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ITW: OT, SW: Battlefront & the new DVDs

Posted: 2004-09-11 07:28am
by VT-16
It´s pretty clear now that at the end of ROTJ, citizens on Bespin, Tatooine, Naboo and Coruscant celebrate their new-found freedom. The local forces either parade around (N-1 fighters on Naboo, Cloud Cars on Bespin, T-16s on Tatooine) or get kicked around (the crowd-surfing Stormtrooper on Coruscant etc.) by the masses.

This, coupled with the presence of a garrison on Tatooine (why else would they be celebrating the death of the Emperor?) as told in ITW: OT, and the different campaigns in the new Battlefront game (taking place on all the aforementioned worlds, minus Coruscant, with Rebels versus Imperials), could all this be used as proof that while the Rebel fleet fought at Endor, rebel groups on these other worlds fought against the local planetary forces?

Thus, multiple battles occured off-screen in ROTJ and what we saw were the aftermaths in the celebration montage? (These battles then being portrayed in SW: Battlefront.)

Theory with merit, or just bullshit? Do backstories to the game´s settings give more insight to the events surrounding or post-dating Endor in the movies? In other words, do we see shades of the "Matrix: Reloaded/Revolutions" and the "Enter The Matrix" multimedia-project here?

Posted: 2004-09-13 06:36pm
by Kurgan
I definately think we see shades of the Matrix marketing campaign with the prequels. First you have very little actual "war" of the clone wars shown (rather a small skirmish rescue operation mostly focusing on the principals). The main "story" of the war is told in the animated series (Clone Wars, like the Animatrix), and in games ("The Clone Wars", "Battlefront," possibly the upcoming Episode III Jedi game, etc). Didn't the Matrix also have a comic/novel that you had to read to "fill in the details" across the last two movies? I can't recall, but in that case you've got that being done with the prequels as well.

Personally, don't like the idea much. I mean, sure it's a good strategy to make money, and fans who buy all the merchandise will get it all anyway, but I'd rather see the "meat" of the story told onscreen, in a big budget cool looking film, rather than in a bunch of third party (and lesser quality) "add ons." A good story-teller and filmmaker should be able to get it all done in the 7 1/2 hours (or so) he's already taking to tell the story. Otherwise it just looks like he's being lazy/greedy.

I watched the Animatrix once (after seeing all three movies, though like many folks I'd seen the "Final Flight of the Osyrus" cgi thing in theaters before I saw Reloaded), but I didn't even bother with the rest of the Matrix "supplements" because of how I feel about the above.

As to the game, I guess we'll find out. I can't really remember exactly how the EU does the whole "post Endor" thing. I mean it was confusing at times... were they slowly but surely defeating every Imperial world over the course of 25 years and then FINALLY had the New Republic (rather than just in name as they had it for awhile), or did the Empire just collapse immediately and then these warlords got together and tried to re-take "their stuff" every couple of years or so? Or do we get both impressions due to different authors's stories?

Then again, if this is another case of Lucas "revising" the history, the EU will fall in line with some retcons I'm sure...

Posted: 2004-09-14 02:23am
by VT-16
You´re dead right on the whole Clone Wars business. :wink:

My initial question came to be when I first saw the new celebration scene on Naboo. Why would the forces on the Emperor´s supposed "home-world" allow people to go out into the streets and cheer his death? Those fighters just fly around alá the end parade in TPM, shouldn´t they be attacking the rebel sympathizers?

Or, is this evidence that local Rebel forces have taken control after a lengthy battle? The Battlefront game even has rebels using Gian Speeders against the Imperials. I´d wager all of this tie in with my aforementioned theory, that on countless worlds the Rebels battle local forces during the Battle of Endor, perhaps as a way of spreading the Imperial forces even more. They eventually gain the upperhand, (no doubt invigorated by the news of the Emperor´s death), and the end result we see at the end of ROTJ.

Posted: 2004-09-14 08:28pm
by Kurgan
Perhaps similar how things happened in the USSR, the "Evil Empire" collapsed in a short period of time, with various former territories declaring independance, breaking away, having celebrations etc (the statue of Palpatine falling down envisions the statues of Lenin and other Communist leaders being torn down in the USSR after the "fall of communism"). At first troops may have resisted, but, like the stormtroopers being "crowd surfed" in Coruscant, they just couldn't deal with the sheer number of people wanting freedom. There could also have been rebellions in the military itself (no longer under Palpatine or Vader's "mind control" they'd be more free to make their own decisions).

I sort of see it as a domino or ripple effect. Primary Weapon (and symbol of Imperial Power) Destroyed, two top leaders dead, even the famous Executor command ship is history. People see the opportunity and boom.. the Empire falls virtually overnight! With the speed of communication in the SW universe, word would travel fast.

Posted: 2004-09-18 04:20pm
by Thanas
In the EU, stormtroopers slaughter the people celebrating at Coruscant.

I believe it went the same on many planets - otherwise I can't think of how Pestage or Isard were able to control the Empire.

Posted: 2004-09-18 04:54pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Naboo was Palpatine's homeworld, and he had a private retreat there. And Panaka is the Chommel Sector Moff Governor.

Posted: 2004-09-18 08:22pm
by Knife
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Naboo was Palpatine's homeworld, and he had a private retreat there. And Panka is the Chommel Sector Moff Governor.
:shock: Where the hell is that said?

Posted: 2004-09-18 08:29pm
by Ghost Rider
Knife wrote:
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Naboo was Palpatine's homeworld, and he had a private retreat there. And Panka is the Chommel Sector Moff Governor.
:shock: Where the hell is that said?
The retreat is I believe from SW MMORPG, and is confirmed elsewhere.

Panaka being a Moff is confirmed from the new Inside the World of the Original trilogy.