StarshipTitanic1: I'm not seeing a shield
SpankyTDolphin: That bright spot is the shield.
StarshipTitanic1: It's a cloud that turned brighter
StarshipTitanic1: You mean the light from the shield interaction is reflecting off the cloud?
NotCorranHorn: Shut up, DorkStar.
StarshipTitanic1: Shut up and explain it, twit.
StarshipTitanic1: Brightness != shield
NotCorranHorn: Not the brightness.
NotCorranHorn: See the lit-up line at the edge of Alderaan's atmosphere?
NotCorranHorn: The shield.
StarshipTitanic1: Looks like the edge of an atmosphere to me...
Xenophobe3691 has left the room.
Raxmei has entered the room.
NotCorranHorn: The edge of an atmosphere?
Raxmei: who's Darfasti?
NotCorranHorn: Come on, a planetary atmosphere doesn't have a hard edge like that.
NotCorranHorn: That's the shield.
Darfasti: I'm Temjin
StarshipTitanic1: Or light reflecing off the vast ocean that appears to be Alderaan...
NotCorranHorn: Nope. Observe.
Raxmei: maybe every motorist on the planet turned their high beams on at the same time
StarshipTitanic1: That also can't be the edge of the planet
NotCorranHorn: No glare there.
StarshipTitanic1: It's not a circle
StarshipTitanic1: It should be a circle
NotCorranHorn: So no, it's not sunlight reflecting off the ocean.
SpankyTDolphin: it's ball lightning.
NotCorranHorn: Besides, it couldn't be sunlight anyway, as the lighting his occurring on the night side of the planet.
StarshipTitanic1: I said sunlight, twit?
NotCorranHorn: Well couldn't mean the superlaser.
StarshipTitanic1: That line is NOT in the right place for it to be the edge of the planet
NotCorranHorn: It's green.
NotCorranHorn: No shit.
SpankyTDolphin: Or swamp gas?
StarshipTitanic1: So it shouldn't be a line
NotCorranHorn: It's not the edge of the planet.
NotCorranHorn: It's the edge of the shield.
StarshipTitanic1: Oh I see what you're talking about
SpankyTDolphin: What about Martians?
StarshipTitanic1: You're saying that there's a tapering section of shield lighting up, right?
SpankyTDolphin: That's it, Martians.
NotCorranHorn: Yes.
SpankyTDolphin: God damn Martian niggers...
StarshipTitanic1: That makes sense
StarshipTitanic1: You could have just said that
SpankyTDolphin: Heh.
StarshipTitanic1: It's probably a special effects error, though.
StarshipTitanic1: But no matter
SpankyTDolphin: None of this error shit, please.
SpankyTDolphin: If you don't know clearly that it's such the case, then do us a favour ans never suggest it.
NotCorranHorn: Even ignoring SOD, an effects error could leave something out, but I find it highly unlikely to put something in that's not supposed to be there and yet is so well-defined.
StarshipTitanic1: lol
StarshipTitanic1: It looks like they just said "screw it" when they couldn't find the edge of the planet
NotCorranHorn: Erm...
NotCorranHorn: Anybody could find the edge of that planet.
StarshipTitanic1: That's why I said "But no matter"
StarshipTitanic1: Please calm yourself
NotCorranHorn: I am calm.
LairdSB: buh
SpankyTDolphin: Martian niggers.
StarshipTitanic1: Rouge, there were tons of other fixes they had to make. Are they going to be precise or just slap a crescent on the thing