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Alderaan's shield from the ANH DVD

Posted: 2004-09-20 04:21pm
by Dooey Jo
Someone asked for screenshots of the "new" shield in the DVD thread so I figured I could grab them and post them. So I did:

During 2 (new)

The shield is clearly visible in the second and third picture.
I don't think it is possible to deny that there indeed is a shield there anymore.

I also got a screenshot of the (hereby) infamous green lightsabre if anyone wants to see it (though I understand it if you don't :P ):
Luke's green sabre

Edit: Got the missing frame.

Posted: 2004-09-20 04:35pm
by Icehawk
Holy Shit! The sharpness and clarity of those Alderaan pics... And that isnt even the true HD version :shock:

Posted: 2004-09-20 04:47pm
by Mange
Icehawk wrote:Holy Shit! The sharpness and clarity of those Alderaan pics... And that isnt even the true HD version :shock:
Remember that we here in Sweden use PAL (higher resolution than NTSC :wink: ).

That was one of the things I most wanted to see on the ANH DVD (the box set was finally released in Sweden today), and I was surprised to see the enourmous clarity, it was even possible to see where the super laser beam breached the shield (it's quite possible to make it out on Dooey Jo's During picture).
I haven't seen much of the movies themselves though, mostly the extras.

The green sabre didn't bother me much, btw. It's barely noticeable.

Re: Alderaan's shield from the ANH DVD

Posted: 2004-09-20 06:26pm
by Ender
Dooey Jo wrote:Someone asked for screenshots of the "new" shield in the DVD thread so I figured I could grab them and post them. So I did:


The shield is clearly visible in the second picture. The third picture was intented to be the frame after but something screwed up and it is now maybe three frames after instead.
I don't think it is possible to deny that there indeed is a shield there anymore.
How much you want to bet on that? :P

Outstanding. For any reasonable person, that buries the "no shield" argument.

Posted: 2004-09-20 06:43pm
by Rogue 9
Excuse me whilst I show this to my brother, who is a holdout on the planetary shield idea. :D

By the by: SUCK IT, DARKSTAR! :P :twisted:

Re: Alderaan's shield from the ANH DVD

Posted: 2004-09-20 07:06pm
by Rogue 9
Dooey Jo wrote:Someone asked for screenshots of the "new" shield in the DVD thread so I figured I could grab them and post them. So I did:


The shield is clearly visible in the second picture. The third picture was intented to be the frame after but something screwed up and it is now maybe three frames after instead.
I don't think it is possible to deny that there indeed is a shield there anymore.
Wanna bet? StarshipTitanic's doing it in the chatroom right now.

Posted: 2004-09-20 07:08pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
And he seems to have gotten what you meant.

Re: Alderaan's shield from the ANH DVD

Posted: 2004-09-20 07:08pm
by Ender
Rogue 9 wrote:
Dooey Jo wrote:Someone asked for screenshots of the "new" shield in the DVD thread so I figured I could grab them and post them. So I did:


The shield is clearly visible in the second picture. The third picture was intented to be the frame after but something screwed up and it is now maybe three frames after instead.
I don't think it is possible to deny that there indeed is a shield there anymore.
Wanna bet? StarshipTitanic's doing it in the chatroom right now.
1) We have a chatroom?
2) Quote the BS?

Posted: 2004-09-20 07:10pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
There's really no BS. Seems ST didn't get what Rouge was specifically refering to.

