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Black Sword Command, and other Imperial Fleets
Posted: 2004-09-25 08:51pm
by Ekiqa
Why did BSC and other Imperial fleets get orders to destroy their bases and retreat to the Core after the Emperor died?
I've never figured out WHY, when there was still a centralized command and control left, and millions of ships left, why did they destroy their bases?
Posted: 2004-09-25 08:53pm
by Stormbringer
I don't think all of them did. Some in more contentious areas, such as the Cluster, probably did but it doesn't seem to be a whole Empire type deal.
Posted: 2004-09-25 11:28pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
The reason they did it was because the Emperor was very much still alive, and was gathering his fleet in the Deep Core. The ships destroyed their bases because they didn't want them to fall into Rebel hands.
Posted: 2004-09-25 11:43pm
by Publius
Darth Garden Gnome wrote:The reason they did it was because the Emperor was very much still alive, and was gathering his fleet in the Deep Core. The ships destroyed their bases because they didn't want them to fall into Rebel hands.
The Essential Chronology explicitly states that the order to withdraw from Koornacht was given by Director Isard. Black Sword Command was probably removing forces from Koornacht (which was strategically insignificant at the time) in order to shift them elsewhere; indeed, Director Isard wrongly believed that the missing "Black Fleet" ships were lost elsewhere, at Cal-Seti, several Sectors away.
Posted: 2004-09-25 11:50pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Publius wrote:Incorrect. The Essential Chronology explicitly states that the order to withdraw from Koornacht was given by Director Isard. Black Sword Command was probably removing forces from Koornacht (which was strategically insignificant at the time) in order to shift them elsewhere; indeed, Director Isard wrongly believed that the missing "Black Fleet" ships were lost elsewhere, at Cal-Seti, several Sectors away.
I guess my post covers the "other fleets" part then.
And to further your point, the Black Sword Command was most specifically ordered to go to Coruscant or another key Imperial Core world in response to the impeneding Rebel invasion.
Posted: 2004-09-26 08:25am
by Ekiqa
Darth Garden Gnome wrote:And to further your point, the Black Sword Command was most specifically ordered to go to Coruscant or another key Imperial Core world in response to the impeneding Rebel invasion.
And if Black Sword Command managed to get to Coruscant fully, with all its ships, would KJA have still made the rebels win?
Posted: 2004-09-26 11:28am
by Kazuaki Shimazaki
Screw KJA. The only time we get a SW story approaching realism against the Empire, it is because the Imperials weren't in that much force, and there weren't that many main characters in the Rebel forces. It is little exaggeration to say if those people have to pit a X-Wing vs a Death Star, the X-Wing wins.
Therefore, the best way for the Empire to do well is to bring less than the NR. That way, they'd still lose, but to keep it 'challenging' for the NR, the authors would be forced to make the Imperials smarter.
Really, this situation ...