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SW items you own

Posted: 2004-09-22 03:02am
by Equinox2003
With the release of the OT DVD trilogy today, many of us now have
one more Star Wars item in our homes.
Just how many SW items do you have? Leave the number here in the
thread so we can crown a winner! :)
I myself have 10 items. DVD set, AOTC, TPM, 4 books, 3 action figures.
(metal snowtrooper mini, 2 stormtroopers, Boba Fett.)

Posted: 2004-09-22 03:21am
by Icehawk
I have all the movies released so far on DVD as well as the classic VHS releases in the 10th anniversary editions, the THX originals, and the Special Editions.

I also own the original phonograph (record) of the ANH soundtrack and on top of that I have a huge case full of Star Wars figures and toys, some of them originals but the vast majority of them being the newer ones that they started releasing in the mid 90's. Im not sure exactly how many I have (gotta go and make a record of them one of these days) but I estamate if I were to sell the box with everything in it I could easily get a few thousand bucks for it. I also have a Darth Vader figure in its package signed in gold ink by David Prowse.

Posted: 2004-09-22 05:57am
by Laughing Mechanicus
I have the SE's on VHS, the trilogy and prequel DVDs and the "remastered" orilignal trilogy on VHS somewhere, oh and the horror that is the Eqok cartoon series on VHS. Also have all the SE soundtracks plus the PT soundtracks.

Then I have most every game that has been released, quite a few of the new Hasbro series of toys (I don't specifically collect them, I'll usually just get a few cool ones I see and use them as desk buddies). Also I have about 10 of the 12" figures, and a whole bunch of the action fleet and all of the "Unleashed" figures (except the new ones which are still to arrive in this country).

However the penultimate piece of my collection is a near complete set of the original toys, I have all but 1 or 2 figures (Blue snaggletooth and something else) with all their accesories and I think I have all the vehicles more or less complete (except the huge Imperial Shuttle, but I do have the new version of that).

And ofcourse all the ICS and the OT ITW books along with quite a few novels (no idea exactly how many).

I collected all the original stuff a couple of years before the SE came out, right now it's all safely packed in storage because I wouldn't trust its safety with my clumsy self around.

Posted: 2004-09-22 06:57am
by wautd



(but in a few hours the new DVD

Posted: 2004-09-22 07:01am
by Spanky The Dolphin
A lot.

Posted: 2004-09-22 07:55am
by Ghost Rider
Ummm hundreds?

I was an avid fanatic of toys when I was a kid and literally had an imperial army.

Posted: 2004-09-22 08:21am
by His Divine Shadow
Some books, some SW games, the SE VHS edition.

Posted: 2004-09-22 09:21am
by Sharpshooter
Well over a hundred, maybe two: plenty of action figures, models, a pair of sabers, vehicles, a good number of the games, several of the books, the soundtracks, one or two of the graphic novels, one of those 3-D Darth Vader head sculptures, movie posters, and a Revenge of the Jedi patch, just for a quick surmise.

SW stuff

Posted: 2004-09-22 09:24am
by jawbertsc
I have most of the novels but i stopped reading past the fist few NJO. I have a droid blaster and episode one on DVD 8)

Posted: 2004-09-22 10:40am
by DPDarkPrimus
SE on VHS, a few dozen SW figures, about a dozen original SW figures, an AT-AT, an A-Wing, an X-Wing, original Millenium Falcon and a couple TIE Fighters, the Death Star Playset, a Return of the Jedi thermos, some various LEGO sets (dissasembled)... probably stuff I'm forgetting too.

Posted: 2004-09-22 11:23am
by Barbatis
Umm, lots, action figures the origianl VHS set episode 1 on VHS AOTC on DVD, Large ships mico machines and a model x-wing some hundred or so...

Posted: 2004-09-22 11:26am
by Sir Sirius
The OT on VHS, a couple of games and a Darth Maul mousemat... maybe 7 or 8 items in total.

Posted: 2004-09-22 11:59am
by Mlenk
I have the SE's on VHS, the remastered THX originals on VHS, TPM and AOTC on DVD, and now the OT on DVD. I also have all the Bantam era novels and also the entire NJO series.

Posted: 2004-09-22 01:18pm
by wautd
Yay just bought the DVD

I find those old trailers very amusing :)

Posted: 2004-09-22 02:11pm
by Bob the Gunslinger
Barbatis wrote:Umm, lots, action figures the origianl VHS set episode 1 on VHS AOTC on DVD, Large ships mico machines and a model x-wing some hundred or so...
Micromachines rock! I used to collect them because they were great for use a drawing aids when drawing SW ships, but eventually I started kitbashing with them... Now I need more. More!

Anyway, I have the THX OT, micromachines, many SW books (though I haven't finished about 3 of them because they suck), an old worn copy of the trilogy novelizations that has great sentimental value since I used to read it when I had insomnia, some old action figures (mostly burned or tortured with powertools from when I was in Middle School), and some other miscellanious items that I can't remember.