Posted: 2004-09-20 07:13pm
by Rogue 9
The aforementioned BS:
StarshipTitanic1: I'm not seeing a shield
SpankyTDolphin: That bright spot is the shield.
StarshipTitanic1: It's a cloud that turned brighter
StarshipTitanic1: You mean the light from the shield interaction is reflecting off the cloud?
NotCorranHorn: Shut up, DorkStar.
NotCorranHorn: :-P
StarshipTitanic1: Shut up and explain it, twit.
StarshipTitanic1: Brightness != shield
NotCorranHorn: Not the brightness.
NotCorranHorn: See the lit-up line at the edge of Alderaan's atmosphere?
NotCorranHorn: The shield.
StarshipTitanic1: Looks like the edge of an atmosphere to me...
Xenophobe3691 has left the room.
Raxmei has entered the room.
NotCorranHorn: The edge of an atmosphere?
Raxmei: who's Darfasti?
NotCorranHorn: Come on, a planetary atmosphere doesn't have a hard edge like that.
NotCorranHorn: That's the shield.
Darfasti: I'm Temjin
StarshipTitanic1: Or light reflecing off the vast ocean that appears to be Alderaan...
NotCorranHorn: Nope. Observe.
Raxmei: maybe every motorist on the planet turned their high beams on at the same time
StarshipTitanic1: That also can't be the edge of the planet
NotCorranHorn: No glare there.
StarshipTitanic1: It's not a circle
StarshipTitanic1: It should be a circle
NotCorranHorn: So no, it's not sunlight reflecting off the ocean.
SpankyTDolphin: it's ball lightning.
NotCorranHorn: Besides, it couldn't be sunlight anyway, as the lighting his occurring on the night side of the planet.
StarshipTitanic1: I said sunlight, twit?
NotCorranHorn: Well couldn't mean the superlaser.
StarshipTitanic1: That line is NOT in the right place for it to be the edge of the planet
NotCorranHorn: It's green.
NotCorranHorn: No shit.
SpankyTDolphin: Or swamp gas?
StarshipTitanic1: So it shouldn't be a line
NotCorranHorn: It's not the edge of the planet.
NotCorranHorn: It's the edge of the shield.
StarshipTitanic1: Oh I see what you're talking about
SpankyTDolphin: What about Martians?
StarshipTitanic1: You're saying that there's a tapering section of shield lighting up, right?
SpankyTDolphin: That's it, Martians.
NotCorranHorn: Yes.
SpankyTDolphin: God damn Martian niggers...
StarshipTitanic1: That makes sense
StarshipTitanic1: You could have just said that
SpankyTDolphin: Heh.
StarshipTitanic1: It's probably a special effects error, though.
StarshipTitanic1: But no matter
SpankyTDolphin: None of this error shit, please.
SpankyTDolphin: If you don't know clearly that it's such the case, then do us a favour ans never suggest it.
NotCorranHorn: Even ignoring SOD, an effects error could leave something out, but I find it highly unlikely to put something in that's not supposed to be there and yet is so well-defined.
StarshipTitanic1: lol
StarshipTitanic1: It looks like they just said "screw it" when they couldn't find the edge of the planet
NotCorranHorn: Erm...
NotCorranHorn: Anybody could find the edge of that planet.
StarshipTitanic1: That's why I said "But no matter"
StarshipTitanic1: Please calm yourself
NotCorranHorn: I am calm.
LairdSB: buh
SpankyTDolphin: Martian niggers.
StarshipTitanic1: Rouge, there were tons of other fixes they had to make. Are they going to be precise or just slap a crescent on the thing

Posted: 2004-09-20 07:19pm
by Ender
SpankyTDolphin: God damn Martian niggers...
What. The. FUCK!

Posted: 2004-09-20 07:20pm
by Spanky The Dolphin

I take it you've never read Preacher... ;)

Posted: 2004-09-20 08:15pm
by Praxis
Er, excuse me, but...

Doesn't the DVD come out...TOMORROW?

EDIT: After looking at those pictures- WOW! Details! You can SEE the shield! Awesome!

Posted: 2004-09-20 08:19pm
by Tribun
Praxis wrote:Er, excuse me, but...

Doesn't the DVD come out...TOMORROW?

EDIT: After looking at those pictures- WOW! Details! You can SEE the shield! Awesome!
In Europe, the date for the DVD's is the 20th, in the US it's the 21st.

Posted: 2004-09-20 08:28pm
by StimNeuro
Praxis wrote:Er, excuse me, but...

Doesn't the DVD come out...TOMORROW?

EDIT: After looking at those pictures- WOW! Details! You can SEE the shield! Awesome!
Which is only 3.5 hours away. Huzzah!

Posted: 2004-09-20 08:38pm
by Tribun
It is not directly related to Alderaan, but the Explosion of the Death Star was different in three aspects:

1.)After the first split seconds of the explosion, both, ring and explosion became white.
2.)There is now a second, much weaker ring following the first one.
3.)There is strange blue shimmering in the background near the explosion after 1-2 seconds, and I don't think it is an error. Since it looks like the shimmering seen in ROTJ on the reactor and split seconds before DS2 explodes, it could be a side effect from the hypermatter.

I think this could be interesting.

Posted: 2004-09-20 08:45pm
by Shinova
Have them Lucas people been listening in to this board?




Posted: 2004-09-20 09:13pm
by Praxis
Ah well. Who cares about the DVD's...Battlefront's coming tomorrow! WHOO!

