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A new idea for EpIII i know youll love

Posted: 2002-07-21 09:07pm
by Darth Garden Gnome

You know you love it, GL take it from me, by the sounds of this crowd EPIII should drop the whole anakin/padme deal, and focus totaly on the chiss, and our main man thrawn, and as Mr.Bean noted, especially when he destoys the OutBound Project. Come on we all would just fall head over heels for everybody favorite tactical genious, as he starts at his humble begginings and rises to become the coolest imperial commander, or shoudl i say grand admiral, in all or SW history.

I demand that at least a little bit of thrawn be in Ep III, although i know GL never seemed to be a fan of implementing the EU into his movies, thats ok theres a first time for eveything.

I know i sure would love to see the almighty Chiss invade the republic and crush them under there mighty brain power, and get locked in battle with the newly formed Empire! Sure it would crush the continuity, who cares! Thrawn can do ANYTHING he darn well pleases even GL can stop him!

Posted: 2002-07-21 09:13pm
by Mr Bean
Lol err not that much but he could at least destroy the outbound project and get him in the spot in the movies and hint at 7,8,9 wiil be Hier and the rest

Posted: 2002-07-21 09:24pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
If Thrawn is shown... :D

Posted: 2002-07-21 09:32pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I'd prefer something to fill in the plot between AotC and ANH. But Thrawn could make an appearance, if it doesn't interfere with the plot.

Posted: 2002-07-21 11:18pm
by Pablo Sanchez
Just something like this would be a good nod:

General Kenobi: "Near Celedon Beta Sector Admiral Thrawn has destroyed the majority of six enemy battlefleets and driven them from the sector."

Palpatine: "Excellent. Have him promoted."

Posted: 2002-07-21 11:27pm
by David
I don't really want to see anything about Thrawn in Ep3, even though it would give them an excuse to make 7,8, and 9. But I would like to see something about Jorus C'Boath, since he is the one who trained Palpatine.

Posted: 2002-07-21 11:44pm
by Stravo
Unfortunately for many of us who adore then man called Thrawn, GL treats the EU like a red headed stepchild, he contradicts it as he pleases and I sincerely doubt that he even knows a tenth of what's been written of in the EU. Part of me doesn't blame him, if I wrote a sci fi franchise and then decided to farm it out to some people to line by already bulging pockets with more cash...well I would care less what those other authors wrote when it was time for me to write a prequel series and make...YET more money.

There is an interview in which he clearly states that the EU, in his eyes, is nothing more than a parallel universe that he feels free to ignore. So all the speculation about whether we'll see Thrawn or INSERT FAVORITE EU CHARACTER HERE is just that, wild speculation that will probably not come true, PARTICULARLY when GL has also stated that Ep. III will be a very small personal story. I doubt we will even see a big space battle.... :(

Posted: 2002-07-21 11:46pm
by Lusankya
Darth Garden Gnome, you are a genius, I love you already. That is a brilliant idea. If only we had you instead of GL!

Posted: 2002-07-21 11:49pm
by Kuja
I don't think anyone would complain if Ep III started off with Jarjar falling to his death... :twisted:

Quote: Unfortunately for many of us who adore then man called Thrawn, GL treats the EU like a red headed stepchild, he contradicts it as he pleases and I sincerely doubt that he even knows a tenth of what's been written of in the EU.

Yes, he just pulled the name Coruscant out of his ass.....

Quote:General Kenobi: "Near Celedon Beta Sector Admiral Thrawn has destroyed the majority of six enemy battlefleets and driven them from the sector."

Palpatine: "Excellent. Have him promoted."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Thrawn a secret? I mean, nobody seemed to know anything about him, or even that he existed. If he was a hero of the CW, wouldn't the NR have been looking for him.

Posted: 2002-07-21 11:54pm
by Howedar
I do NOT want to see Thrawn in Ep3. There's enough to explain thats actually relevant and important to the storyline, we don't need another thread to it.

Posted: 2002-07-22 12:26am
by Spanky The Dolphin
I don't want to see Thrawn seen, heard, or mentioned in Episode III, either.

It'd be just too damn disrupting and against the main continuity.

Posted: 2002-07-22 12:31am
by Lusankya
I think the idea's forget about Anakin's transformation into Darth Vader. Just have an entire movie about Thrawn...

Please excuse me. I'll just think about that for a bit more..... Ahhhh.... nice.... Han Solo, eat your heart out.

Posted: 2002-07-22 12:38am
by Kuja
:sigh: and here we have "private moment No. 371."

* looks at blasters mounted in fingers, cleans scoring

Thank the maker I'm an assassin droid...I couldn't deal with that kind of stuff.

Posted: 2002-07-22 12:41am
by Lusankya
Well, first picture I saw of him was in TIE fighter, and that was goddamn sexy. I keep that one in mind for reference, rather than paying any attention to those crappy comic book pictures.

oooh... Thrawn...

Posted: 2002-07-22 12:48am
by Kuja

Unfortunately, Thrawn shall die, m'lady. Don't get involved.

*grumbles* Thrawn. He gave me some damn good jobs, then he went and got killed. Damn.

Posted: 2002-07-22 12:50am
by Lusankya
All the sexy guys seem to be either short, married to a princess or destined to die.

:cry: Such is the tragedy of life. :cry:

Posted: 2002-07-22 12:52am
by Kuja
Indeed, m'lady. Another reason I'm glad I'm a mech.

But it's not all bad. After all, you had an SSD named after you, did you not? :wink:

Posted: 2002-07-22 12:56am
by Lusankya
Yes, it was quite nice of the emperor to do that, wasn't it? :)
He's such a sweetie-pie when he wants to be.

He really isn't as bad as he's made out to be.

Posted: 2002-07-22 01:00am
by Kuja
True...some of my best hunts were courtesy of the Emperor...Aariq, Thrina, Dequara, and the Jedi Knight Hasss Bethar, from whom I got this lightsaber. *red blade hisses*

Posted: 2002-07-22 01:04am
by Lusankya
I had a dream that he was my father once, and Mon Mothma was my mother. There was this big custody suit, and Mon Mothma took me away. Thing is, though, I wanted to stay with Palpatine. It was rather sad.

Posted: 2002-07-22 01:06am
by Kuja
Mon Mothma...Emperor Palpatine?

Perhaps opposites DO attract! :D

Posted: 2002-07-22 01:09am
by Lusankya
It would explain why she had to leave Coruscant... these custody cases can get pretty nasty, I've heard.

Posted: 2002-07-22 01:11am
by Kuja
The reasons I'm glad to be a mech just pile up. I have all human strengths...and none of the weaknesses. Although I do wonder what it would be actually feel...*runs hand along wall

Posted: 2002-07-22 01:14am
by Lusankya
Well, it's alright really. I mean, it's obvious that the emperor was fond of me. Why else would he name such a big ship after me?

And it is a pretty name, I think.

Posted: 2002-07-22 01:16am
by Kuja
Lusankya Palpatine...Lusankya Mothma...
I think I like the first better.