I have to say that of the clone wars novels so far, these are the ones I enjoy the most. Its done by the guy who did Shadows of the Empire (which was so so) and the guy who did Darth Maul Shadow Hunter (which was EXCELLENT!).
Page 41 wrote:
"Of all the seven forms," her Master had told her, "Form Three, ,with its emphasis on anticipating and blocking lightspeed energy blasts, requires the greatest connection to the Force."
Page 94 wrote:
Such events were rare, but the crystals that powered the center of the force-dome were similar to those at the heart of a lightsaber - though much larger, of course. The energies involved were more powerful, and the arc wave was focused differently to produce a dome instead of a blade
Page 187 wrote:
There was a slight but unmistakeable hint of snobbery in I-Five's voce as he answered. "I have a SyntheTech AA-One nanoprocessor, operating at seven petahertz, with a five-exabyte capacity. I wrote the program just after I mentioned it to you. It took me six-point-one nanoseconds to encode the basic algorithm and calculate its functional parameters."
Note: The "program" he mentions is one that allows him to simulate intoxication.
Page 260 wrote:
"The soundless flare was picked up by his rear array less than two minutes after jettisoning the bomb. The readout showed a yield of half a kiloton. The bomb would have turned him and the ship into a cloud of incandescent plasma."
Note: The "Bomb" in question was a case that contained four linked thermal detonators encased in carbonite. The case itself was not so heavy that it could not be lifted by a single person.
Page 276 wrote:
"Two hundred millimeter mortar. They can throw those at us until the local sun burns out - won't dent the shield. But when they crank up the charged particle spitters and the gigawatt lasers, then we'll be in trouble."
page 288-289 wrote:
"Two years, six months, and three days ago, a solar flare burst from our sun that was over ten light-minutes long. A huge, unheard-of, massive eruption, far greater than any the star had produced in ten million years. A flare tha tjetted forth with such power and force that Equanus was cooked. The atmosphere and oceans boiled away in minutes; the land was t urned into a burned-out cinder."
"What has it to do with this? Very simple: that solar flare was not a natural disaster, Doctor. The Republic, the glorious, wonderful, benign Galactic Republic's military leders were testing a new weapon. A planet buster, a superweapon for some kind of ultimate battle station being developed. They fired it into our sun, and they miscalculated. They had a base on our moon, the scientists and military who'd created this abomination. The flare got them too. Small comfort to me and the few Equani who were offworld when our planet was murdered."
Page 298 wrote: Barris looked through the port at the gigantic, wedge-shaped ship, bristling with weaponry, cruising slowly toward them. "That's a Republic Star Destroyer," she said. "Venator-class."
"The Resolution. Sent here to mop up and escort us back to the Core systems," the admiral said. "The batlte of Drongar is over."