*quicky gets back on topic*

Posted: 2004-09-20 10:25pm
by Rogue 9
Fear my brother's 1337 debating skillz! :roll:
NotCorranHorn: Greetings.
NotCorranHorn: I have obtained incontrovertible proof that Alderaan does indeed have a planetary shield.
Navarone54: bah
NotCorranHorn: Oh, it's true.
Navarone54: *rolls eyes*
NotCorranHorn: The Star Wars movies were released on DVD in Europe today; they're due for release in the U.S. tomorrow.
NotCorranHorn: Got a screenshot.
NotCorranHorn: You can clearly see the shield when the superlaser hits. The day is mine .
Navarone54: you're retarded
NotCorranHorn: Yeah, Beefer said you told him to say that.
NotCorranHorn: But the day is still mine, whether you can take being wrong or not. :-P
Navarone54: um, dumbass?
Navarone54: what happens when a 3,000 degree beam of energy hits oxygen?
Navarone54: the oxygen ignites
NotCorranHorn: Look at that pic I just linked you to.
NotCorranHorn: Look at it.
Navarone54: you notice when spaceship shields are hit, they flash blue?
Navarone54: why is that whitish yellow?
NotCorranHorn: No, I didn't notice that.
NotCorranHorn: Because you know something?
NotCorranHorn: That's in Trek.
NotCorranHorn: This is Star Wars.
Navarone54: watch return of the jedi, dumbass
NotCorranHorn: Then explain that sphere.
NotCorranHorn: What is that hard line at the edge of the atmosphere?
NotCorranHorn: Atmospheres don't have hard cutoff points, so it can't be that.
NotCorranHorn: It's the shield.
Navarone54: also, when they shot that movie, the graphics weren't like today's
NotCorranHorn: Besides, this is a planetwide deal. It will have far more power than a ship's shielding.
Navarone54: now go watch the death star battle in rotj
NotCorranHorn: The colors are analogous to the heat of a star. A white star is hotter than a blue one.
Navarone54: face it, you're wrong, so shut up
NotCorranHorn: *Chuckle* No, I'm not. Did you even look at the pic?
Navarone54: yes
Navarone54: i see oxygen igniting
Navarone54 signed off at 9:23:17 PM.
Navarone is my brother, and he maintains despite all evidence that the atmosphere of Alderaan flash-ignited, causing any and all effects seen prior to the planet's destruction. He said it to the original version, he said it to the Special Edition, and I'm not even certain that he looked at the pic before dismissing it a third time. :roll:

Posted: 2004-09-20 10:33pm
by Rogue 9
And the saga continues! :roll:
Navarone54: are you done being wrong?
NotCorranHorn: Wasn't wrong, kid.
Navarone54: ok then
Navarone54 signed off at 9:33:31 PM.
Edit: Still more. God, this is retarded.
Navarone54 signed on at 9:36:08 PM.
NotCorranHorn: I was done being wrong the first time I got the Imperial Smackdown handed to me. I once thought the same as you, but I was flexible enough to change my mind when presented with the evidence.
Navarone54: you're retarded
Navarone54: now if you say one more word about it, i'll block you
Navarone54: and keep you blocked
Navarone54: you're wrong
NotCorranHorn: Why, because you say so?
Navarone54: no because that's how the evidence goes
NotCorranHorn: What is the product of oxygen combustion?
Navarone54: plus your picture sucked
Navarone54: i could see the friggin pixels
Navarone54: the laser looks like a friggin staircase
NotCorranHorn: It shouldn't.
NotCorranHorn: Works fine for me.
Navarone54: seriously, one more word
NotCorranHorn: Fine, fine.

Posted: 2004-09-20 10:48pm
by Illuminatus Primus
We don't do these "post you IM debate and brag about your 1337 skiilz" here, even if it is your brother.

Posted: 2004-09-20 11:12pm
by Rogue 9
The 1337 skills part was sarcasm referring to him. But whatever.

Posted: 2004-09-20 11:13pm
by Illuminatus Primus

Posted: 2004-09-21 07:39am
by Dooey Jo
I updated it with the missing picture that I couldn't get yesterday.
Rogue, you can show it to your brother and see what he thinks. I don't think oxygen would ignite that fast... Especially not if it's many kms above the surface...

Posted: 2004-09-21 04:26pm
by apocolypse
Yeah, Techno_Union showed some of the pics over at SB. It was the first time I saw them, and they look really good. I was glad that it was a final nail in the coffin of the anti-shield debaters. (But as we've already seen, some people still refuse to believe it.)