Zor wrote:1, I heard the Empire was sort of male Biased, is this true?
There does appear to be a general trend toward male dominance within the Galactic Empire, although this is not especially surprising, as most authoritarian regimes have traditionally been male-dominated. The important question is not whether or not the Empire was biased, but in what way that bias manifested itself and affected persons of the disfavored groups.
There are in fact several examples of female service members and officials whose careers and influence indicate that, if there was indeed an institutional bias against females in the Galactic Empire, it was not as pervasive and monolithic as some parties would have one believe. Among the most striking examples are Ysanne Isard, Director of Imperial Intelligence (
Rogue Squadron) and Imperial advisor Adana Vermor (
Tapani Sector Instant Adventures); the Emperor's courtiers aboard the second Death Star included "easy, violent men and women, lusting to be tampered with," according to the
Return of the Jedi novelization (note that many of these advisors were actually dark side adepts, and the
Imperial Sourcebook implies that the Emperor's advisors elect the Moff Governors).
There are also a number of female Imperial Senatrices, such as Mon Mothma and Canna Omonda of Chandrila (
Return of the Jedi,
Coruscant and the Core Worlds), the Princess Leia of Alderaan (
A New Hope), Canny Mandary Bertar of Mrlsst (
Coruscant and the Core Worlds),
Other prominently successful females include the aforementioned ADM Betl Oxtroe (
Dark Empire Sourcebook), CAPT Plikk, who commanded a flotilla of six Star Destroyers ("The Dreams of Cody Sunn-Childe"), CAPT Tanda Pryl, commanding officer of HIMS
Thunderflare (
Operation: Elrood and
Planets of the Galaxy Vol. 3), MAJ Shira Brie, an honors graduate from the Military Academy at Carida ("The Mind Spider"), MAJ Civé Rashon, commanding officer of Obsidian Squadron, an elite squadron embarked aboard HIMS
Avenger ("
*OS-72-1 in Obsidian 1"), and LT Kasan Moor, acting commanding officer of 128th TIE Interceptor Squadron (
Rogue Squadron 3-D), and even rebel officer Huoba Neva was graduated fourth in her class from the Academy (
Dark Empire Sourcebook). Notice that both MAJ Rashon and LT Moor were Naval Aviators, that is, combat personnel.
The careers of these women – or even that of Cadet Myrette Davani (presumably a midshipman first class), who also enjoyed considerable success at the Military Academy at Carida ("
Carida: Heavy Duty") – demonstrate that able women were not denied advancement opportunity; Cadets Brie and Davani were awarded a two-day pass prior to graduation from the Military Academy at Carida in recognition of "consistent high scores," and Cadet Brie received the highest honors in the Academy's history; Neva graduated fourth in her class. With the exception of Cadet Davani (whose career is unknown) and Neva (who was convinced to desert after three years without promotion), all of these women achieved at least command of a ship or squadron, which is considered by many the pinnacle of a Naval career – note especially that LT Moor was as of yet an O-3, whereas Naval squadrons are typically commanded by O-4 or O-5 officers.
Indeed, this sheds quite a different light on FADM Daala's experiences at the Military Academy at Carida. Perhaps she attended the Academy at an earlier time, before women were really accepted in the Imperial forces. Alternatively, it could simply be that her experiences were the direct result of her profound incompetence in operational conditions; her track record in tactical action is exceedingly poor, and the distinct disrespect and prejudice she faced may be no more than the natural response to her staggering ineptitude. It is worth noting that the man who gave FADM Daala her commission – Grand Moff Governor Wilhuff Tarkin – was in fact sleeping with her; the
New Essential Guide to Characters adds that her commission was not recognized by Imperial Center (some have interpreted this to mean that she held some sort of local commission valid only within Oversector Outer, or perhaps was commissioned within a local Security Force, while others have interpreted it to mean that she did not really hold any sort of commission at all).
Zor wrote:2, Did they let Females into the Imperial Navy/Army/whatever
Yes. Aside from the aforementioned females, there are a handful of others, the most notable of which was CPT Zeta Traal, a diplomatic attaché to Velmor ("The Last Jedi"). Notice that the Imperial Navy allows females to serve as Naval Aviators (or else Mara Jade's masquerade as such aboard HIMS
Chimaera in
Dark Force Rising would have been a profoundly useless disguise), which is in fact a combat role. Also note that Cadets Brie and Davani, both training to be Naval Aviators, were trained in ground combat operations at the Military Academy at Carida, including piloting the MT-ST.
3, Did any Stormies or Imperial Forces simply give up or defect when the New Republic came on the seen?
Yes. Aside from those forces which defected from Imperial service in order to create their own empires
en petit (e.g., Supreme Warlord Harrsk, High Admiral Teradoc, Grand Moff Governor Ardus Kaine, Prince-Admiral Delak Krennel, Superior General Delvardus), some forces did simply surrender or otherwise cease service. The most spectacular example of this defeatist behavior is the suicide of GADM Ishin-Il-Raz, who plunged his flagship into the heart of the Denarii Nova (
The Essential Chronology), while the clone of the Grand Vizier attempted to defect to the New Republic in "Mandatory Retirement." As the Imperial State underwent two major regime changes and steadily lost its iron-handed grip on the Rim and Core Worlds, more and more worlds, systems, and sectors broke away, either joining the New Republic or remaining independent states in their own right.
Zor wrote:4, I read that Imperial Stormies could not be bribed, Sedused or whatever, is this due to mind control or some sort of Propaganda?
As Illuminatus Primus has mentioned, not less than 40 per cent of Imperial stormtroopers are clones ("GeNodes"), who are psychologically conditioned to have an unquestioning loyalty to the Empire. In the event that events should overwhelm this indoctrination, CPL Wayson Dower's abrupt "I love Big Brother" change in "Pax Empirica: The Wookiee Annihilation" implies that they may be genetically conditioned, as well; it is known that no GeNode ever leaves Imperial service, except by death.