes is the Rebellion Editor (RebEd) to make the game more plausable (and one sided).

Posted: 2002-08-01 12:05am
by David
I'd like to see weapons satillites and Golan stations added to the battle field. Also WD, and Eclipses. Basically the whole thing needs to be updated. Also I'd like to see different senarios. One based on the Clone Wars, one on the Rebllion, one on the DE and Thrawn trilogies, and one on the Warlords. Plus one on the NJO. They also need to get the map corrected.

Posted: 2002-08-03 10:18pm
by Straha
The thing I hated was that the death star was invincible and you could often catch the computer on the "crapper" with diarheeha(sp?) for many months of game time. I once(while playing the empire) only had the sesswanna sector, and now I have conquered all but 2 outer riom sectors, and I half he planets in those sectors.

Posted: 2002-08-03 10:20pm
by Straha
Straha wrote:The thing I hated was that the death star was invincible
forgot to add that it could only use the superlaser. And that it could be blown up by planet based turbolasers.

Closed tags ~ David

Posted: 2002-08-03 11:44pm
by Vympel
I play Rebellion a lot- and I just downloaded RebEd ... but ive yet to install rebellion on my new computer; i was just wondering what does rebed allow you to change, exactly? the swrebellion site didn't seem to make it clear- I wanna mess with the ships and planet holdings of the Empire, not make up new charachters.

Posted: 2002-08-04 01:25am
by jenat-lai
I mess with the characters heaps... I made a human only empire (none of this Labstat and Menndo stuff, all officers.) and all the already there characters (Ozzel, Needa, Veers, Piett etc) I have taken real photo's and dropped them in. Far better than those ugly drawings they tried to pass off at us... I'm in the process of making Rebel people now. Oh, and my ex-girlfriend's photo is standing in for Mara Jade... yum yum, a far better Mara Jade than any of the silly models they have made so far. Go the Redheads!

Posted: 2002-08-04 08:28pm
by Straha
Straha wrote:
Closed tags ~ David
Sorry, but I don't know what that means? Could someone tell me?

Posted: 2002-08-04 11:09pm
by Jadeite
I remember Rebellion, best thing in the game was the opening cut scene I thought, I traded it to a friend, lol.