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Looking for SW Planets Info...

Posted: 2004-09-30 03:43pm
by Coyote
I'm combing some of the fan sites for information regarding the planets Ryloth, Falleen, Rothana, Lok, Excarga, Rodia, and Chommel Minor.

If anyone out there knows where I can find more about these planets, I'd be much appreciative. Some of us here are putting together a Star Wars role playing game and it is going to start in that region of the galaxy.


Posted: 2004-09-30 09:24pm
by Praxis
The most known about Falleen is in Shadows of the Empire, but I can't remember much.

Ryloth is featured in one of the Young Jedi Knights book. One side of the planet is always facing the sun- therefore one side is always a barren, heated desert, and the other side is always an iceland, but sometimes winds carry the heat into the iceland and burn paths through it. There is a temperate zone right where the light meets dark. The Twi'leks live in tunnels they dug underground, and have vast underground cities.